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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 2

Cecelia couldn’t wait to know where her eldest child was

Chapter 2 She’s Not Someone You Can Offend 

Chapter 2 She’s Not Someone You Can Offend 

Here! You may check it.Upton handed her a document


After Cecelia read the document, a wave of emotions flooded over her. She closed it and stood up immediately. Prepare a car! I want to go back to the Linsey Residence.” 

Cecelia was back not only to take revenge but also to find her eldest 


Back then, she was pregnant with that man’s children and gave birth to four babies in total. Unfortunately, her daughter, the youngest baby, died after she was born

Cecelia kept her promise and gave her eldest son to that man before she left the remaining two sons

Five years had passed. She wondered how her eldest son was doing now

Every time she thought of her eldest son, she missed him so much

Every time she thought of him during the five years, she felt heartbroken

The gate of the Linsey Residence was lavishly decorated, looking grand

Gary, Cecelia’s father, became the new head of one of the four most prominent families in Center City and a real business tycoon after getting the Done Group

Becoming rich would really alter one’s lifestyle. Even the gate had been renovated, which made the Linsey family seem too powerful to approach

When Cecelia reached the gate, she was stopped by the two guards. of the Linsey family. Who are you?” 

Someone you can’t afford to offend.Cecelia looked extremely cold in black

The guards were amused by her arrogance. This is the Linsey Residence. It’s not a place you can visit. Fuck off!” 

With a cracking sound, one of the guards screamed, Ouch! My 

hand is broken

The guard felt so much pain that he got down to his knees. The other guard was stunned. They had just been laughing and didn’t notice when Cecelia reached out

She moved so fast that they didn’t have time to guard against her at 

Chapter 2 She’s Not Someone You Can Offend 


Do you also want to know how it feels to have a broken hand?Cecélia raised her head and looked coldly at the other guard. The guard was so intimidated by her murderous gaze that he intended to rush into the residence and call for help. Somebody! Help!” 


With another cracking sound, the guard’s leg was broken, and he fell to the ground with a loud scream

Cecelia looked down at the two guards and ordered coldly, Shut up if you want to keep your life!” 

Despite the overwhelming pain, the guards didn’t dare to make any sound, thinking that the woman in front of them was too cruel

Cecelia walked into the Linsey Residence, heading towards the living room

At this moment, a woman’s crying came from the living room. Mom, I don’t want to marry Remington, really. He is one foot in the grave now. I’d rather die than marry a vegetáble like him

Cecelia recognized that it was Ophelia’s voice. After becoming the young lady of the Linsey family, Ophelia Cooper changed her name to Ophelia Linsey

Remington, whom Ophelia had mentioned, was the famous president of the Nelson Group

Since Remington took over the family business, the Nelson Group had been developing in multiple ways under his leadership, involving financial, real estate, chain hotels, and other industries. Now it had steadily become the biggest financial group in the country

Unfortunately, the business genius had a car accident a month ago. It was said that he was paralyzed in bed and became a vegetable who didn’t have much time left

In order to save the dying Remington, the Nelsons searched for someone to bring blessing to him all over the city, and they chose Ophelia in the end because her birth chart matched Remington’s. Alas, I don’t want you to marry him either. I sent the Nelsons Cecelia’s birth chart, but I didn’t expect that it would be chosen by them. The Nelsons are on the way to pick you up. What can I do? We can’t afford to offend them.Heather felt really sorry for her daughter

Ophelia turned to Gary and pleaded, You’ve got to do something, Dad. I don’t want to get married. Why do I have to marry 

Remington? I love Sean and I only want to tie the knot with him. Can you ask someone else to marry Remington in my place?” 

Chapter 2 She’s Not Someone You Can Offend 

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Who else can I find to help you? The car from the Nelson family is arriving soon.” 

Dad, Mom, I really don’t want to get married.” 

Just as Ophelia was crying desperately, a clear female voice sounded

Since she’s so reluctant, I can marry Remington in her place.” 

Upon hearing that, all the people in the living room turned around and saw a slender black figure standing at the door of the Linsey Residence

When the black figure came in, they found that it was a woman who had an extremely beautiful face and exuded a cold aura

WWho are you?” 

Gary looked at the woman in front of him in surprise. He felt familiar with her, but he was sure that he didn’t know her

Mr. Linsey, great wits like you really have short memories. We haven’t seen each other for only five years, but you can’t even recognize your own daughter?” 

Cecelia walked in. The clickclack sound of her black high heels. echoed around the living room like kind of drumroll against everyone’s heart, so intimidating. 

Cecelia? Are you still?” 

Gary slowly rose to his feet and stared at Cecelia in disbelief. Her voice was the same, but she had a completely different appearance. It’s really Cecelia, my eldest daughter. But she died in the fire back. then, didn’t she?thought Gary

Heather recognized Cecelia’s voice as well and displayed a terrified expression on her face. Gary, is she Cecelia?” 

Cecelia?Ophelia repeated the name in shock

Cecelia was burnt to ashes, wasn’t she? Why does she suddenly appear here?wondered Ophelia


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