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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 176

Chapter 176 His son turns against him to his face
Chapter 176 His Son Turns Against Him to His Face
“I’ll keep kissing you until you tell the truth!” Remington said fiercely. “Our son is present. You better not be presumptuous!” Cecelia snorted.
Andres also perceived the intense atmosphere between his parents.
Thinking his daddy was bullying his mommy, the kid flew into a rage. He began pulling Remington’s leg while punching and kicking him. Defending Mommy was his lofty mission!
Remington looked down at the son fighting him desperately, distressed. He had been with him for five years! But the brat turned against him to his face, helping his mother!
Dispirited, he let go of Cecelia and pulled the kid off his leg.
He explained seriously, “Well, Andres, I was joking with your mommy. How could Daddy bully Mommy? I can’t even love her enough!”
Andres looked up, hands on his hips, fuming, showing he didn’t believe it.
“What I said is true. If you don’t believe me, look!”
Taking advantage of Cecelia’s inattentiveness, Remington gave her cheek a quick peck.
Cecelia shot him a glare. She gave him an inch, and he took a mile. He was a typical one practicing this trick.
But it was unsuitable to beat him in her son’s presence!
The man picked up his son in great pride. “Andres, kiss Mommy as I did and see if Mommy smells good.
Andres leaned over. Although she hated Remington touching her, Cecelia couldn’t refuse her son’s kiss.
Her son kissed her hard twice, and she smiled.
Seeing his mother smiling, Andres began clapping his hands.
Having almost been melted in her smile, Remington said in pleasant surprise, “Cece, you look really beautiful when you smile. Don’t always wear a cold face.”
Cecelia instantly stopped smiling.
Chapter 176 His son turns against him to his face
I won’t show him a friendly face! This man has a bad habit: If you show him a little kindness, he will crave much more!
Riding the sightseeing elevator, Remington and Cecelia came to the revolving restaurant on the top floor with their son.
Seeing Remington come in, the waiter bowed respectfully and took them to their reserved seats.
This was a very good spot because these seats, at the French window, directly faced the central stage, allowing the occupants to enjoy the splendid panoramic night view of the city.
Andres sat together with his mommy, and Remington sat across from Cecelia.
A waiter came to ask them to order food, and Remington was fully in charge of it. After ordering food for Cecelia, he also ordered a children’s meal for his son.
As soon as he finished that, seven or eight people came in.
It was Camelia Shawn and others led by Gavin Jones. They sat at three tables put together, a few meters away from Cecelia and her family.
Once she sat down, Camelia looked toward Cecelia. The two women’s eyes clashed, making unseen sparks, just like two weapons met.
With a light look in her eyes, Cecelia turned to play games with her
Camelia snorted. She would let Cecelia know what paling in comparison meant!
Many more eaters came to the restaurant gradually. Most of those who could come here to eat were rich or from the upper class.
In about 20 minutes, the waiter brought them food, and Remington. took care of the mother and her son’s dining.
The waiter poured fine red wine into their glasses, asking them. respectfully to drink.
Red wine, steak, and fragrant flowers, made up of a romantic atmosphere.
True, dining in this revolving restaurant was indeed a different kind of enjoyment.
Camelia and her companions had also begun eating Gavin was still
Chapter 176 His son turns against him to his face
in the men’s room, and all her friends were praising her.
“Cami, Mr. Jones is really nice to you! We didn’t expect that he would bring you to this revolving restaurant to celebrate your birthday. I’m so envious!”
“Right. Cami not only has a good family but is also beautiful and lucky. He’ll never come here even if we beg him!”
se 15:54
“By the way, Jones is said to have prepared a surprise for you. What could it be?”
These flattering words made Camelia feel very proud. Indeed, she was also curious about Gavin’s surprise. Would he propose to her? Gavin had just excused himself to leave. Did he go to prepare it? That was the best. She would definitely be the center of attention!
At this point, a few people came in, each with a violin in their hands.
Seeing them, Camelia’s friends screamed, “Wow, is what Mr. Jones prepared a violin performance? How romantic!”
“Yeah, right, enjoying a violin performance while eating is something that only appears in South Korea’s romantic dramas! Mr. Jones really knows the trick!”
These women were overjoyed, but they found that the violinists walked past them, going to Cecelia and her family’s table.
Then they stood near Cecelia and began to play the violins for the family.
The melodious notes spread, and the other eaters turned to look.
The family of three was a happy one in their eyes.
None of the women who saw this would not envy Cecelia. She was beautiful and confident, her handsome son was considerate and clingy, and her powerful-looking husband doted so much on her. No wonder others were so envious of her.
“Oh, they were not invited by Mr. Jones, but by Mr. Nelson! I was happy in vain!”
“Our excited expressions were wasted!”
Camelia’s friends all felt disappointed. Although they could hear the violins under the same roof, the violinists didn’t play the violins for them.
Cecelia was so ashamed her face changed color.
Chapter 176 His son turns against him to his face
Remington, what’s so good about that woman? Are you still blind that you can’t see good things in me?
Is 15:54
Back from the men’s room, Gavin sat beside Camelia. Seeing her unhappy face, he asked, “What’s wrong, Cami?”
Looking along with Camelia’s gaze, Gavin saw the violinists.
“Oh, it’s just a few violin players. That’s not difficult!” Gavin said lightly.
“Not difficult? Can you think of a way to drown their sound?” “A piece of cake!”
Gavin immediately called someone. About 15 minutes later, a man came in.
It was Michael, the professional pianist of the restaurant.
Michael bent to Gavin and then walked toward the central stage. Soon a white piano rose slowly onto the stage.
Michael sat down at the piano, ready to play.
Before he began, he said to the microphone, “Hello, everyone, I’m Michael! I’m honored to perform for Miss Camelia Shawn tonight! Then I’ll play I wanna be with you for her in the name of Mr. Jones!”
The piano music soon spread, drowning the sound of the violins, the violinists could not continue.
The eaters looked toward the stage, and so did Remington. Now, his face was so dark, and his eyes were eerie.
Gavin was trying to make trouble?
Didn’t he know their men were playing the violins?
Was he forcing him to do something?
Seeing that the violinists on Cecelia’s side could no longer play, Camelia felt so happy. Hahaha, I’ll see how you guys make
Now the whole restaurant knew that the piano music was being played for her, Camelia Shawn. Didn’t anyone feel jealous?
Chapter 176 His son turns against him to his face
is 15:54
Before she could be happy for a minute, something caught her off guard.


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