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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111 Is That Girl Her Daughter?
Just like that, Roger as the driver himself took Cecelia to where Brennan was at a fast speed.
At their destination, a township hospital, Cecelia and the others saw Verda.
“Verda, what’s Brennan’s condition right now?”
“To the ward.”
Verda led them to the ward.
Both Cecelia and Roger laid their eyes on the man in the ward bed.
He got an obvious blue and purple strangulation mark on his neck, shocking to look upon.
Verda started filling Cecelia and Roger in with the details. “When I found him, someone was strangling him, several inches away from death.
“Fortunately, I made it there in time to save his life.
“But his bronchia was broken, his vocal cords damaged. It’s not guaranteed he can talk again even if he’s recovered.
Cecelia’s eyelids drooped as she heard about it.
What kind of vicious man kept stopping her from investigating her mother’s urn?
“Did you fight the man who did this? Found anything?”
“I did, but he was in full covered. I stripped one of his sleeves and saw a tattoo of a black hawk head on his arm while I was fighting him.”
“A black hawk head?”
“Yep, and he’s the same skilled as me and he managed to escape.”
Cecelia took a deep breath and had a lot of questions in her head. Given that the man was very skilled, why wouldn’t he come at her?
All he had done was stop her from investigating her mother’s urn. Why?
Chapter 111 Is That Girl Her Daughter?
“If the man is sabotaging you in advance following your investigation clues, then four people have suffered the damage to different degrees, which means there are three left, right? Who are these people?”
Verda answered, “Three cremator operators, Mike McCarthy, Steve Morris, and David Black. Miss Linsey has sent men to find their whereabouts.’
She received a message from Dark Moon when her words echoed.
They had news. Mike McCarthy had died of the disease last year, Steve Morris had jumped off a building and died, and David Black had gone missing, no one knowing where he was.
“No need to look for them anymore, since bad things happened to all of them.”
After Cecelia clued them in, Roger was kind of shocked.
“That means, nearly all people related to your mother’s cremation back then are killed. Only David Black was missing?”
“Yes, but I think it’s boding ill rather than well.”
The clues led to six people, namely, Lorenzo Wilmar, Paul Galler, Brennan, Mike McCarthy, Steve Morris, and David Black.
Three of them were confirmed dead, and they were Paul Galler, Mike McCarthy, and Steve Morris.
The remaining three, either injured, deranged, or missing, couldn’t be counted on.
Except for the six people, Ida Williams, once her mother’s maid, was dead, too.
What web had been woven behind all of these homicides?
Who was the key to the secret?
It suddenly reminded her of the mysterious man who had sent Jacarandás to her mother.
Would that man be the next important clue?
But after the last time she had received the flowers from that man, he’d never sent them again, and she had no way to find where the
man was.
In that case, all the clues seemed useless, and she was at a dead end again.
Chapter 111 Is That Girl Her Daughter?
But even if that, Cecelia wouldn’t stop digging up the truth.
“Let’s go back first. Verda, send men to take Brennan and see if he can write down something after recovery.’
“Okay, I’ll handle it.”
Verda left there to take care of the rest, and Roger drove the car and sent Cecelia back to the Nelson residence.
They were talking on the road, about the potential clues left behind the cases.
Roger asked, “Have you investigated the Done family? You know, start from your mother’s background!”
“I tried, but no Dones are alive, and the old house of the family was auctioned by the court. Even the Done Group was annexed by the Linsey family…”
It hurt Cecelia to bring these things up.
It was because she couldn’t protect what the Done family had been built on for her mother.
However, it wouldn’t take long before she claimed back everything that belonged to her!
While the police car was going into the city on the main avenue, Cecelia propped her chin on the window, watching the views outside running backwards.
Soon, a black sedan ran closer and then adjacent to them.
The window of the back seat of that sedan was down, and a little colorful windmill sticking out was spinning against the wind.
It drew Cecelia’s attention, and when she glanced at the spinning windmill, she happened to see the cute little girl who was holding it. The girl had her hair down about her shoulders with neat bangs, wearing a sweet smile on her lovely chubby face.
Cecelia felt hammered in her heart at the first sight of the little girl.
That chubby face…
Seemed so familiar, but why?
Cecelia wanted to watch the little girl’s face more carefully, but
Chapter 111 Is That Girl Her Daughter?
Roger turned the wheels.
At a cross, where Roger turned left, the black sedan had gone right.
Then, a big truck ran in between the two cars and blocked her sight, leaving her no time to confirm the car type and the plate number. After she sat back, her heart was still pumping fast.
Why did that little girl look so similar to Cyrus, Max, and Andres? Though she was a girl, her features much resembled them. She wouldn’t doubt if someone said the girl was her daughter. But, her little girl died a long time ago!
That thought made Cecelia soak in bitterness and great grief.
It couldn’t be her little girl, could it?
She must have mistaken the little girl for her daughter.
When Roger delivered Cecelia at the gate to the Nelson Residence, the night had fallen.
“Call me if there’s anything.”
“Okay, thank you, Captain Shawn.”
Having waved and watched the police car leave, she turned around to the gate to the residence.
Before she could walk far, another woman came from the other side of the road and shouted, “Cecelia Linsey? Stop right there!”
The voice was Lydia, Ronald’s wife. Cecelia stopped and asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Cecelia Linsey, don’t you think you’ve carried it too far? While the old lady is in the hospital and Rémi can’t see and has difficulty moving, you unbridled yourself and went wanton, huh?”
Lydia let out the censure, with her hands on her waist.
“What do you mean?”
Cecelia wanted to ask about the reason why she was barking at her like a wild dog.
“You seduced my man behind my back? Got anything to say?” Lydia shouted in anger.
Chapter 111 Is That Girl Her Daughter?
Cecelia didn’t expect Ronald who had harbored unkind thoughts would initiate the trial first.
“You have any evidence of me seducing him? As the saying goes, catch the thief red-handed; catch the cheating couple in the act. I can sue you for slandering me if you don’t have evidence!”
“I have!” Lydia talked in a resolute tone.
Cecelia wondered what kind of evidence this mo ron had.


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