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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 Asking for a Kiss 



Chapter 155 Asking for a Kiss 

Had the man sent flowers to induce her here to attack her

Cecelia’s cold eyes were full of murderous intent. But before she could strike the attacker, a black whirlwind blew over

Then, there were two loud noises. The two bodyguards were kicked into the air, hit the wall, and passed out. The attack was forceful

Cecelia looked up at the rocksolid man in front of her, slightly narrowed her eyes, and asked, Remington? Why are you here?You can come here. Why can’t I? If I hadn’t passed by, you would have been killed! You owe me one, right?” Remington leisurely said and went past her to the lavatory

He must not admit he had secretly kept paying attention to her. He had long noticed two men following her, so he had managed to protect her when they had launched the attack. He wanted her to owe him more and more until she had to remarry him to return the favors

After he went to the lavatory, Cecelia glanced at the two bodyguards. on the ground, wondering who had sent them to attack her

Had Remington directed acted the play of a hero rescuing a beauty by himself

The man who had sent her the flowers had gone, so she intended to go back to the show. Turning the corner, she accidentally saw a familiar figure in the corridor

It was Esmee! Why was she here

Seeing her walk into a lounge, Cecelia quickened her pace and came to the door. The door was ajar, so she could hear the people talking inside

Why are you here?” 

It was Maggie’s voice! She had also come here today

Ms. Taylor, I’m having a hard time! Please help me!Esmee begged

What do you want me to do? Didn’t I give you money and ask your to go abroad? Why did you come back?” 

Cecelia was suspicious to hear this. Why had Maggie given Esmee money and asked her to go abroad? Had they known long each other? What was their relationship

Chapter 155 Asking for a Kiss 

Ms. Taylor, I ran out of money and am owing a gambling debt. ! came back to ask the Nelson family for money, but they refused to give me anything and disowned me. I would not have come to ask you for help if I were not at the end of my rope!” 

I’m not a saint. It useless to beg me!” 


Maggie didn’t want to give Esmee one more penny because the latter was a lazy person like a bottomless pit who would never work to support herself

How can you be so ruthless? If you hadn’t asked me to harm Nick, I wouldn’t have been accused of raping a man or kicked out of the Nelson family. You must help me

Cecelia was startled to hear this. Maggie had instigated Esmee to harm Nick. Why? Why had she done such a thing

Maggie was afraid Esmee would expose the matter, so she compromised and said, If you want money, you must shut up!” 

I know! I always keep my mouth shut! I’ve never told anyone else about it.” 

Take this check and go abroad! You must not come back without my permission!” 

Okay! Thank you! I will leave as soon as possible!” 

Suddenly, Cecelia’s phone rang, and the sound alarmed the people inside

Maggie ordered, Go to see who’s out there!” 

Seeing the two bodyguards about to run out, Cecelia instantly decided to flee. But the corridor was so long that she might get caught soon. Suddenly a door opened. And then, a strong arm pulled her into a room. The door closed in time, so the bodyguards did not see her

Cecelia was startled. Her heart was beating so violently that she felt it about to jump out of her throat

The burly body blocked her sight when a cool fragrance permeated her nostrils. Now, she was pushed against the door by a man. They were too close, so she pushed him away. Looking up, she widened her eyes in surprise and asked, You again?” 

It must be fate that let us meet again.” 

Shut up!” 

She didn’t want to hear his nonsense

Chapter 155 Asking for a Kiss 

Why are you so fierce? Is it because I saved you that you came here to thank me?” 


Remington’s eyes were deep, and his stalwart body enveloped her. When he unblinkingly stared at her face, there was a hint of interest in his obsidianlike eyes

You misunderstood! I didn’t come to see you.” 

When Cecelia turned to leave, he reached out to press the door, saying, Don’t deny it! I know you have feelings for me.‘ 

When he had opened the door just now, he had seen her looking around. So, he believed she had come here to meet him

Cecelia glanced back at him and said, You indeed misunderstood. I’m not here to meet you. Get out of my way!” 

If so, can you tell me who you came here to meet?” 

Remington wanted to have a good talk with her, but she didn’t want to communicate with him at all

She wanted to leave, so she could only honestly reply, I saw Esmee just now! I followed her here and overheard her talking about Nick.Cecelia had learned about the affair between Nick and Esmee from Remington, so it was OK to tell him the truth

Remington showed a careless smile on his handsome face and said, I didn’t expect you to have the habit of eavesdropping.” 

His eyes were shining with a cold light as if trying to pierce her and read her mind

Cecelia glanced at him and said, It’s none of your business! I’ve told you why came. Can you let me go?” 

She had said all she should say, so she intended to go now

Remington withdrew his arm, not stopping her anymore

When she was about to open the door, he slowly said from behind, I know where Nick is. Do you want to see him?” 


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