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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 The Trap Four Years Ago

Catalina thought, "Tomorrow is Bennett's birthday."

"Should I prepare a gift?"

"What kind of gift will be appropriate?"

Outside of work, Catalina kept thinking about the question.

Later, when Catalina opened the drawer, she saw the tie she had carefully prepared for Bennett last month.

Catalina thought, "What about this one?"

"I didn't get a chance to give this tie to him before."

"Now, I have the opportunity, and I can give it a try."

"Well, what am I supposed to tell him then?"

"Last time I said that this tie was for Aaron, but now I'll give it to Bennett."

"With Bennett's character, will he tear up the tie on the spot?"

Catalina felt that it was a great possibility.

She rested her forehead and felt it was rather a difficult problem.

Catalina thought she had shot herself in the foot.

She thought, "Forget it. Just give it to him as a gift!"


For the first time, Catalina felt that time passed so slowly.

Time was like an elderly man, walking slowly and leisurely. The clock shook slowly.

Catalina stared at the quartz clock on the wall and had an impulse to set the hour hand directly to the number eight.

Catalina already put on her makeup twice. Besides, she also stood in front of the full-length mirror to try on more than 20 sets of clothes, including four seasons clothes. She even tried on the clothes in Emery's wardrobe. But it was only 6 p.m.

Time went by so slowly.

When the clock struck seven, Catalina directly sprang up from the sofa and carried her bag. Then she stood in front of the full-length mirror again to check herself carefully more than five times.

After confirming that she was well-dressed with exquisite makeup, Catalina wore her high-heeled shoes and went out of the house contentedly.

Catalina took a taxi and went to Spring Fall.

Sitting in the car, Catalina kept telling the driver to drive slowly.

Actually, Catalina was ambivalent. When she was at home, she eagerly hoped that time would go by faster. However, Catalina hoped to go slower now when she was arriving soon because it was still early.

If Catalina arrived too early, it would show that she was too urgent.

Moreover, this appointment was definitely the first date between Catalina and Bennett in the true sense.

Catalina was very nervous.

The hands in front of Catalina had been quietly sweating.

"Lady, here we are."

The taxi driver in front reminded Catalina.

Catalina thought it was so fast.

She turned her head and glanced out of the car window.

Catalina indeed arrived.

Catalina took a deep breath. After relieving tension, she got out of the car.

Spring Fall, which had always been lively, was surprisingly quiet today.

The splendid gate was closed tightly, and only two beautiful waitresses waited respectfully outside the door.

Catalina guessed that Bennett might have booked the whole restaurant.

Catalina stepped forward with her bag.

Unexpectedly, one of the waitresses guarding the door stepped down quickly and stopped Catalina before Catalina walked up the steps.

"Sorry, lady. Our restaurant is not open to the public today."


"Mr. Shaffer has booked the whole restaurant."

The waitress was afraid that Catalina would break in. Before Catalina could finish speaking, the waitress directly interrupted Catalina and continued, "Mr. Shaffer has already booked here. He is now enjoying a candlelit dinner with his girlfriend, so they refuse everyone to disturb them. Please forgive me."



The waitress continued, "Mr. Shaffer's girlfriend. Don't you know? There was a lot of news about them some time ago. It's the famous actress Claire."


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