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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 91

Chapter 91 Bennett's Arrival

"Nothing, I just like to see you look so flustered."

"You're so boring!"

Darnell smiled maliciously and said nothing.

Catalina really wanted to tear his face apart.

She turned her face and looked out of the window. She did not want to talk to him anymore.

Unexpectedly, Darnell took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera. Then he reached out his long arm to Catalina and said, "Smile."

With a click, a selfie of them two was completed.

Catalina finally reacted. "Darnell, what are you doing?"

She was angry.

It looked like Darnell hugging her from behind in the photo. It was a very intimate posture.

"Delete the photo."

Catalina didn't know why he took a photo of the two of them.

"Why should I delete it?"

Darnell refused.

Catalina threw herself forward to grab it. Darnell raised his arm and held down her head with his other big hand. "Catalina, behave yourself. There are many colleagues around us. It's not decent for you to do so."

Catalina couldn't help but think, "I probably owed the Shaffer family a lot in my last life.

That explains why they just keep troubling me one after another."

Catalina could only sit back. Then she saw Darnell editing the photo on the screen with his hand holding up his phone.

She also seemed to see him turn on the positioning function.

Catalina frowned. "Darnell, what the hell are you doing? Don't send out my photo."

"It is none of your business!"

"Why not? That's my photo."

Darnell withdrew his hand and showed her a QR code. "Give you a surprise. You can friend me on Line now."

Catalina was speechless for a moment.

She thought, "How bossy he is!"

Catalina snorted and said, "I don't want it."

"Okay, then you will never see the photo."

As he spoke, Darnell was about to put away his phone.


Catalina grabbed his hand that he was about to withdraw. She quickly took out her mobile phone, logged onto her Line, and scanned his QR code. "Is that okay? Show me the photo."

After Darnell friended Catalina, he smiled evilly and said, "You can check it yourself on the TimeLine."

After saying that, he put his mobile phone in the other pocket.


Catalina hurriedly checked Darnell's TimeLine.

The next second, she raged.

"Darnell, hurry up and delete this photo!"

It turned out that Darnell had posted the photo of them two on his TimeLine.

Although there was no text on it, just a camping address, Catalina felt that this was definitely not a good thing for her.


Darnell put his hand into his pocket to protect his mobile phone. Then he closed his eyes to rest.

"Why do you have to do such a boring thing?"

"Because there's nothing fun!"

Darnell didn't even open his eyes.

"Why do you have to post a photo of us two? Aren't you afraid of being misunderstood by others?"

"Others? Who?"

Darnell sneered and opened his eyes.

He tilted his head and glanced at Catalina. "Ben?"

Catalina did not speak.

Her heart suddenly beat faster for a moment.

She thought, "Why am I so anxious? Am I afraid that Bennett may misunderstand my relationship with Darnell?"

Darnell said in a mocking tone, "Ben is now having a sweet relationship with his girlfriend. Do you think he has any time to care about our relationship?"

"We have nothing to do with each other!"

Catalina corrected him seriously, and her face turned slightly pale.

She turned her head unhappily and looked out the window, no longer paying attention to Darnell.

After that, she did not mention a word about the photo anymore.

She said to herself, "He's right! Bennett is now in sweet love with his girlfriend, so how would he care about my relationship with another man?"


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