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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 218

Chapter 218 He’s Finally Back
As they crossed the threshold, Cecelia noticed that the Western- style building seemed to have been deserted for a long time. The interior appeared somewhat antiquated, with many pieces of furniture covered in white cloth.
This scene before her made her realize she had been too optimistic about everything.
She had even thought that she would see her little brother as soon as she entered.
But the reality? Nothing in sight.
The immense bubble of her hope instantly burst from within.
Turning around with disappointment, she asked him, “Remington, no one’s here! Where the hell is Kevin?”
Remington walked over and gently told her, “Actually, Cece, this place is Eaton Brown’s home, where your brother lived for three years.”
“Eaton Brown was a chemist with no children of his own, and he adopted Kevin, who then changed his name to Jason Brown. He spent three decent years here.”
“Unfortunately, what? Don’t stop!”
Cecelia grabbed his arm, trying hard to control her emotions. Shel didn’t want any more ups and downs on her journey to find her brother.
Couldn’t she just find Kevin in a straightforward and even way? “I hope you’re prepared for the rest of what I’m about to tell you.”
Cecelia nodded.
“When Kevin was eight years old, his adoptive father passed away due to an explosion during his chemical research. That day, Kevin was also seriously injured. After Eaton’s death, he lost someone who cared about him once again and became an orphan. Then he was sent away.”
Hearing these words, tears kept welling up in Cecelia’s eyes. Her heart felt so sour and painful.
Her brother was trafficked at the age of five and wandered from place to place until he ended up in a foreign country. Who knew
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Chapter 218 He’s Finally Back
what kind of trauma his young heart had endured during that time?
Finally, a foster father came into his life, but he only had three years of stable life before facing another disaster, getting seriously injured, and once again losing his family.
Becoming an orphan once more?
What kind of impact would this second round of suffering have on his heart?
Cecelia couldn’t bear to think about it!
Holding back her tears, she walked upstairs to see the place where. Kevin had lived.
In one of the rooms, Cecelia found a weathered picture frame with cracked glass covered in thick dust.
She took out a handkerchief and wiped off the dust from the glass, revealing a photo of a middle-aged man and a boy.
Wasn’t the boy her brother, Kevin, when he was around six years. old?
I’m sorry, I’m late!
Cecelia reached out and touched the person in the photo, her brother.
Looking at his young face, she blinked with sadness, tears streaming down her cheeks.
A great amount of unbearable pain surged deepest in her heart!
“Kevin, no matter where you are, I’ll find you!”
She made a vow to the boy in the picture, turned around, and left. Cecelia had wiped away the tears from her face, but her eyes. remained red and swollen.
Coming downstairs, she approached Remington and asked, “Have you found out where my brother was sent lafer?”
“I have. He was sent to a monastery.”
“A monastery? Let’s hurry and go there! Maybe he’s waiting for me there!”
Excitedly, Cecelia said, and Remington nodded, accompanying her as they left the building.
Chapter 218 He’s Finally Back
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Not long after their car drove away, another silver Maybach arrived, heading toward the building.
Finally stopping in front of the building, a tall, slender figure stepped out of the car.
The young man wore oversized sunglasses, but when he looked at the old building, he took them off, revealing a handsome face.
After thirteen years, he finally returned, but everything here had changed!
Following the clues obtained by Winger, Remington brought Cecelia to a monastery in Phoenix City and found a nun called Sister Mary. “Hello, we would like to find Sister Mary,” Remington asked.
It was said that Kevin was sent here, and Sister Mary took care of him.
“Okay, please wait a moment.”
Soon, a young nun came out and asked, “Do you have any business with me?”
Comparing the photo, Remington found that the person in front of them wasn’t the one they were looking for. “The Sister Mary we’re looking for is this one. Have you seen her?”
Sister Mary looked at the photo and told them, “Her name is the same as mine, but unfortunately, Sister Mary passed away five years ago.
Remington and Cecelia exchanged glances and asked again, “Do you happen to know if she took care of a boy named Jason Brown during her lifetime?”
“I’m not quite sure, but I can check the records for you.”
“Okay, thank you!”
Sister Mary led them to the archives and asked them to wait outside. Remington put his hand on Cecelia’s shoulder and gave her encouragement.
Cecelia remained silent, feeling a mix of emotions and fearing that it might end in disappointment.
After over ten minutes, Sister Mary returned with the records of the old Sister Mary. They indeed found some related to Jason Brown.
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Chapter 218 He’s Finally Back
The old Sister Mary not only took care of Jason but also recorded the time he came to the monastery, his health checkups, and detailed information about his condition.
The records showed that Jason suffered brain damage in the explosion and took a year to recover.
He lived in the monastery for another year after that.
But the records only covered two years. In other words, there were no records of Jason after he turned ten years old.
“Why are there no records after this point?”
Cecelia asked Sister Mary.
“I’m not quite sure about it. If the records end there, it’s possible that the boy was adopted again later or left the monastery.”
“Sister, please, could you check for more information related to this boy, if he was adopted again, or by whom? Can you help us find anything? Please!”
Cecelia held Sister Mary’s hand, pleading.
“I’ll go check the adoption files for you!”
Sister Mary found the adoption records of the monastery. Every child who was adopted would have records here.
But as they went through the earliest ones, they couldn’t find anything related to Jason.
“There’s nothing! There are no adoption records for him. Looks like the clues end here. I’m sorry, we don’t know where the boy went. Maybe old Sister Mary would know if she were still alive.”
The lead had once again reached a dead end!
Cecelia felt devastated, and her steps became unsteady.
Remington promptly supported her, saying, “Cece!”
Cecelia raised her head and comforted herself, “It’s okay; we can continue searching. Perhaps my brother is still living out there in Phoenix City, all grown up now! He must still be alive!”
Remington nodded, “Yes, he must be alive. I’ll have people investigate further. Don’t worry! Let’s go back for now.”
There was nothing more they could do at the moment. Cecelia could only follow Remington as they left the monastery.
Chapter 218 He’s Finally Back
As they passed the main hall of the church, a man wearing sunglasses and holding flowers walked in from the entrance.
They passed each other, and the flowers covered the man’s face.
The young man walked into the church, heading towards the inner hall as if he used to live here, and when he saw the nun, he asked, “Excuse me, is Sister Mary here?”


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