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Married at First Sight (Serenity and Zachary) novel Chapter 3380

Although being the head of the family can bring a lot of benefits compared to developing their own careers, both Liberty and Kathryn chose the latter.

The elevator took the two to the first floor.

After the two walked out of the elevator, they changed the topic to a lighter one and walked out of the office building, talking and laughing.

Kathryn stood at the entrance of the office building and watched Liberty get into the car and leave. After Liberty left, she got into her own car and left.

No one knew what the two people talked about; all they knew was that they were talking and laughing when they came out.

In winter, it gets dark quickly.

There were already lights on in every house outside, but it was so dark in the unlit areas that one could not see one’s hand in front of one’s face.

Kathryn went straight back to the city but did not go home. Instead, she went to meet a client according to her evening schedule.

As for her mother’s sudden return, she didn’t take it to heart and pretended not to know anything about it.

If her mother likes to make surprise attacks, then let her do it. She hasn’t done anything wrong, so there’s no need to worry about her mother making a surprise attack.

The person who should be worried, nervous, and afraid was Marco.

Marco didn’t know that Clarissa had suddenly come back.

He had no social engagements tonight, and after getting off work, he returned to the villa under his name. Holden said that the ingredients had been prepared and they would have hotpot in the evening, so he asked him to bring his two younger brothers over so that father and son could have hotpot together.

The three brothers returned one after another.

None of them brought their wives.


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