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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233 It’s Time to Expose His Identity
Chapter 233 It’s Time to Expose His Identity
Andres went up, kissed Madam Nelson’s cheek, and said to her, “Great-grandma, may you live a hundred years.
The child had spoken?
The child had truly spoken!
Andres’s sudden speech left Madam Nelson and the rest of the Nelson family in utter shock.
“Andres! Andres can talk?”
Tears welled up in Madam Nelson’s eyes. She cradled the child’s face, looking at him over and over again.
For two long years, they had been waiting for this day when the child would finally speak.
Today, their wish had finally come true!
The child could talk. That was the greatest gift of all!
“Great! Andres can really speak! He has just wished you a long life!” Cynthia exclaimed joyfully.
“My son can talk!”
Remington was equally surprised by Andres’s sudden speech.
“Andres! My dear great-grandson…”
Madam Nelson held the child, touched, tears streaming down her face. From this day forward, who would dare to ridicule her great- grandson?
Maria was always one to go with the flow. Now, when she saw Andres could talk, she immediately began saying nice things, “Mother, Andres can speak. This is a great joy! The Nelson family has two great joys today!”
“You’re right! My precious great-grandchildren have returned, and Andres can talk. I couldn’t be happier.”
“Madam, you are truly blessed!”
The crowd showered her with blessings, all except Samuel, who watched the newly-speaking Andres with a deep gaze.
The child’s newfound ability to speak posed a potential threat!
The return of the three children had livened up the banquet. The
Chapter 233 It’s Time to Expose His Identity
children stayed by the elderly lady’s side.
Cecelia also presented her gift. “Madam, this is my small token. Please accept it.
“There’s no need for that, Cecelia. The three children are the best. gift!”
Madam Nelson thought she owed Cecelia too much gratitude.
Cynthia took the gift and showed it to her grandmother. “Grandma, this is Cecelia’s heartfelt gift. Please take a look!”
Cynthia opened the gift box, and they saw an exquisitely made A- line dress.
“Oh, it’s an A-line dress!”
Madam Nelson had a special fondness for A-line dresses, a sentiment shared by many of her age.
The A-line dress was displayed, looking elegant and high-class.
Many of the wealthy ladies instantly came to inquire, “This A-line dress is truly well made. Which design house made it?”
“Yes, it’s beautiful. I want to order one, too!”
Even Ivone Janet was tempted. “Good. It’s really good. I also want one. What brand is it?”
Camelia had noticed that, and said, “Mother, there’s no brand. There’s no label on the collar. Maybe it’s just from a nameless shop but is claimed to be high-end.”
Camelia spoke that purely out of her jealousy towards Cecelia and didn’t take the occasion into account.”
Remington gave Camelia a cold glance as a warning, then. introduced, “Grandmother, the A-line dress Cecelia prepared for your is not from any ordinary shop. It was designed by the internationally renowned designer, Nyx. She personally designed and made it, every button and edge hand-sewn. It’s a one-of-a-kind piece in the world. Only those who don’t understand fashion would depreciate it!”
Cecelia didn’t publicly announce that Cecelia was Nyx. He just explained the origin of the A-line dress, praised his wife, and took a jab at ignorant women like Camelia.
Camelia, sensing the sarcasm in his words, was furious but couldn’t retort.
Cynthia, who also knew Cecelia’s identity, joined Remington in
Chapter 233 It’s Time to Expose His Identity
praising, “Great-grandma, I’m very familiar with Nyx. Her designs are all international high-end. This A-line dress is her first attempt at traditional clothing!”
“Thank you, Cecelia. You’ve gone to great lengths!”
Madam Nelson was overjoyed, and the ladies around her were green with envy.
They all knew Nyx, but to receive a unique custom piece from her was so rare an opportunity!
Many were curious about how Cecelia managed to get a limited edition piece from Nyx.
The atmosphere was quite pleasant throughout the party. All the gifts were given, the birthday wishes were made, and everyone ate and drank to their heart’s content. When the party came to an end, the. guests began asking to leave.
The Nelson family saw off wave after wave of guests, but Cecelial and the children didn’t leave. In the end, only the Nelson family themselves remained.
Madam Nelson said with emotion, “This is the happiest birthday I’ve ever had in my life!”
Samuel said timely, “Mother, we will celebrate your birthday happily every year from now on!”
“We can, but you might not!”
Remington’s voice came from behind. Samuel turned around, and their eyes met.
“What do you mean by that, Remington?” Samuel asked.
Remington turned his face away, ordering his man, “Fredric, take all the children to play!”
“Yes, sir!”
Fredric and his partners took the five children away, leaving behind Madam Nelson, Anderson, Maria and her husband, their daughter- in-law Lydia, Samson and Sabrina (sister and brother), Cynthia, Remington, and Cecelia.
Remington’s cold eyes swept over everyone. He announced, “Since all the guests have left, let’s discuss some internal affairs of the Nelson family!”
Madam Nelson asked, “Remington, what’s wrong? What do you
want to say?”
Chapter 233 It’s Time to Expose His Identity
Remington’s face was grim as he said, “Grandmother, let’s discuss whether your eldest son is my father.”
Everyone except Cecelia looked surprised.
But Samuel remained calm as if he had expected this.
Anderson, Samuel’s younger brother, asked in confusion, “Remington, what are you talking about? My brother’s identity is crystal clear. Does this need to be discussed?”
Samson was also puzzled. “Brother, what’s going on? I know, there’re misunderstandings between you and Dad, but we only have one dad!”
Sabrina had had enough. “Brother, you’ve put my mom in jail, and now you’re going after Dad. Why are you doing this?”
“Your mom is in jail because she brought it upon herself!”
Remington retorted sharply, then turned to Samuel, “Will you. confess? Or do you want me to do it for you?”
All those present turned to look at Samuel, who remained composed. “Remington, I know you’ve been holding a grudge against me because of your mother. But haven’t you seen how I’ve treated you over the years? I’ve always loved you as a father. Even if you doubted me, I’ve never targeted you, son!”
Samuel put his hand on Remington’s shoulder, but the latter brushed it off. “Enough! Stop faking it! Do you really want me to bring out the evidence?”


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