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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 The Perfect Sisterinlaw Material 

What is it?” 

Give me a few minutes. I’ll be right back!” 

Having said that, Cecelia turned around and left the lobby

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She left and no one knew what she was going to do, but soon she returned, with two policemen, one leading a police dog

The arrival of the policemen and the dog beat away everyone’s confusion


Meanwhile, a male servant in the lines outside the gate was on the brink of breaking down

He was sweating on his forehead and guilt climbing up his mind, but he had to force himself to stay calm, couldn’t show any panic at all

Madame Nelson led everyone out of the lobby and saw Cecelia coming with policemen to the mansion

Sabrina snorted, Turns out she’s ordinary and also asks for the police’s help. Boo!” 

Cecelia came near and explained, Madam Nelson, apart from on the rope, I sprinkled the special powder on the ground under the snake. If the thief had to walk away, he must have stepped on it! Let the police dog sniffle and we’ll spot him!” 

She opened a bag of pink powder and let the police dog sniffle it, and then the dog started doing his job

With a sensitive nose, the dog followed the trace of the smell to the servants, most of who were too afraid to move a bit

When the dog came closer to the sweating servant, fear forced him to run away

But the dog targeted him and lunged at him, catching him by his legs. with a bite

Don’t bite mePlease” 

That servant got bitten on his shank and began howling painfully on the ground

Cecelia excliamed, See? He’s the murderer!” 

Peter Sheldon?” 

Madam Nelson recognized the servant, but Peter Sheldon, as everyone familiar with him knew, was an honest folk. How could he have the guts to do such a thing

But like a longtamed dog still bites someday, no matter what his QUEDOOO WOO Modem Noicon couldn’t forgive anyone who attempted 

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Chapter 19 The Perfect Sisterinlaw Material 

to murder her grandson


Peter Sheldon, was it really you who sent the snake? Why on earth did you try to murder Remi?Madam Nelson questioned in anger

Samuel also chided, How dare you try to murder my son! You’re digging your own tomb!” 

The police pulling the dog away though, Peter Sheldon was rolling on the ground still, Cecelia alsó questioned, Peter Sheldon, now that you’re spotted and tried to run away out of guilt, what’re you gonna have to say?” 

Carlos Minton took a step forward and berated him, Peter Sheldon! Did you send the snake? Confess!” 

Madam Nelson, MasterSpare meIt wasn’t meI’m innocentPeter Sheldon cried out

Still denying even at the end of your rope, huh?” 

Cecelia walked closer and grabbed a shoe Perter Sheldom kicked off his foot and showed it to Madame Nelson

Madame, check this out. Does the powder in my hands match the powder he stepped on?” 

Chapter 20 She Appreciates Cecelia 

Chapter 20 She Appreciates Cecelia 


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Against the sunlight, the crowd came forward and could see glittering spots on the bottom of Peter’s feet, the same bright light that the powder gave off

It’s the same!” 

The crowd confirmed that Peter had stolen the snake


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