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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 To Let You Be Together

Catalina was stunned.

Bennett continued to say, "When I bought you for 200 thousand dollars, I warned you that I was the one to decide when we broke up."

Catalina bit her lip heavily.

Catalina thought, "Well!"

"I can regard our marriage as just a deal, but..."

"Have you asked Claire what she thought? Have you considered her?"

"What?" Bennett was displeased.

"She is your girlfriend, and now she is back from Gilburgh. Isn't it reasonable for me to quit and return you to her?"

"So, did you file for divorce because of Claire? Do you care about her?"

Bennett raised his eyebrows and relaxed his cold look.

"Of course, I care about her. She is my best friend, but I married her boyfriend. It's inappropriate. What's more, you and I have no feelings at all. I don't want to affect the friendship between Claire and me because of you. So, Bennett, let's divorce!"

Bennett had a frosty look again because of Catalina's ruthless words.

Bennett said in a cold voice with a face like thunder, "So, the reason for your divorce from me is just because of Claire, right?"

Bennett thought, "In her heart, that woman is more important than me!"

"She can desert me and ask for a divorce so easily just because of Claire!"

"That's right!"

"She said that we have no feelings at all!"

Anger flickered in Bennett's deep eyes.

Catalina looked out of the car window, and Bennett's words caused her a great deal of heartache.

After a long time, Catalina replied in a muffled voice, "I don't want to lose my best friend."

Catalina was even more unwilling to share the same man with anyone. Moreover, that person was her best friend.

With his frosty look, Bennett ordered in a cold voice, "Stop the car!"

The car braked and stopped abruptly.

Catalina leaned forward and almost hit the seat in front of her.

"Get out of the car!" Bennett said coldly.

Bennett didn't even look at Catalina beside him.

Catalina was stunned.

The next second, Bennett opened the car door and got off.

Catalina was a little annoyed.

It was Bennett who asked Catalina to get in the car, but now it was also Bennett who drove Catalina out of the car!

Catalina thought Bennett was impossible!

"Mrs. Shaffer..."

Vincent also got out of the car.

"Don't keep me."

Catalina had already made up her mind to leave.

Vincent looked slightly embarrassed and said, "Actually, Mrs. Shaffer, I want to remind you that your luggage is still in the trunk..."

Catalina said nothing.

Catalina thought, "Sure enough, his assistant is also as ruthless as him!"

After Vincent carried the luggage out, Catalina dragged her suitcase and went in the opposite direction without looking back.

When Bennett looked at Catalina's figure through the rearview mirror, he was filled with anger immediately.

Bennett threw away the documents in his hand angrily and was suddenly in a bad mood!

After getting out of the car, Catalina called Emery.

"Emery, I can only live in your house temporarily tonight, but I promise you that I'm going to look for a house right away. Once I find a suitable one, I will move out immediately. I'll never..."

"All right, stop the nonsense. Come here! I don't mind."

"Okay! You are the best person in the world."

After hanging up, Catalina took a taxi and went to Emery's house with the luggage.

An hour later...

When Emery saw Catalina, who was homeless with the luggage outside the door, Emery was speechless. Then Emery asked helplessly, "Are you really running away from home? But didn't you just get into Bennett's luxury car?"

While asking, Emery took Catalina's luggage.

"Stop talking..."

Catalina was a little frustrated when she mentioned what had happened in the car.


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