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Married at First Sight (Serenity and Zachary) novel Chapter 3356

-Duncan said, “Of course, I wish I could be back to normal now so we can get the marriage certificate and hold the wedding.”

They would get the marriage certificate first and wouldn’t hold the wedding too soon. They would hold the wedding when he could walk like a normal person.

Duncan: “See you this weekend, then.”

Liberty: “Okay, see you this weekend.”

Duncan reluctantly said, “You go to work first; I will also go to do things; I won’t take up your time, but you have to take care of your health. Good health is the most important. You can’t make enough money, and the stability of a company can’t be achieved in one day. It takes time and effort.”

Duncan was afraid that Liberty would be too anxious and tire her out.

Liberty nodded. “I know; I will take care of myself, and so should you. That’s it for now; we can talk again in the evening when we’re free.”

After ending the call, Duncan was reluctant to put down his phone. He looked at it and smiled. In fact, he was thinking that he and Liberty would soon become husband and wife.

They should buy a bigger house in Jensburg so that they can live comfortably.

When Liberty took over the Farrell family, even if Duncan had to move into the Farrell family mansion, he would stay in the small home he had bought for a few days from time to time to spend a few quiet days.

There was a question that Duncan suddenly thought of.

If Liberty really takes over the Farrell family and becomes the next head of the Farrell family, then she will be looking for a son-in-law.

However, there is no defense.

He had already prepared to be a live-in son-in-law.


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