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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 Remington found another son? Did he 

Chapter 178 Remington found another son? Did he mistake something for what he saw

Learning what his father meant, Andres took the rose, put it in his mother’s hand, and clapped his hands happily

Seeing her son’s happy look, Cecelia kissed his little face

Thank you, son!” 

sex 15:56 

Remington widened his eyes. Hey, this is my flower for you. You’ll also award me, right?” 

You’re dreaming!Cecelia glared at him

Remington was lost for words

But he noticed that his son shook his little head in pride

He couldn’t do anything about it


Now he had come to a conclusion: His son was more wellliked than he was

So he was even a little envious of his son

His son was trying to take his woman from him. He was unhappy

While they continued their dining, the 999 red roses Gavin prepared were wheeled over

When the flowers reached Camelia, all her friends made a voice of envy

Wow999 roses! Cami, I envy you!” 

What a generous move, Mr. Jones!” 

Camelia glanced at Cecelia, feeling more or less content. Cecelia had taken the flower, and now she also received flowers. Humph, hers were red roses

Gavin seized this chance to confess to her, Cami, do you know about my mood at the moment? It’s like the flaming roses! II” 

Then he suddenly stopped. Sorry, he forgot his lines

He immediately took a slip of paper out of his pocket and sneaked a peek. Seeing that, all those around him laughed

Mr. Nelson made romance while Mr. Jones was making himself a laughingstock

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Hearing others laughing, Camelia felt too embarrassed to hold up her head. I beg of you, Gavin! Can you stop being so stupid? Don’t shame yourself as if you have constipation, okay

Now at the hotel right opposite the Central Edifice, Maximus Linsey and Cyrus Linsey, the two brothers, were observing the revolving restaurant with their binoculars

Irresponsible Father is to give Mommy 999 roses!Cyrus shouted, Quick! Max, do something to stop him!” 


Maximus typed something into the computer, causing the power system of the Central Edifice to collapse

Instantly, the whole building including the revolving restaurant fell into darkness

Hahahaha, it blacked out. Complete darkness. I’ll see how he gives the flowers!” 

Cyrus was overjoyed. Irresponsible Father would probably feel so frustrated if he knew they caused him trouble behind his back

At the revolving restaurant, Gavin was about to continue confessing, Ah, Cami” 

All the lights suddenly went out, but the other buildings outside were still brightly lit. 

Uh, uh, uh? What’s going on? Who turned the lights off? I haven’t finished my words, and the cake hasn’t been brought over. Why did they turn off the lights?” 

Gavin began shouting, and everyone else was also in an uproar, wondering what was going on

Power outage!Cecelia said softly

Right, it’s a power outage!Remington echoed

When no one had not yet adapted to the darkness, Cecelia suddenly felt someone hold her face in his hands and kiss her hard on the lips

She was forcibly kissed

This kiss was both quick and domineering

When she realized it, the person had let go of her

Learning that the man opposite had taken the chance to stealthily 

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kiss her, she became furious

She aimed a punch at his face, but the man caught her fist with his big hand

Soon those few waiters lit up candles in the restaurant

The candle flames drove away the darkness and faintly lit up the faces of the people around thém

Cecelia saw Remington. The man was holding her fist with a mischievous grin at the success of the conspiracy

She withdrew her fist and turned to look at the night view outside the window

What a shameless man! She gave him an inch, and he took a mile

He always seized a chance to take liberties with her. Did he really think she wouldn’t dare to hit him

Remington should thank the blackout because it had helped him fulfill his wish

But the two kids in the building opposite still didn’t know their plan had gone wrong

Their Irresponsible Father had handed out his flower successfully. Even the blackout had not stopped him, but had given him a chance to stealthily kiss their mom

A waiter explained, Ladies and gentlemen, don’t panic. We’re trying our best to figure out the reason for the outage. Please calm down!” 

The eaters were no longer panicky because a few candles had been put on each table

Remington looked over the candle flame at Cecelia, thinking she was more beautiful, as beautiful as a scroll painting, which was pulling him in

We’ve had enough food. Let’s go!” 

Cecelia had received a call from Everest Theodore, who said she was coming to pick her up. Cecelia was going to deal with. something tonight, so she didn’t want to waste all her time here

With a power outage, we can’t take the elevator. We’d better not leave until power is back on.” 

Remington wished the blackout could last a whole night. Then he could spend a beautiful night with Cecelia

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The restaurant’s power was then restored, and all the lights came 

  1. on

Power is back on. Let’s go then!” 

Cecelia had stood up and taken Andres, walking outside


Asking his subordinate to pay the bill, Remington caught up with the mother and her son hurriedly

Noticing that Remington and his family left, Camelia suddenly felt this birthday party was so meaningless

Her good mood had been completely ruined

The center of attention she should have had all had been taken away by Cecelia, and the man she loved followed Cecelia like a shadow. What a fate

So, when Gavin asked her to be his girlfriend, she simply refused. She still couldn’t forget Remington

In the hotel opposite, Cyrus tossed his binoculars away and said, Mommy has left, and Irresponsible Father is catching up. Mission accomplished! It’s time to knock off!” 

Maximus and Cyrus gave each other five

Seeing the two brats cause trouble, Everest didn’t know what she could do other than help them

Anyway, she didn’t really think highly of Remington, either

Remington ran after them into the elevator, and the three of them went down

“Were you happy tonight, Cece?” 

Remington wanted to know what she felt about their date


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