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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8 I'm Not Interested In Her 

Catalina had no idea what was happening because Ralph mentioned that Bennett went to Gilburgh and wouldn't be back for three to five months. 

Only a month had passed since the last time she saw him. 

She suddenly became extremely flustered. 

She was desperate to escape, so she wriggled like a fish out of water in Bennett's arms. 

A strong hand grabbed her wrist and yanked her back just as her feet were about to hit the ground. 

Catalina's seductive body brushed up against his chest. 


"You certainly live up to your reputation," Bennett said in Catalina's ear with his low voice. His tone was as cold as stone. 

Catalina forgot to breathe at that moment. 

She was terrified that his grip would make her wrist snap at any moment. 

Catalina frowned in pain. 

"It's all a misunderstanding. I had no idea it would be you in this bed." Catalina explained the situation as she attempted to free herself from his grip. 

Bennett immediately narrowed his amber eyes. He tightened his grip on her wrist and asked, "Who do you expect to be in the bed?" 


Catalina attempted to explain but quickly realized she was at a loss for words. "Not you, anyway." 

Bennett sat up after rolling over. 

She was lying in his arms, looking miserable. She tried to get up, but his other hand gripped her waist tightly. 

With an expression as cold as if he had landed straight from hell, he regarded Catalina contemptuously as he held her in his arms. "What's the matter? You only sold your body once and now you are willing to be a hooker?" 

Catalina felt as if she had been stabbed in the heart by a sharp knife when she heard Bennett's insulting words. 

"No! I'm not!" 

She was not a prostitute then, nor was she at present. 

"Get off me!" 

Catalina fought desperately to free herself from Bennett's embrace. 

He didn't move, no matter how hard she tried. 

Bennett cupped Catalina's jaw with his icy hand, forcing her to look into his eyes. "Are you saying you chose to mess around with those men?" 

Catalina's eyes immediately turned red. "No, I didn't!" 

She shook her head with tears in her eyes. She screamed as if being treated unfairly, "I never even wanted to have sex with you! Did you ever once ask my consent? Bennett, you are a complete bastard!" 

He was the one who ruined her life four years before, and he did the same thing to her four years later. 

He was the one who committed all the mistakes, so she couldn't understand why he still wanted to humiliate her. 

"You call me a bastard?" 

Bennett's eyes were obscured, and he leaned over to her with a terrifying sneer. "Do you believe I'll do it again to you?" 

"How dare you!" Catalina said. Her face was red from embarrassment, and she lost her ability to speak clearly. 

"What's wrong, Ben?" 

Darnell asked just as the two were about to come to blows. The noise inside the room prompted him to barge in, and he didn't stop to consider how inappropriate his arrival was. 

Darnell was taken aback when he saw Ben, a man with no sexual interest in women, sitting on top of a woman. 

"Get the hell out of here!" 

Bennett grabbed an ashtray on the nightstand and smacked it at Darnell. 

Darnell quickly closed the door after he ran away. 

The ashtray smashed against the door with a loud "bang", shattering into pieces. 

Darnell's heart immediately accelerated. He thought, "What the hell was happening? Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed, Ben? I better stay out of this! " 

Darnell was about to flee when he heard Bennett's voice from inside the room, "Get the hell in here!" 

Without a word to say, Darnell knew he was in trouble and was doomed. 


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