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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164 Cornering The Linsey Group
Chapter 164 Cornering The Linsey Group
Remington wondered, “Could it be that…?”
After pondering for a moment, he was shocked by his own. speculation.
“Could Nyx really be Cecelia? Then it could explain why she owned Bluebell Mansion. I can’t believe that she has such an impressive identity. No wonder she doesn’t even give a s hit about the breakup compensation I offered.”
After confirming that Nyx was one of Cecelia’s identities, Remington felt excited and wondered what else she was hiding from him.
She was so mysterious.
And he would learn more about her slowly and surely.
Regarding the plagiarism incident, Remington felt that the Linsey Group had gone too far.
He thought to himself, “Ophelia is clearly nothing more than an eye candy without any skills. How dare she steal designs from Cecelia? Shame on her!”
Just when the internet was full of speculation about the incident, the Linsey Group did something else.
Gary had pulled some strings and had the plagiarism incident on the trending topics list suppressed and any negative comments deleted.
In a matter of seconds, the article that was at the top of the trending. list completely disappeared.
Remington was well aware of what had been done behind the scenes, and he rubbed his chin. A hint of anger flashed across his cold, piercing eyes.
Someone must be trying to suppress the news behind the scenes.
Since the Linsey Group started playing dirty, he couldn’t let them be so arrogant.
Hence, Remington made a phone call and ordered, “Get the Linsey Group’s plagiarism incident back at the top of the trending topics at any cost. Don’t let anyone suppress it!”
After hanging up, Remington had someone contact Professor Ethan, who was leaching at the University of Center City. Ethan was the former mentor of both Cecelia and Ophelia, and his words would be the most convincing.
Chapter 164 Cornering The Linsey Group
53 12:35
Gary thought he was seeing things when he checked the news that had finally been suppressed reappeared and risen to the top of the trending list once again at the Linsey Group.
He asked, “What’s going on? Didn’t we call and have it suppressed? How did the news reappear?”
Sean was also quite frustrated. “It was indeed suppressed, but now it’s back on the trending list. I suspect Cecelia is the one causing trouble behind the scenes.”
Gary was so angry that he clenched his teeth. “I don’t believe that a girl like her can rule the world on her own. Contact the media again and make sure it’s removed from the trending topic list.”
Sean quickly went to deal with it, and not long after, he came back.
“Mr. Linsey, we seem to be in trouble. We can’t remove the trending topic. The media doesn’t agree to help us.”
After hearing Sean’s words, Gary was so angry that he smashed the cup in his hand.
“What’s going on?”
“I suspect Cecelia called in some favors,” Sean responded.
“What kind of favors could she call in?” Gary snapped.
“I think she asked Remington for help. They were having dinner together today. That woman must have begged Remington to help her, and that’s why we’re in this trouble now,” Sean said.
“What a da mned girl! Does she want to corner the Linsey Group?” Gary cursed in exasperation.
“Mr. Linsey, don’t worry too much. Even if we can’t suppress the trending topic, it will take time for them to carry out handwriting. analysis. We still have a chance. If we can’t work it out, we can try to negotiate with Cecelia,” suggested Sean.
“How are we going to negotiate with her?” asked Gary.
“As long as we agree to her conditions and let her join the Linsey Group as a designer, we’ll be able to clarify the plagiarism incident to the public. After all, she will be one of us then.”
“It makes sense. But are her conditions easy to meet?” Gary asked again.
Sean narrowed his eyes and continued, “She has always wanted to
Chapter 164 Comering The Linsey Group
get back her shares, so she must be targeting us for the shares. So, we can invite her over with the shares as an excuse and show her who’s boss. Let’s see if she still dares to go against us.”
“Great idea! Sean, just go ahead and get it done.” said Gary.
“Okay, Mr. Linsey.”
Sean immediately started trying to contact Cecelia and after gathering information from various sources, he finally got her number.
He immediately dialed her phone number. After a few rings, a pleasant female voice came from the other end.
“Hello? Who is that?”
“Hell, Cecelia. This is Sean speaking.”
“Huh? Mr. Gusto, why are you calling me?”
Sean took a deep breath and spoke in an arrogant tone. “Cecelia, you are behind the plagiarism incident, right?”
Cecelia didn’t say anything, which was equivalent to agreeing.
“It seems that my guess is right. You had better stop. Destroying Ollie and the Linsey Group won’t do you any good. Don’t forget that the Linsey Group used to be the Done Group. Do you want to ruin the fruit of your grandfather’s years of effort?”
“Oh? So now you admit that the Linsey Group used to be the Done. Group?” Cecelia sneered. “Don’t worry. I won’t ruin it.
“But what you’re doing now is really too much. It has already caused a bad impact on the Linsey Group.” Sean warned her without hesitation.
“So what?” she replied with a disdainful tone, revealing a hint of contempt that drove Sean crazy.
“Tell me! What exactly do you want? Do you want your shares back?” asked Sean.
“Sure!” Cecelia responded.
Not only did she want her shares back, but she also wanted to get back the entire Done Group.
“Well, I can give you your shares back, but I have a condition. You must join the Linsey Group as Nyx and publicly clarify that the plagiarism incident was a misunderstanding. What do you say?”
Sean caid
Chapter 164 Cornering The Linsey Group
“Hah! Dream on! You ugly monster!” Cecelia rejected it.
“Da mn it! You….” Sean was infuriated by her words, but he still suppressed his anger and said, “Come to the Linsey Group tomorrow to discuss the transfer of shares and do whatever I say. Otherwise, don’t even think about getting your shares back!”
“Are you threatening me? Do you think I’m easily scared?” Cecelia’s tone turned cold as she bluntly told him, “Sean, listen! Stop thinking about using me to clear up the plagiarism incident. Since Ophelia dared to steal my design, I will let her know the consequences of being a despicable thief.
After finishing her statement, Cecelia hung up the phone without another word.
“Hello? Hello?” Sean called out.
But there was no sound coming from the other end anymore. The negotiation had failed.
Sean was so furious that he threw his phone away, wondering, “D amn it! The shares are no longer attractive to that woman. What should we do now?”
Just then, Ophelia came in from outside.
“Sean, what happened?” she asked.
Sean looked at her and asked, “Tell me the truth! Whose designs are those? Are they all Cecelia’s?”
At this point, Ophelia couldn’t hide it anymore. “Sean, I never thought it would cause such a big trouble. Please help me! I can’t lose to that bi tch.”
Sean, who was just trying to make up with Ophelia, took the opportunity to embrace her and comfort her, “Don’t worry. I will help. you. I will always take your side.”
“Sean, you’re so sweet.” Ophelia pretended to cry for a while and then threw herself into the man’s arms.
Sean used his connections to find a handwriting expert at Nyx’s law firm, bribed him, and asked him to change the results of the analysis.
The next morning, Sean got his hands on the fake analysis report as he wished. But when he was ready to make it public, an interview suddenly caused an uproar on the Internet.


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