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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 239

Chapter 239 So That Was the Truth.
Chapter 239 So That Was the Truth.
He wanted to know where my father was and he wanted to find him!
“As for the rest, don’t ask anymore! It’s for your own good and the good of the Nelson family!” Bill Carlson still refused to tell him everything.
“But I have to know! Because he’s my father! I must find him! Tell me now, or I won’t let you get out of this foday!” He grabbed Bill’s collar and raised his fist.
“I can’t say…”
Bill Carlson wasn’t afraid of his violent threats. He couldn’t speak, so he made a gesture to indicate that he could write.
Remington let go of him and said, “You better not play any tricks!” He handed Remington a pen and paper, and Bill Carlson started writing. He quickly showed Remington the first sentence.
“I had a bug in me. I can’t speak. I can only write.”
Remington became even more suspicious. He had a listening device inside his body?
Fine! He could give him a chance to see what story he could come up with!
He gestured for Bill to continue.
“Remington, if you’re really not afraid to die, I can tell you everything.”
After reading his message, Remington wrote a reply, “Write it then! But if you dare to deceive me, don’t blame me for being violent!”
From then on, they communicated silently in this manner.
“Focuse, Remington. The people who took your father are powerful. They’re not someone we can easily deal with!”
“I was captured and taken away without knowing anything. It was only when I saw your father that I found out I had a twin brother.”
“They forced me to disguise myself as your father and take his place in the Nelson family. All of this was their plan, and I was just a pawn in it.
After reading his message, Remington replied by writing.
“So you’re saying that those people want to use you to control Sierra
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International fo secretly work for them? They want to use our family as a cover for them, so Sierra International becomes their money laundering tool?”
“You can understand it that way.”
“Who are these people? Tell me!”
“I didn’t want to tell you originally because they promised to set me and your father free after I served them for 20 years. It’s been 18 years already, just two more years to go. I thought by then, your father would be able to come back alive and everything would return to normal. I could also return to the Nelson family!”
As a child of the Nelson family, Bill longed to return to the embrace of his family as he was fortunate enough to survive.
Based on Bill Carlson’s account, it seemed like there were many doubts and loopholes in the story.
“Even if what you say is true, why did you kill my father’s assistant and bury him in the mangrove forest?”
In the quiet space, only the sound of the pen scratching on the paper could be heard.
“Remington, do you think there are no spies around your father? That assistant, Joy, was their informant. If it wasn’t for him, your father wouldn’t have fallen into their trap during the negotiations aboard.”
“When I returned to the Nelson family in your father’s identity, he monitored everything I did. We had a dispute, and I accidentally killed him. I was worried that those people would find out, so I buried him. I never expected that you would find his remains!”
As Bill mentioned that negotiation abroad that his father had gone. back to than, Remington had some recollection. He glanced at Bill for a few seconds and then wrote down his question.
“And now, you still haven’t told me who those people actually are?” Bill Carlson looked at his question and wrote, “The Black Shark Castle, have you heard of it?”
The Black Shark Castle?
Remington knew all too well that this was a dark organization that ruled over the northern region of the Earth. His domain and the Black Shark Castle had many conflicts, and the Black Shark Castle had a notorious reputation worldwide.
But he never imagined that this despicable organization would have
Chapter 239 So That Was the Truth
already put their evil claws on the Nelson family!
“I know this organization! You better make sure everything you say is true. If you deceive me, you won’t get anything good!”
Remington wrote this sentence and then looked at Bill with an icy gaze, full of intimidation.
“I have written the truth. I can’t say these words to anyone else, as they are being eavesdropped on. If they find out, it would mean breaking the agreement, and they will kill your father, including me, and even more innocent people will be involved.”
“I have written everything that needs to be said. Please believe me, Remington! Now that I have been captured, if they find out, they will verify first and then take action. They might even kill me to keep me silent.”
“Hurry! Find a way to save your father!”
Remington was not easily fooled, but at this moment, he could see from Bill’s eyes and between the lines that what he had told him might be reál.
“I will go find my father. If he is not at Shark Base, I will personally deal with you when I come back!”
After writing this sentence, Remington stood up.
Bill quickly wrote another reply, “Remington, if I die, please take care of Samson and Sabrina!”
Remington grabbed the paper and silently read it. Then after talking a glance at him, he left the interrogation room in big strides without saying anything else.
After seeing him leave, Bill covered his face with both hands and fell into deep pain.
He really didn’t dare to think about what would happen next.
“Remi, are you done?”
Samson was waiting outside and asked when he came out.
He didn’t hear him talking to Bill Carlson just now, and he didn’t know if he had found out anything.
“Yes. Let’s go!”
Remington left the interrogation area with Samson and met Roger Shawn outside. “Samson, go wait for me in the car. I want to talk to Captain Shawn alone.
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After Samson left, Remington and Roger Shawn went to the rest room to talk.
“How did it go?” Roger Shawn asked.
“I’ve told him, but I still need to confirm what he told me. Before I go to confirm it, I need you to do a few things for me, Captain Shawn,” Remington said.
“Like what? Just name it!” Roger Shawn patted his arm, indicating that he could feel free to ask.
“First, you need to prioritize the protection of this person and stop any further interrogations or public announcements.”
“He said there is a bug inside his body, so please arrange a check- up for him. If it’s true, then you can just secretly arrange for surgery to remove it,” Remington said.
Roger Shawn was shocked to hear this and nodded seriously. “Alright, I understand!”
“I will make a decision after I come back.”
“Well, be careful!” Roger Shawn said.
After giving his instructions, Remington left the police station and returned to the Nelson family with Samson.
Upon his return, Remington immediately found Cecelia, who had agreed to stay for the night. At that moment, she had already put the kids to bed at the Aroma Villa.
When she saw him come back, she stood up and asked, “How did it go over there?”
“He has told me everything. I know the whereabouts of my father
“That’s great, where is your father now?”
Remington showed Cecelia the dialogue he and Bill Carlson wrote, and after reading it, Cecelia looked shocked, “There’s such a big conspiracy behind this!”
Suddenly, Remington tightly held Cecelia’s hand and said, “Cece, there’s no time to waste, I have to go to Shark Base to save my father. I’m leaving this family to your charge!”
Hearing her husband’s easy tone, Cecelia felt worried, “You’re going
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to Shark Base? But that’s too dangerous! It’s like a suicide mission!”
“Time is running! Every second I delay, my father’s danger increases!”
“But what if he’s deceiving you?”
“If he fooled me on this, he wouldn’t have any chance to do it again. But if I miss the chance to save my father because of my suspicions, I will regret it for the rest of my life!”
Remington had already made up his mind!


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