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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 236

Chapter 236 Proof of His Lie 

Chapter 236 Proof of His Lie 


Samuelavoided the real question and acted excited, saying, Aurora, I am so glad you are alive! I understand you have many reasons to be angry with me, but I do not hold it against you. All that matters is that you have returned

Aurora Snow chuckled coldly and asked, So, do you refuse to admit. that you are not Samuel?” 

My name is Samuel. You can confirm it.” 

Samuel was not afraid of any accusations. He did not confess to anything mentioned in the testimonies of these two women

Additionally, the recording device from that year no longer exists. What proof could they have? 

No! You are not himYou’re not Samuel. My husband loved me a lot and would never deceive me by being unfaithful to me with other women behind my back!” 

Aurora Snow couldn’t stop crying, devastated with grief. She looked at the man in front of her and said angrily, You cannot be him! Do you think you can deceive others with your face?” 

But let me tell you, you can’t fool me! I am sure that you are not Samuel!” 

My husband had a specific condition! His heart was on the right. side of his chest! Are you?‘ 

Only Samuel’s closest loved ones knew this. She became 

suspicious when she felt the imposter’s heartbeat from the left side of his chest

Aurora’s words stunned everyone in the room. Even Remington and Cynthia had never heard of it

At that moment, Samuel on stage was clearly surprised. He likely did not expect Aurora to present such strong opposing evidence. Nothing else to say, huh? Just by touching your chest, they can tell the difference!Aurora had a cold smile on her face

Samuel calmed down and answered with sarcasm, Aurora, you’re acting absurdly. Is it possible for a regular person to have their heart on the right side? Don’t you find it funny that you make up such lies. just to deal with me?” 

Samuelregained his composure and sarcastically said, Aurora, you are being ridiculous. How can a regular person have their heart. on the right side? Isn’t it strange that you make un lies just to deal 

Chapter 236 Proof of His Lie 

with me?” 


Just as Samuel was about to argue, Gabriella spoke up, She didn’t lie. Samuel’s heart is in his right thorax. He had this unique feature that was little known to others. Only my deceased husband, Aurora, and I know about this.” 

After Gabriella’s testimony, Remington reached out and touched. Samuel’s chest on the left side, barely giving him time to react

Remington took his hand back after a few seconds and sneered, Now, do you have anything to say? My father’s heart is on the right. side, but yours is on the left. You are an imposter! How much longer do you want to act as if you are him?” 

Catch this impostor!” 

Following Remington’s order, Winger and Featheron quickly approached from different directions and held down the fake Samuel

I’ll give you one more chance! Who you really are?!” 

Remington asked in a cold tone

At that moment, the imposter Samuel could no longer deny the truth. His only option was to reveal his true identity in the hopes of gaining their sympathy

Well, since you caught me, I have to admit that I’m not Samuel. I’m Samuel’s twin brother!” 

By telling everyone about his identity, he proved he was a real member of the Nelson family. He challenged them to take action against him


Gabriella cried tears because she was sad. She was unsure whether it was fortunate or not that her lost son had returned, considering the harm he had almost caused to the entire family. Why was she unable to feel any maternal love towards him

What had happened to her son in the past that caused him to end. up in his current state

You finally admit it!” 

With hatred in his eyes, Remington ground his teeth and demanded, Tell me, where is my father? Did you kill him?” 

Anderson couldn’t help but speak up. You are not Samuel?! So.

Chapter 236 Proof of His Lie 


have another elder brother? Why did you pretend to be Samuel? If you had come back to our family honestly, you could still be a legal member of our family!” 

This was the perplexing question that confused everyone. He was also a member of the Nelson family as Samuel’s twin brother. So why did he go to such lengths

Now that he confessed his true identity, where was the real Samuel

You don’t want to speak, do you? You killed my father! Even if you’re my uncle, so what? I will still send you to jail!” 

Remington angrily grabbed the imposter by the collar and lifted him. up

I didn’t murder your father, and how could you send me to prison? My dear nephew!” 

The imposter’s face twisted into a confident smirk. He never felt scared due to his identity

Remington’s uncle referred to him as my dear nephew, which pierced Remington’s heart to pieces

This person destroyed his family

His father and mother were forced to be separated


Remington’s fury led him to strike his uncle forcefully in the face

Samuel stepped back, blood was coming out of the corner of his mouth

My nephew, you are against your uncle!Samuel kept smirking

Shut up! Although I haven’t found direct evidence of you conspiring against my father, I did find evidence of you killing someone!” 

Remington revealed the truth by saying, Do you recall when Andres went missing two years ago? He lost the ability to speak after he was discovered. Why did that happen?” 

It happened because of you! He got into your car by mistake and went with you to the mangrove forest, where he witnessed you. committing a murder.” 


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