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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125 Mr. Nelson Gets Back His Position
Chapter 125 Mr. Nelson Gets Back His Position
The next moment, Fredric slowly pushed Remington over with several strangers following behind.
Seeing Remington, the shareholders all stood up to greet him.
“Mr. Nelson!”
“Mr. Nelson!”
“Mr. Nelson, you’re finally here!”
As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.
Even if Remington was now c rippled and blind, his authority was still there and those shareholders still respected and feared him.
Fredric pushed Remington into the meeting center. Ronald hadn’t expected that Remington would suddenly čome and the atmosphere became a bit awkward.
“Remington, why are you here?”
Remington was wearing a pair of big glasses and others couldn’t see her eyes. Therefore, others couldn’t study his expression.
However, his tightened chin and chiseled features gave them a cold sense of oppression.
They shuddered because they feared him.
“I heard you suddenly held a shareholders’ meeting today, so I come here to have a look. What is the topic for today’s meeting?”
Remington’s voice sounded cold, but they couldn’t sense any hint of anger in his tone.
His tone was flat but made others get nervous.
Ronald could only buckle up and explain, “Remington, considering your current situation, it’s convenient for you to manage the company, so I want to share the burden for you and help you. manage the Nelson Group.”
“But Ronald, I remembered that you announced that you would temporarily manage the Nelson Group and was the CEO of the company thereinafter right after I had the car accident?”
It was sudden and Remington had been unconscious for a month, so he didn’t know what happened later.
When he woke up, he learned that Ronald was temporarily
Chapter 125 Mr. Nelson Gets Back His Position
managing the company for him.
7 12:27
If it weren’t that many things had happened during this period, how would he realize that his cousin, who had grown up with him, was such a sinister man?
He wanted to replace him!
“Yep. Rest assured. As long as I’m here, I will manage the Nelson Group well.
Ronald put a hand on Remington’s shoulder and acted as if he loved. his cousin very much.
“Ronald, what do you want to do? Do you want to make the Nelson Group yours and kick me out of the mánagement team?”
“How could it be? Remington, you’ve thought too much. I hold this shareholders’ meeting for your sake and the better development of the Nelson Group.”
“But Ronald, you didn’t inform me, nor did you get my permission first. Why did you lie to all the shareholders just now?”
Remington’s question hit Ronald’s heart like a hammer.
Hearing his words, the shareholders burst into a heated discussion and looked toward Ronald.
Indeed, Ronald didn’t have to worry about anything because all the important departments of the Nelson Group were now managed by his henchmen.
They had all sided with him and would obey his orders. It was very easy to consolidate his position in the Nelson Group.
“Remington, as the eldest grandson of the Nelson family, isn’t it a matter of fact for me to take over the Nelson Group? You should thank me for this.”
“What a joke! I established the Nelson Group alone and it is independent of Sierra International. It has nothing to do with the Nelson family!”
“Even if I can’t manage the company, it should be my son’s turn to do it. Who do you think you’re to take over my company?”
“Andres is still young. How can he manage the company? Remington, so you don’t trust me?”
Ronald looked at him sympathetically after finishing the words and continued, “How will you manage thé Nelson Group with your
Chapter 125 Mr. Nelson Gets Back His Position
“My current situation? Do you really think I’m blind and c rippled?” Remington stood up from his wheelchair when saying this.
He was tall and robust and his back was very straight when he stood. up.
Though he and Ronald were of similar height, Remington made the latter Took much inferior to him.
For some reason, Ronald’s aura was suddenly weakened in front of Remington.
“Remington, your legs…”
Based on Ronald’s understanding, even if it was just a fracture, it should take at least three months to recover. But now, after only one month, Remington stood up!
Remington took off his sunglasses and his cold eyes swept over Ronald’s face.
Without saying anything, he brushed Ronald aside by hitting his shoulder and walked to the center of the meeting room.
He slammed the desk and all the shareholders’ hearts sk ipped a beat.
“Mr. Lucas, you look energetic in this red suit.”
“Mr. Wyatt, you don’t fit this middle parting hairstyle. You should change it.”
The two shareholders were all shocked and excited.
They felt very happy.
It turned out that Remington had really recovered!
He could not only move freely but also see clearly.
“I come to the company to express my gratitude to our shareholders. for their long-time support.”
“I encountered an accident and thank G od, I survived it. I can still lead the Nelson Group.”
“Therefore, I hereby announce officially that I’ll withdraw Ronald Nelson’s rights to témporarily manage the company for me and he is not allowed to intervene in the company affairs anymore!”
The meeting room was prevailed by dead silence after Remington
Chapter 125 Mr. Nelson Gets Back His Position
announced his decision.
All shareholders subconsciously looked toward Ronald.
Ronald was now experiencing the most awkward moment in his life.
He was now driven out of the management team by his cousin.
And it was announced in front of all the shareholders. It was like a slap in his face!
He felt ashamed and then angry and reprimanded, “Remington, I’ve been working hard to help you manage the company during this period, but when you recover, you immediately kick me out of the company. Why are you so ungrateful?”
“I’m your cousin! How could you treat me like this?”
In the face of his questioning, Remington asked instead, “Then how should I treat you? Ronald, don’t you feel ashamed when saying this?”
“Shouldn’t you explain to everyone present about my car accident?”
Ronald gasped and asked, “What do you mean? Does your car accident have anything to do with me?”
“I expected this question. All right, we can just put this matter aside. But Ronald, how did you manage the Nelson Group for me? What are you working hard at during this period?”
“Are you busy with transferring all the funds of the Nelson Group to your personal account? Or are you busy with arranging for your henchmen?”
Right at this moment, Fredric handed out each shareholder a document.
Soon, the shareholders all saw the statements of the evidence of Ronald embezzling the Nelson Group’s fund.
Except for this, Remington asked his man to turn on the projector of the meeting room and showed them a video.
In the video, Ronald instructed his henchmen to embezzle the Nelson Group’s funds and taught them how to make the company theirs without alerting the shareholders.
After watching the video, all the shareholders looked at Ronald weirdly.
“How could he do this?”
Chapter 125 Mr. Nelson Gets Back His Position
“He’s so hypocritical. He wants to ruin the Nelson Group!”
None of the shareholders wanted to support Ronald as their benefits were being damaged. They all wanted an explanation.
“Please don’t believe in Remington. What you hear and see now are all fake! He’s slandering me!”
Ronald shouted angrily.
“Save these words to policemen.”
After finishing the words, Remington waved his hand to signal his men and ordered, “Hold her down.”
“Remington, I dare you!”


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