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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 187

Chapter 187 Remington’s Harshness and Gentleness
Chapter 187 Remington’s Harshness and Gentleness
Remington’s eyebrows furrowed as he said mockingly, “Why are your so vulgar and tacky? Is your mind only filled with lovey-dovey nonsense? Can’t you think about anything else?”
His words almost choked Cecelia.
Cecelia was speechless. What he said sounded familiar.
D*mn, he actually used what she had said to argue with her!
But she couldn’t entirely blame Remington. He was known for his sharp tongue when he was in a bad mood!
As Cecelia was feeling frustrated, Remington was about to carry her in his arms.
“Hey! It’s okay! I can walk by myself!”
Cecelia couldn’t stand being carried by him whenever he felt like it. Her legs were fine, and she could walk on her own.
“Are you sure you can walk in those high heels?”
Remington lowered his head and glanced at her, his sharp and thick eyebrows furrowed hard.
In his eyes, Cecelia was elegant and refined, like a precious treasure. How could he bear to let her walk through the muddy water?
“I can take off my shoes and walk!”
If he carried her in this heavy rain, it wouldn’t be easy for him to walk. Besides, Cecelia wasn’t as fragile as he thought. It was just some water on the road.
Cecelia was stubborn, and Remington couldn’t persuade her.
She took off her high heels and held them in her hand. Her feet were submerged in the water up to her calves.
Cecelia followed him forward. Perhaps she was unlucky, and she hadn’t walked far when she felt a sharp pain in her foot.
Hearing Cecelia gasp in pain, Remington turned back to her. “What’s wrong?
“My foot seems to be pri cked!”
Chapter 187 Remington’s Harshness and Gentleness
Cecelia lifted her left foot and saw that the sole was already bleeding. She might have stepped on sharp objects like broken glass on the road just now.
Remington’s expression became tense when he saw her bleeding, and his heart tightened immediately.
Without hesitation, he strode back to her and bent down in front of her.
“Get on!”
His tone was still unpleasant, domineering, and brooked no argument.
Cecelia looked at Remington. His back was strong and solid, exuding a cold and arrogant aura.
This was the second time Remington had bent down in front of her, willing to carry her on his back.
If she hadn’t experienced it firsthand, she wouldn’t have believed that the arrogant man had ever lowered himself like this.
After waiting for a while and not seeing her getting on his back, Remington turned to her and said, “What are you waiting for?”
The wind and rain were fierce outside, and her foot was injured. How long did she plan to be stubborn?
Cecelia had no choice now. Her foot hurt too much to walk, so she tried to lie on his back.
As her weight pressed down on him, her soft body fit snugly against his back. He held her legs with his hands behind him, stood up, and walked forward.
The water was gurgling and had soaked through Remington’s pants. Some weeds and dead leaves were floating on the water, all sticking to his pants.
Remington was a man who always kept himself clean. The contrast between him and the murky water was striking.
Walking through the accumulated water was already difficult for Remington, let alone carrying a woman on his back. But
Remington’s strides remained firm and resolute as if he was carrying an unwavering conviction!
The wind was strong, blowing away the transparent raincoat on Cecelia’s body. Soon, she was soaked through as well.
Both of them were drenched, but she could feel the warmth and beat
Chapter 187 Remington’s Harshness and Gentleness
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emanating from Remington’s body from the parts where their backs were pressed together.
Lying on his back now, Cecelia was reminded of the feeling of being carried by her grandfather when she was a child.
His back was just as broad and warm as her grandfather’s.
Remington strode through the water at the fastest and most stable speed, taking her to the entrance of one of the villas.
The foundation of the villa was higher and had not been submerged by the water. He gently put her down and unlocked the door with a password device.
The door opened quickly, and Remington turned around, gesturing for her to enter.
“Is this your place?” she asked.
“Why do you care? Haven’t you heard that curiosity killed the cat?”
Cecelia was speechless.
Why did Remington seem so angry today?
He even gave back all the things she had said to him before!
Remington, with a stern face, picked up Cecelia who was standing at the door and refusing to enter, and carried her inside before kicking the door shut.
The wind and rain were blocked outside, and the villa was luxurious and bright.
Remington carried Cecelia straight to the second floor and placed her at the bathroom door.
“Have a shower first.”
After speaking, he turned and left. Cecelia called out to him in time “Hey, there are no clothes to change into here. How am I supposed to take a shower?”
“There are clothes in the closet!”
Remington had already disappeared around the corner. Cecelia hesitated before hopping into the room and opening the closet.
As soon as she opened the closet, Cecelia was surprised.
It was filled with women’s clothes. Her eyebrows furrowed Uppopciouely and cho couldn’t help but wonder
Chapter 187 Remington’s Harshness and Gentleness
Was this Remington’s own villa?
Why were there so many women’s clothes in the closet?
They all looked new with tags still attached.
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Taking a quick glance around the room, she found a photo frame on the table. It was a photo of a girl’s silhouette.
Who was the girl?
In the photo, the girl was young and beautiful, and her smile was so bright.
Cecelia didn’t recognize her, but she had a vague feeling that the girl’s relationship with Remington was not simple.
Could she be a former lover of his?
Was this their love nest?
Forget it. If she didn’t choose some clothes here, she wouldn’t have any clothes to change into.
After taking a shower and changing her clothes, Cecelia prepared to go downstairs and take a look. Just then, she saw Remington walking out of another room.
He had also taken a shower and changed out of his suit, wearing a black V-neck T-shirt and black pants. Remington looked less cold and more casual and relaxed.
He was holding a medical kit and walked over to inspect her after she changed. His gaze flashed with amazement.
However, his expression was still gloomy, and his anger had not dissipated. Even his tone was still cold and harsh. “Go in. I’ll deal with your wound.”
He entered the room first, and Cecelia jumped in and sat down on the bed.
Remington lifted her left foot and placed it on his leg, examining her wound.
The wound had already been washed clean, so he began disinfecting it.
It hurt so much that Cecelia clenched her fists. Remington instinctively lightened his movements and acted cautious.
Chapter 187 Remington’s Harshness and Gentleness
“Does it hurt a lot?”
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Remington raised his head, glanced at her, and deliberately spoke in a fierce tone. “You have to endure it even if it’s painful! This is the result of being reckless and not following my words!”
If she had let him carry her, would she have ended up like this? Cecelia was speechless.
She rolled her eyes at him. It was all his fault!
Every time she met him, she had bad luck!
When Remington was bandaging her wound, Cecelia asked, “You haven’t answered my question. What is this place? Who is the woman in the photo?”
Remington turned his head to look at the photo frame, his expression blank. “Do you really want to know?”
“She’s important to me! She’s a very important woman in my life. Are you satisfied with this answer?”
Remington spoke seriously. Hearing this, Cecelia raised her eyebrows. “In other words, I’m not your only woman, right? Is this the place where you used to live with her?”


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