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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 206

Chapter 206 I’ll Take You to Find Mommy.
Chapter 206 I’ll Take You to Find Mommy
At this time, a luxury car was parked outside the basketball court.
Remington glanced at Petunia and the little girl sitting in the back seat from the rearview mirror, then got out of the car and opened the door for them.
If it wasn’t for his daughter, he wouldn’t have personally driven to pick up Petunia, and even thoughtfully prepared two specially made milk teas, one large and one small.
Petunia was pleasantly surprised and in a very good mood. Holding the milk tea, she and Doris got out of the car together.
Doris was wearing a red skirt today, with a small mask on her face, and a windmill in her hand, which was her treasure that she would never let go of wherever she went.
“Let’s go. The game is about to start!”
Remington made an invitation.
Petunia and Doris followed Remington into the basketball court. According to the seats reserved in advance, Remington led them to their seats. They were directly opposite Cecelia, separated by the basketball court.
Cynthia glanced inadvertently and noticed the group of people on the opposite side. He wondered, “That guy looks like my brother, right? It’s him! He is actually with Petunia. What’s going on? I need
to ask!”
Cynthia didn’t understand her brother’s approach. He was asked to chase after Cecelia, so why was he looking for other women?
Was he trying to annoy them?
“Cynth, don’t go looking for him! Just pretend you didn’t see anything! Concentrate on watching the match!”
Cecelia didn’t want their plan to be ruined by Cynthia.
“Yeah, the game is about to start! Dr. Nuno should be coming out soon! I’m so excited!”
Cynthia eagerly started looking for Shepard. Ariella noticed something and asked directly, “Miss Nelson, do you like my brother?”
Chapter 206 I’ll Take You to Find Mommy
Cynthia was suddenly asked this question, and she felt
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embarrassed for a moment, but she quickly recovered and asked back, “You just noticed? I do like your brother!”
Perhaps she didn’t expect that Cynthia would dare to answer. Cynthia’s straightforwardness left Ariella speechless.
Seeing her surprise, Cynthia continued, “I know you hope that Cece can be with your brother, but Cece is my sister-in-law, and your brother has no hope. Why not let me? How about I become your sister-in-law? It’s not too bad, right?”
“Uh… It’s not bad.”
Ariella answered honestly.
“I also think it’s pretty good. Ariella, you need to help me more in the future!”
Cecelia patted Ariella’s shoulder. It seemed that Ariella’s hope of having Cecelia as her sister-in-law was destined to fall short, but Cynthia was also good and worth considering!
All of Cecelia’s attention was on the opposite side. Petunia’s gaze was all on Remington and she didn’t notice Cecelia over here.
Remington quietly sent Cecelia a text message, then turned to Petunia and said in a caring tone, “The milk tea should be drunk. while it’s hot. It’s not good when it gets cold!”
“Okay, thank you!”
Petunia happily started drinking milk tea.
After receiving the text message, Cecelia greeted Cynthia and Ariella and left the stadium first.
Before long, the finals of the Amateur Basketball Open of the Cathail Republic officially began, and both teams came to the field.
The team Shepard was in was the Center City Medical University team, and the opposing team was the Center City Flying Tigers. team. Both teams were evenly matched. In the past several games, the wins and losses were almost equal, so today’s final was the decisive game.
At this time, the surrounding fans were cheering for their favorite. teams. Cynthia saw Shepard.
“Ah… Ariella, your brother is so handsome!”
Shepard, dressed in black basketball clothes, was full of vigor, as if he was glowing all over, so handsome that people couldn’t take their
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Chapter 206 I’ll Take You to Find Mommy
eyes off him.
Cynthia excitedly shook Ariella. Ariella was probably used to it and didn’t find it so surprising, “He’s okay!”
However, soon, Ariella found something incredible. She saw a familiar face in the Center City Flying Tigers team.
Was that man in the white basketball uniform, with a basketball under his arm, the one called Rupert?
Why did he come too?
Rupert also played basketball as a hobby. Especially today being the finals, he came to join in the fun.
After he entered the court, he saw Remington in the stands. He looked around but didn’t see Cecelia. However, he noticed a fat.
Because he was so big, it was easy to spot him at a glance. The fat guy actually came too!
But he was in the Center City Medical University team, not here to cheer him on?
Ariella noticed Rupert’s gloomy, gaze coming towards her. She shivered, thinking, “he’s not looking at her, is he?”
She was so frightened that she quickly covered her face with her bag, not letting him recognize her!
With the referee’s whistle, the match began. The audience all around was attentively watching.
Remington secretly observed Petunia. She was feeling a bit unwell after drinking milk tea, with a faint pain in her stomach.
Although she was uncomfortable, she didn’t want to lose face in front of Remington, so she had to bear it.
“Are you alright, Miss Taylor? You look a little pale,” Remington asked with “Concern”.
“I’m fine…”
After Petunia finished speaking, her stomach hurt even more, an unbearable feeling was churning inside her.
She wondered what was causing her stomachache, but didn’t think about the milk tea Remington had given her.
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Chapter 206 I’ll Take You to Find Mommy
A few minutes later, Petunia could barely stand it. She had to make an excuse and say, “Mr. Nelson, could you please take care of Doris for me, I need to use the restroom.”
“Sure, leave Doris to me. Don’t worry!”
After Petunia finished speaking, she explained to Doris, picked up her bag, and went to the bathroom.
After Petunia left, Remington bent down and said to Doris, “Doris, this windmill was given to you by your mommy, right?”
“Yes! The windmill was given to me by mommy! Grandma said that as long as the windmill spins, it means mommy is thinking of me,” the little girl explained proudly.
Remington’s throat tightened. “Do you know where your mommy is?”
Upon hearing this, the light in the little girl’s eyes dimmed, and she lowered her head. She had never seen her mother, and didn’t know what she looked like.
She didn’t know where her mother was or when she would come back to see her.
She had been waiting for her mother to come back!
“I know where your mommy is. Do you want to go find her with me?”
“Really? Have you seen my mommy?”
With the previous groundwork, Doris had trust in Remington. Hearing him say that he could take her to find her mother, she was inclined to go.
“Look, your mommy prepared so many windmills for you, all for you!”
Remington took out a photo from his phone. There were many windmills in the picture. When the little girl saw the windmills, she became excited.
“Uncle, will you take me to find mommy? I want mommy!”
Remington never thought that he would have a knack for kidnapping.


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