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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11 She Came here with Bad Intension 

When Madam Nelson saw Cecelia Linsey coming, she guessed that Cecelia might have heard what Remington said

The atmosphere in the room was awkward and before Madam Nelson explained, Cecelia spoke first, Don’t worry, Mr. Nelson. Since everyone is here today, let me make things clear here, I am here to bring a blessing to the Nelson family. Mr. Nelson, I will leave until you fully recover. We don’t need to fulfill the obligations of husband and wife because we are just a couple in name during this time. My duty is only to take care of you, so you don’t have to worry about it!” 

Cecelia preemptively said first, and she came to the Nelson family for two purposes

First, she came to him to repay his kindness, and the second was to find her son

When Remington recovered, she would take Andres Nelson with her when she left

Andres was her son, and she wanted full custody of her child

Hearing what she said, Remington felt a relief. He was so afraid that she would pester him and insist on being his wife, and not going to leave

However, Madam Nelson already knew Cecelia’s personality. She knew that Cecelia was a good girl who would rather break than bend and had clear likes and dislikes. If she could marry into their family, that would definitely be a blessing for the Nelson family

What’s more, Andres has already accepted her and cared for her so much, so there was no longer such a suitable candidate

In order to help her grandson keep the person he wanted, Madam, Nelson said, Girl, don’t say that. Remington is also a good man. If you marry him, I can assure you that you can have a good life and be happy for the rest of your life. You can think about it. Moreover, he will recover soon, and another important thing is that you two are already married and got a marriage certificate

Already got a marriage certificate? When did it happen?” 

Cecelia was surprised when she heard that She took over the red stuff in Madam Nelson’s hand, wondering if it was true

Didn’t you show me your ID card before and let me check your birth chart? I checked and found that you and Remington are, such a perfect couple, so I registered your marriage. After Remington recovered, you guys can hold the wedding ceremony.” 

Madam Nelson did it for her good, but Cecelia didn’t think so. She was thinking that wouldn’t it be a second marriage if she got 

Chapter 11 She Came here with Bad Intension 


Grandma! Just forget about it! Cancel it please.” 

Remington was so angry because he did not want any woman to take care of him, let alone marry anyone

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Maybe it was because he was moving so much that it was causing him a headache. When Madam Nelson saw he was in a headache, she hurriedly said, Okay, okay, I will cancel it immediately. Now you need to get a rest. I am leaving now!” 

Madam Nelson would not cancelhis marriage, because she thought that it was such a blessing when a girl like Cecelia married him

After the old lady left, Cecelia came over and said, Young Master Nelson, I know you don’t want to get married, and neither do I. I was thinking maybe we should sign an agreement, it will contain the term that we will get divorced once you recover, and I will leave the Nelson family, how about it?” 


Remington Nelson didn’t hesitate and agreed with it immediately, and thought that it would be better to sign a divorce agreement right now. Once he had the paperwork, she could not regret what she said

In order to prevent Cecelia from tampering with the agreement, Remington asked his assistant, Fredric Ingerwood, to draft the agreement

After the agreement was drafted, Remington asked Fredric to stamp his personal seal on it, and he himself stamped his handprint, and Cecelia also signed her name and stamped her handprint

The agreement was in duplicate, and each party held one copy, which would take effect immediately

When all things were done and Fredric left, Cecelia brought the food and asked, Mr. Nelson, the food is ready, do you want some?” 


Remington, indifferent, refused her suggestions. He didn’t want to eat any of the food she made, in case she was going to poison him. As you wish.” 

Cecelia put down the tray and came back not long after going out, and Andres Nelson was coming with her

She told Andres to sit on the bench, helped him tie a napkin in front of his neck, and said, Andres, it’s time to eat! Mommy made braised 

pork with vegetables 

Chapter 11 She Came here with Bad Intension 

they are cute right?” 

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Remington who was next to her saw that she brought Andres here for dinner and after hearing that she called herself mummy, he reminded her immediately, You are not Andres’s mother, don’t call yourself like that; don’t make him mistake it!” 


He didn’t want Andres to get used to recognizing her as his mummy after the agreement was over. He thought if his biological mummy came back in the future, wouldn’t it be difficult for him to accept it? Andres Nelson was angry after his dad talked to his mom like that, and thought his daddy was an idiot. How could he say she was not his mummy

She was his mummy

Hey, Mr. Nelson, I am doing my duty, not to say there is an agréement. As long as the agreement is in effect, I have the obligation to be Andres’s mom, and how we get along with each other is none of your business, please don’t get involved in it!” 

Cecelia said back unhappy. If not for the fact that he got injured, she really wanted to slam him

Why couldn’t he just be nice

Remington was so mad after he heard what she said. At that moment, he wanted to get well soon, because if not, he was really afraid this woman would make something happen in this house

What if she wanted to kidnap his son

Obviously, she came here with purpose

Andres looked at the plate in front of him. The rice that was made into a cute little rabbit, surrounded by roast meat and colorful vegetables decorated with patterns, looked like a cute painting

This was the first time Andres saw such a cute rice dish. He felt that his mummy was awesome

Just like a magician

Open your mouth, let me feed you. Let’s see what it tastes like.” 

Cecelia started to feed her son, but Andres just looked down and stared at the spoon and did not open his mouth. When Cecelia saw her son refused to open his mouth, the only thing she could do was to coax him, Don’t you want to become strong and learn skills?” 

Of course I do!” 

Andres opened his mouth and ate the first spoonful of food his mummy fed him

Chapter 11 She Came here with Bad Intension 


When he finished eating, his shining big eyes stared up and seemed like he thought it was amazing

He felt that his mom’s cooking skills were ten thousand times better than his daddy’s

It was really delicious

He had never eaten such delicious food before

It is tasty, right? Come on, let me feed you again!” 

Just like that, Cecelia fed him spoon by spoon, and Andres ate it all. Andres was so hungry that he ate intently

While he was eating, seeing the cute little rabbit rice ball destroyed and the nice painting gone, Andres suddenly stopped chewing, and his big obsidianlike eyes stared at the plate, not eating anymore


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