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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 174

Chapter 174 He Can’t Wait to See His Mommy
Chapter 174 He Can’t Wait To See His Mommy
On the way back, Cecelia was on the phone with Upton Chase.
“Give me the information over how many stocks each shareholder of Linsey Corp holds.”
“Currently, Gary Linsey holds 34 percent, Sean Gusto 15 percent, and the rest hold the other 51.
The 15 percent Sean Gusto held was supposed to be in the hands of Cecelia.
“How does the rest 51 percent divide?”
“Blake Group holds 10 percent, Mainstay 10 percent, Sydnin Real Estate 10 percent, Leon Industry 10 percent, Star Dream 8%, and the last shares go to the retailers.
After several seconds of thinking, Cecelia said, “It means if I can convince the rest shareholders to support me, I will dominate the
1 shareholder conference!”
“Yes, if you can!”
“Okay, keep your eyes on other shareholders. As long as they sell their stocks, we’ll buy.’
About another topic, Cecelia asked, “Besides that, have your collected all the files about Gary Linsey?”
“I have. Gary Linsey is abusing his power to sabotage the company, keeping other shareholders in the dark.”
“Good. After I pave my path well, you can reveal these to the public.” Having Hung up the phone, Cecelia squinted her eyes more coldly.
Let’s wait and see!
She was going to turn the Linsey Group upside down and strike. Gary Linsey and his companions off guard. That would be the time. she reclaimed the company!
Calling to mind Heather Done, Cecelia gave another demand to Verda Hill, “Verda, I need you to do something for me!”
“Yes, Miss!”
At the Nelson Residence
Chapter 174 He Can’t Wait to See His Mommy
After Remington went back home, he found Andres Nelson in the garden.
The little boy was practicing box on a dummy, and he meant every rhythm.
“Whitegon, you taught him very well.”
Remington approached to talk to Whitegon, one of his men.
Whitegon explained, “Master Remi, we didn’t teach Young Master Andres anything. He’s a prodigy and good at boxing. Watch this, I’ll show you!”
Whitegon shouted at Andreas, “Young Master, do some air kicks for your father.”
Noticing his daddy here, Andreas stopped practicing instead.
Then, he walked away after taking a look at his father.
“Hey, Andres!”
Remington ran back to the Aroma Villa after his son and asked, “What’s wrong, son? Why did you leave when seeing me? You’re upset?”
Andreas pouted, and displeasure was capitalized on his face.
How many days did he have to count until his mommy came back?
He missed his mommy so much!
“Don’t be upset. Daddy brings back a piece of good news. Tonight, we’re gonna have dinner with your mommy!”
Andreas goggled in surprise at his father, seemingly asking, “For real?”
“How’s that? Happy, huh? we’re gonna pick our clothes in several minutes, and we’re gonna suit up tonight, handsomely. Don’t let your mommy’s eyes move away from you, okay?”
Andreas nodded, for he wished he could see his mommy sooner!
Right at that moment, a person rushed in the door, and it was Cynthia Nelson in an incredible hurry.
“What happened, brother? Did something go off on Andreas? You urged me to come back, for what?”
Cynthia was asked back by Remington’s call. She felt so exhausted after running.
Chapter 174 He Can’t Wait to See His Mommy
“Not a big deal, I’m gonna take Andreas to have dinner with Cece. I need you to help me pick a suitable suit.’
Remington explained with a smirk face.
“Oh? Dinner with Cecelia? Good for you, brother! Finally, you’ve done something right!”
Cynthia, full of joy, spoke, “Help you pick a suit, right? No problem, I’m on it! I guarantee you boys are gonna be the most glaring stars tonight!”
With the help of Cynthia, Remington and Andreas put on dark purple suits.
Remington never wore a suit in a color outside the dark hues, so this purple suit made him so uncomfortable. He questioned, “Don’t you think it’s weird on me?”
“Not at all! I think you look fantastic!”
Cynthia tried to persuade him, “Listen to me, put on this suit. As far as I know, Cecelia was so fond of fresh meat. You look at least ten years younger in this suit. She must be loving it!”
Remington looked down on his son who was also in a purple suit. and did look very nice.
So be it!
To win Cecelia’s heart, wearing this suit was no harm. It was a gentleman dressing up well for his lover.
“Recommend a nice restaurant to me, please?” Remington asked his sister.
“The more romantic, the better! How about Swirly Revolving Restaurant? It has a good environment, and there you can enjoy the city’s nightscape from a bird’s view!”
“Okay, I’ll have the restaurant reserved.”
Remington said as he dialed.
“Hey, no rush! You don’t need to book the entire restaurant. You can use some audience to witness the three of your family having a romantic dinner. You have to have people there to envy you when you do something envious!”
“Good point!”
“You only need to book one romantic booth, and then eat and enjoy
Chapter 174 He Can’t Wait to See His Mommy
the views there. You can also throw some violinists around playing. so marvelous!”
“All right! Good!”
Remington booked a booth at the Swirly Revolving Restaurant according to his sister’s advice. When everything was set up, he texted the time and location to Cecelia.
Night fell on the ground, and the city turned on all the lights.
On the 49th floor of the tallest skyscraper in downtown the Center City, the Swirly Revolving Restaurant was open.
Verda Hill pulled over the car at the entrance of the skyscraper and asked, “Need I go up with you, Miss?”
“No. You go to do the thing I told you. Meet me here later.”
After she got off, Verda drove the car away.
Cecelia walked up the high steps to the entrance while lifting the frills of her dress.
When she got there, two deluxe cars parked in front of her, and seven or eight young men and women got off the cars.
After getting off, one man with greenish-grey hair opened the car door to the passenger’s seat to invite the woman on it to come out. Cecelia was familiar with that face in front of her, and Camelia Shawn got slightly stunned seeing Cecelia when getting off the car.
It was Cecelia Linsey!
It was Camelia Shawn’s birthday. She invited a bunch of friends to the Swirly Revolving Restaurant to celebrate. How possibly would she think she would bump into Cecelia here?
It kicked off her bad luck!
“Cecelia Linsey, what the hell are you doing here? Today’s my birthday, and I don’t remember I invited you.” Camelia Shawn’ said and raised her chin.
“I’m here to have dinner. None of your business.”
Not wanting to waste breath on her, Cecelia laid those words and war about to leave but Camelia Shawn blocked her way.
Chapter 174 He Can’t Wait to See His Mommy
“Have dinner here? At Swirly Revolving Restaurant? Is this a place you can come to?”
Camelia looked at the man next to her and asked, “Mr. Banks, this restaurant is the property of your Banks Corp., and you’re the young CEO. I presume you get to make decisions, right? Why don’t you tell me your restaurant isn’t open to any random floozy?”
This Mr. Banks was the son of Whisker Banks of Banks Corp., a rich
Garvin Banks was courting Camelia Shawn, so he felt obliged to speak for her.
“That’s right! Anyone Camelia dislikes can never set foot into my restaurant!”
“Tell her off! I don’t want to see her! Her being here will only sabotage my mood! Tell her off now!” Camelia Shawn added, throwing her weight at Cecelia.
“This lady, please get out of here, now!” Garvin Banks spoke.
“What if I don’t?”
“Then, don’t blame me for this!” Garvin Banks took his phone and called security.
Soon, several guards rushed swiftly toward where they were!


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