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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Is That Her Daughter?
Chapter 157 Is That Her Daughter?
Seeing the little girl walking backstage, Cecelia quickly followed. Outside the backstage, Cecelia called out to her, “Little girl, wait!” The little girl heard the voice, stopped, and turned around. When she saw a beautiful woman, her eyes showed some curiosity. Looking at the little one in front of her, Cecelia felt like she had entered an unreal dream. She didn’t dare to approach easily, afraid that everything was just an imaginary illusion.
Afraid that it was all a dream, and it would shatter at a touch. Suppressing her excitement and sadness, Cecelia approached her, crouched down, and asked, “Little girl, I just watched your runway show, you did a great job. Can you tell me your name?”
“Thank you, Madam. My name is Doris Taylor.”
The little girl answered in a milky voice, and she was very polite. Doris… Cecelia repeated this name over and over in her mind. She had the surname Taylor, so there was a high possibility that she was from the Taylor family, right?
The colorful windmill behind the luxurious car that entered Canes Mansion that day… Could it be her?
“Your name sounds very nice, Doris.”
“Thank you.” Doris nodded.
“The windmill in your hand is very beautiful. Who gave it to you?”
“It’s from my mommy!” When Doris said this, she hugged the windmill tightly, as if she didn’t want anyone to take it away.
Her mommy…
Who was her mommy? Cecelia tried hard to control her trembling hands and asked again, “You’re wearing a mask, which gives you a mysterious feeling. Can I take a look at your face?” Doris nodded again. She was about to take off the mask when she heard a shout from behind.
“Petunia!” Doris heard the voice, turned and ran towards it, then threw herself into Petunia’s arms.
Petunia hugged the child and spoke in an admonishing tone. “Doris.
Chapter 157 Is That Her Daughter?
didn’t I tell you not to run around? Especially not to talk to strangers. Did you forget?”
“I’m sorry, Petunia. Doris wanted to find Grandma.”
“Wait, I will take you later!”
Petunia picked up the child, and with a sharp gaze, she looked at Cecelia up and down. “I think I’ve seen you in the news before. You’re Cecelia who married into the Nelson family, right?”
“Yes, Miss Taylor. Hello,” Cecelia replied with a cold expression and greeted her.
“What did you say to our Doris just now?” Petunia asked cautiously. “I happened to meet Doris and didn’t say much. I just said that she’s cute and has a great presence on the runway,” Cecelia explained.
“Of course, our Doris is the best!”
Petunia carried the child and turned to leave. “Doris, tell me, what do you want to eat? I will take you to eat later!” Cecelia watched
helplessly as Petunia carried the child away, unable to do anything. Doris lay on Petunia’s shoulder, holding the colorful windmill tightly in her hånd, her eyes still fixed on Cecelia.
She felt that the beautiful woman was very strange! Cecelia couldn’t see the child’s face clearly, but she could see her eyes, pure and bright like gemstones.
Her guess and speculation became even stronger. “That’s Her Daughter, Right?”
After leaving the exhibition center, Cecelia headed towards the parking lot. Verda was waiting for her in the car and reported, “Miss Linsey, we’ve captured Esmee, but she refuses to say anything.
“That stubborn woman, keep her detained for now!” Cecelia was convinced that Esmee was involved in all the events, and keeping her could potentially unravel the conspiracy between her and Maggie.
Thinking about that child, Cecelia instructed Verda, “Investigate the contracted models under Taylor Design Company. Especially the child models in the children’s clothing department. See if there’s anyone named Doris.”
Remembering Nick, she couldn’t help but dial Remington’s number. After two rings, he lazily answered, his magnetic voice coming
Chapter 157 Is That Her Daughter?
through the phone. “Hello? Who is it?”
“You b astard, it’s me!”
“Weren’t you supposed to take me to find Nick? Let’s go now!” Cecelia spoke without politeness.
On the other end, she heard the man inhaling, his tone revealing slight displeasure. “Do you always have to ask for favors like this?” Cecelia couldn’t have a calm conversation with him, but she knew he had a bad temper, so she had to lower her voice.
“Please! Take me to find Nick! Thank you!”
“That’s right! If you want to go, don’t bring that boy toy. Come sit in my car! I’m behind you at 7 o’clock.”
After saying that, the man hung up.
What did he mean by that boy toy? Was he referring to Verda?
“What’s the matter, Miss Linsey? Shall we depart?” Verda turned back and asked.
Hmm… Verda’s face was indeed quite cute.
“Forget it, you go investigate the Taylor Group. I have something to take care of. We’ll contact each other later.” Cecelia got out of the car, went around to the back, and found Remington’s car. She opened the car door and sat inside.
Suddenly, Remington leaned towards her, and Cecelia instinctively moved back. “What are you doing?”
“You always forget to fasten your seatbelt. This won’t do! If you fly out of my car, who will be responsible?” Remington fastened her seatbelt, his thin lips almost touching her cheek.
At that moment, the air seemed to thicken. Cecelia turned her head and looked out the window. She didn’t like being easily disturbed by others and could only ignore it. Remington curled up a handsome smile, finally achieving his “strategy,” and drove happily on the wide road with Cecelia.
The man was in a great mood, exuding confidence on his handsome face. He turned on music, and romantic melodies began to ring out. Cecelia had no communication with him, but she couldn’t stop the wild thoughts growing in the man’s mind.
Chapter 157 Is That Her Daughter?
He thought it would be nice to get to know Cecelia again, starting from scratch. A romantic love affair would be a good start.
“When will we arrive?” Cecelia checked the time on her phone several times. It was almost 12 o’clock, and this man had been driving her around for over an hour.
“We’re here!” Remington stopped the car and came to open her door. After Cecelia got out of the car, she looked at the building in front of her-the famous and elegantly designed restaurant, Tranquil Tastes.
“Will Professor Miller be here?” she asked.
“No. Let’s eat first! I’m hungry!” Remington lifted his wrist and looked at his watch, then walked towards the entrance of the restaurant. Cecelia was filled with anger, thinking for a moment. It turned out that he didn’t bring her here to find Professor Miller but rather made an excuse to invite her for a meal.
“Remington! That’s enough! I don’t have so much time to spend with you in romantic settings. You better tell me directly where Nick is, or I’m leaving!” Cecelia asserted.
Seeing Cecelia about to leave, Remington stopped her. “Even if you’re in a hurry, you still need to eat, right? How can you work on an empty stomach? I’ve already reserved a table; we can’t waste it!” “You don’t even know where Nick is, do you? You’re just deceiving me! I was right, wasn’t I?” Cecelia suspected that the man’s intentions were just an excuse to get closer to her.
“Do you think I’m that kind of person? Don’t believe me? See for yourself!” Remington took out his phone and showed her a video. Cecelia saw Nick in the footage-lying in a hospital bed, his face pale, with an oxygen tube inserted. He appeared completely different from the vibrant Professor Miller she remembered.
“This is Nick?” Cecelia could hardly believe her eyes.
The video was shot by Remington, and Nick, weakly speaking, asked, “Did she see the blue jacaranda? Has she come to find me?”
The video ended, and Cecelia’s face was filled with shock. “Does that mean Professor Miller sent the blue jacaranda? Is he waiting for me?”


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