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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 123

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Chapter 123 Remington Wants to See Cecelia’s Face After Regaining His Sight
Gabriella was so furious. It was not easy for her to find such a good granddaughter-in-law, but her grandson had just driven her away. without even informing her.
“Grandma, please don’t get mad. Maybe they just quarreled. I’ll ask my brother about this.”
“Okay. Hurry up.”
Cynthia then ran to the Aroma Villa. When Angela came back from outside, she saw Cynthia running toward the villa.
Cynthia found Remington and asked, panting, “Remington, did your really divorce Cecelia?”
Remington’s face turned cold as he replied, “So what?”
“What’s wrong with you? Why did you drive Cecelia away? Why did you divorce her?”
Cynthia ran to him and scolded him.
“Sis, it’s our business. Please don’t intervene in this.”
“Aren’t you afraid that you’ll regret having missed such a good woman one day?”
Remington snorted. “Me? Regret? I’ve never learned how to spell this word.”
Cynthia was so speechless. Why would she have such an ungrateful brother?
Did he know how difficult it was for their grandmother to find such a wife for him?! Cecelia was selected out of hundreds of candidates!
Moreover, she treated Andres very well.
It was very difficult to find such a good stepmother!
“Remington, oh, Remington, there must be something wrong with your mind.
“Look at yourself. Have Cecelia despised you? She bore great grievance to take care of you, but in the end, you drove her away.” “Do you know that you can’t find a woman like Cecelia, who suits you and Andres well, for the rest of your life?”
Cynthia tried to persuade him “Go find her now and persuade her to
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gó back with you. Maybe it won’t be late. Hurry up.”
“Well, Sis, please don’t talk about this. Cecelia doesn’t fit me.”
“You know I can’t forget that woman. Why do you have to persuade me to accept Cecelia?”
Remington also felt upset. His family had forcibly arranged an auspicious bride for him regardless of his will.
It was the woman they found, but not him!
Moreover, that woman had a bad temper and a promiscuous life. She even abused him in various ways.
He would be seeking suffering for himself if he married her and lived together with her.
“Do you mean that you’re still waiting for Louise?” asked Cynthia.
“Not Louise. Her name is Lilian!”
“Whatever. As far as I see, she won’t come to you again. She would have if she wants.”
“There’s still no trace of her until now. What’s the meaning to wait for her?”
Angela, who hid behind the door, eavesdropped their conversation. It turned out that five years ago, Cecelia used the name “Lilian”! This information was crucial!
Maximus, who was upstairs, also heard it clearly. “Dad is such a sc umbag,” he thought to himself.
It was fine that he didn’t like his mommy.
But he actually had the other woman in his heart! Humph!
Seeing that Remington wouldn’t change his mind, Cynthia said angrily, “Remington, you’d better stop daydreaming.
“Even if Lilian shows up before you again, I bet you won’t love her like you’ve imagined you’ll.”
“You’ve been living in your dream for five years.”
“Now it’s time to wake up!”
“As the saying goes, we should cherish the people around us. Can you understand?”
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Chapter 123 Remington Wants to See Cecelia’s Face
“If Lilian doesn’t show up again, will you have to stay single all your life?”
Remington’s chin tightened as he exuded a cold aura. His attitude was firm.
“Even if Lilian doesn’t show up again, I won’t choose a promiscuous woman like Cecelia!”
“What’s wrong with her? She didn’t despise your blindness and lame legs. And she treated Andres very well.
“Enough. Cynthia, shut up!”
Remington was very fretful when his sister exposed his inner thought.
He was just adhering to his original intention and insisted on waiting for Lilian. What was wrong with it?
He had also thought of the possibility that he and Lilian would become strangers if they met again as five years might have. changed many things and they hadn’t fallen in love.
But so what?
He didn’t want to be an irresponsible man. What was wrong with it?
After all, Lilian was Andres’ biological mother.
Remington didn’t want to hear her naggings and said, “You may go
“Okay. I don’t want to intervene in your business either. I hope you won’t regret it one day!”
Cynthia ran out of the Aroma Villa angrily.
Remington was also furious. He swept all the things on the tea table to the ground.
Then there came some loud sounds.
The porcelain tea cups were broken into pieces.
Florence witnessed the whole scene from upstairs. But as Remington was still angry, she didn’t dare to do the cleaning.
Right at this moment, Maximus ran downstairs. Florence wanted to stop him but failed.
“Young Master Andres, where are you going? Mr. Nelson. Young
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Master Andres runs out!”
Florence shouted.
Remington guessed that probably his son wanted to go to find. Cecelia. However, he wouldn’t allow him to go to find that woman anymore!
“Andres, stop!”
Remington slowly walked over. As he was blind, he could only rely on his sense of direction. He wanted to stop his son.
Being stopped by his blind father, Maximus pushed him away with great force and ran out of the house.
Remington stumbled and his back hit the shelve beside him. A vase on the shelve waggled and was about to fall.
Florence was freaked out when seeing this and screamed, “Mr. Nelson, be careful!”
However, it was already too late.
With a loud sound, the vase hit the back of Remington’s head. Remington screamed in pain, “Ahh!”
The vase fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Remington covered the back of his head.
It hurt so much!
Florence ran over in a panic and asked worriedly, “Mr. Nelson, your all right?”
“I’m fine. Hurry up to find Andres back.”
Seeing that Remington didn’t bleed, Florence was rest assured and
ran out.
Right at this moment, Angela finally got the chance. She hurriedly ran into the house, wanting to help Remington up.
“Mr. Nelson, let me help you up.”
“F uck off!”
Remington pushed Angela away and the latter fell to the ground.
Remington suddenly found that he could see her face and the layer of obstacle that had been stopping him from seeing anything
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seemed to have vanished.
Right at this moment, he saw clearly the woman whose face was written with grievance and was laying on the ground.
He looked down at his hand. His fingers were cut and were still bleeding. He could see them too!
So, being hit by the vase had helped him regain his sight?
Was this a blessing in disguise?
“Mr. Nelson, your hand is injured. Let me help you treat with it.”
“No need. Go out. You’re not allowed to step into my villa without my permission.
Angela still failed to approach Remington, so she could only leave the Aroma Villa dejectedly.
She needed to plot this carefully later!
Remington felt good after regaining his sight. It was really good.
He urgently wanted to see Cecelia’s face. Jimmy said she was very beautiful. Was it true?
He wanted to know what she depended on to seduce those men.


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