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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 227

Chapter 227 Letting His Son Feel the Strong Fatherly 1/5
Chapter 227 Letting His Son Feel the Strong Fatherly Love.
Remington gently touched her lips and tentatively kissed her. Cecelia showed no resistance, which further encouraged him. Releasing Cecelia, Remington gazed at her with affectionate eyes. Just a few seconds later, he was wild with love for her.
After learning that Cecelia was hospitalized, Verda hurriedly brought the three children to the ward with Everest, only to witness the scene before them outside the hospital room.
All three children stood still in shock, and Verda looked at Everest with surprise.
Everest quickly covered the eyes of Max and Cyrus with her hands, and Verda imitated her, covering Andres’ eyes.
Both Everest and Verda felt embarrassed and turned their heads to the side.
“What is he doing to my mommy?”
Maximus moved Everest’s hand away, dashed toward Remington, and then restrained his neck.
“Let go of my mommy!”
Cecelia was extremely embarrassed when she found that the children were all there and that they, Verda, and Everest had witnessed what had happened earlier.
Remington was interrupted by the children. He and Cecelia were both immersed in their affectionate kiss, but now they were forcibly separated.
With the little boy’s arms around his neck, Remington turned his face and took the boy’s arms off.
Although he couldn’t distinguish which child was in front of him, Remington said in an educational tone, “Son, what are you doing?” Maximus still had a hint of hostility against Remington. “Who are you calling to? I haven’t admitted you’re my father yet. I’m asking you, What are you doing to my mother? Why are you bullying her again?”
“I’m not bullying your mommy. We were kissing. As a kid, you shouldn’t interfere,” explained Remington.
Upon hearing his explanation, Cecelia couldn’t help but glare at him. She complained inwardly, “Da*n it! He’s being too blunt.
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Maximus frowned, unable to understand why his mommy kissed his jerk father, and wondered what was good about Remington.
The boy thought to himself, “Come on! They are divorced. Moreover, my jerk father loves another woman.
What Maximus was more concerned about was his mommy’s condition. He looked at his mommy, who was on the bed, with a stern face. “What happened to my mommy? Why is she injured and hospitalized?”
“Your mommy was poisoned,” Remington explained briefly.
“Poisoned?” Maximus exclaimed.
“I’m fine, Max. Your father saved me. Don’t target him anymore! If it weren’t for him, you might not be able to see me again.”
After hearing Cecelia’s explanation, Maximus put away his defensive stance.
But thinking about his dad’s feelings for another woman, the boy still wanted to remind his mommy, “I understand, Mommy, but you shouldn’t kiss him anymore. He loves someone else. He doesn’t love you.”
Remington was speechless and looked daggers at his son,
declaring, “You brat! Don’t talk nonsense! The person I love is just your mother. Listen carefully! I’ve only loved her since the very beginning.”
“Then who is Lilian?” asked Maximus.
He found out about this while he was staying at the Nelson’s.
“You foolish boy! Lilian is just your mommy.” Remington looked at Cecelia. “Have you never told the children that you are Lilian?”
“They don’t know.” Cecelia felt embarrassed. She wanted to explain last time, but the children didn’t want to listen.
At this moment, Maximus finally understood that he had. misunderstood his dad all along.
Remington wasn’t a jerk but rather very devoted.
And he was a father that should be cherished.
“Alright. In return for you saving my mommy, I forgive you. You can kiss her now,” Maximus announced solemnly, holding his hands on his hips.
Remington was left speechless by his son’s words.
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“Do I even need permission from a little child when I want to make out with my own wife?” thought Remington to himself.
“Cece, I want a kiss too.”
Cyrus trotted over, asking for his mommy’s kiss.
Andres naturally didn’t want to fall behind and joined the competition.
“Oh, you guys.”
Remington was pushed to the side, feeling annoyed by the fact that his three sons were competing with him for his wife. He turned his gaze toward Verda, who was standing at the door. “Hey, you gigolo, how could you bring them here?”
Verda found it unbelievable and pointed to his own face, asking Everest, “Is he talking to me?”
“Sure! You do look like a gigolo with your fair skin,” Everest stifled a laugh, and Verda’s face instantly darkened.
This address was really hurtful.
It made Verda realized that the reason why Remington had hostility. toward him was that he saw him as Cecelia’s gigolo.
Verda complained inwardly, “What a misunderstanding! It’s not my fault for having a fair complexion, isn’t it?”
With the three sons accompanying Cecelia in the hospital room, Remington had a rare opportunity to spend time with his children, and they got along quite well.
He noticed that Maximus, his eldest son, seemed a bit old-fashioned like a busybody. This boy always looked serious, indifferent, and aloof.
But Cyrus was particularly easygoing. In just a short time,
Remington became familiar with Cyrus, and now when he picked up. Cyrus, Cyrus would giggle happily.”
Both Cyrus and Andres were cooperative, but Maximus didn’t join them even if Remington called out to him.
To make Maximus feel the overwhelming fatherly love, Remington took the opportunity to suddenly lift him up when the boy was caught off guard.
“No! Help!”
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Maximus was shocked and shouted for help, which caused everyone to burst into laughter.
However, after being playfully lifted by Remington for a moment, Maximus experienced a magical feeling he had never felt before.
“So, this is what it feels like to play with my father? It seems quite interesting,” thought Maximus to himself.
As the sedative wore off, Cecelia gradually regained consciousness. “Everest, take the children back first!”
“Okay! Let’s go, handsome boys!”
Everest called out to the three children, and the little ones behaved well and wore masks and hats, leaving with her and Verda.
The hospital room quieted down. Remington and Cecelia discussed the events that had happened earlier. After hearing Cecelia’s account, Remington clenched his fists in anger. “What a da*ned lu natic!”
“He must be a perfectionist with obsessive-compulsive tendencies and a mission-oriented killer. It was my investigation that disrupted his plans, so he wanted to silence me first. If I hadn’t investigated in the first place, maybe not so many innocent people would be killed,” Cecelia sighed in self-blame.
“It’s not your fault. You don’t have to blame yourself. He’s just making up an excuse for his murder. He is nothing more than a killing machine. Now the most important thing is to find the mastermind behind him.”
Remington informed Cecelia of the information his subordinates had gathered.
“We have learned that Black Hawk departed from the Moro
Organization several years back and has been employed privately since then. The masterpiece allegedly took your mother away, causing her to be presumed deceased, and remaining vigilant for five years to deter any investigations. Don’t you think he is an even moré horrible freak?””
“You’re right. We must find the true mastermind behind all this. Black Hawk is a key figure. Unfortunately, he has escaped again,” sighed Cecelia.
“Captain Shawn has informed the police to pursue him comprehensively.”
“I wonder how it’s going? Any news from Captain Shawn?”
Just then Roger called Remington Remington answered and
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asked, “Hello, Captain Shawn. Have you found any leads?”


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