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Married at First Sight (Serenity and Zachary) novel Chapter 3323

Audrey’s expression changed drastically. “Old sir, is there no way to let my loyal uncle live a few more years?”

The old miracle doctor said, “My master and apprentice have grown good medicine, which we have used on him many times.” We have tried our best. The reason he can last so long is because of our recuperation of his body and the obsession in his heart.

Despite the absence of your mother’s significant retaliation, your prosperous lifestyle and the presence of influential individuals in your care comfort your devoted uncle, who believes he can entrust the task of retribution to you, the head of the family.

The obsession is gone. As I mentioned earlier, the spirit’s relief won’t last long. In addition, he is nearly a hundred years old. Even if that day comes, you must accept it calmly.”

Live a hundred years. Live a hundred years. How many people can really live a hundred years?

Audrey looked into the room, concerned.

The old miracle doctor, aware of her concern that Uncle Jimenez might fall asleep in this manner, reassured her, saying, “He can still hold on even before he gives you the evidence.” He has hidden the evidence himself. “We have never asked or looked at it.”

Uncle Jimenez never had 100% trust in them, according to the final analysis.

They didn’t blame Uncle Jimenez either.

It was also because they didn’t want to meddle in other people’s business.

Titus was also burdened with a blood feud. They had never thought of helping Titus get revenge. They simply educated Titus about the possibility of seeking revenge in the future. That was Titus’s business.

Titus was still his disciple, so he had no interest in revenge, let alone Uncle Jimenez’s desire to avenge the previous head of the family.

The old miracle doctor said, “We won’t stay here for too long. Once we return with him and get the evidence and hand it over to you, let him live in your house for a while.”

Audrey said, “That’s right. Uncle Jimenez is the person close to my mother and also my elder. At his age, he should stop flying around. He should stay, and I will take care of Uncle Jimenez in his old age. Well, if you miss your old friendship and have this heart, we can rest assured.”

The old miracle doctor: “He once said that after he leaves, he hopes to bury him next to your mother’s grave. He said that he would take good care of your mother. “If there is a next life, he will never let your mother experience any mishaps again.”

Audrey agreed.


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