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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 243


Chapter 243 You Will Be Abandoned by Everyone 

Chapter 243 You Will Be Abandoned by Everyone 

16T 12:45 

Aurora and Maria, as sistersinlaw, had never had a good relationship. During the years that Aurora was away, Maria took all the limelight


But now that she was back, Maria couldn’t continue causing trouble

Aurora explained with a faint smile, That’s right, Maria. Cecelia gave birth to quadruplets for our Nelson family. The fourth child will čome back sooner or later. Everyone, just wait!” 

Maria suddenly felt that the food wasn’t appetizing anymore

She really wanted her daughterinlaw to have more children, but unfortunately, her son was still in prison. It was really frustrating

During the meal, Samson asked Cecelia, Cecelia, any news from Remington?” 

I was just about to mention that. I have good news to tell everyone. Remington has already sent me a message. He has found his father and they will be back soon!” 

Ah, that’s great! Mom, Grandma, my dad is coming back!Cynthia was overjoyed

Thank goodness!Gabriella was so relieved as well

The most excited person was Aurora. She didn’t say anything, but tears were already streaming down her face

What would it be like to see her husband again after 18 years of separation

Was he doing well

This news was a boost for the Nelson family

They were all very happy to hear it, except for Maria and her family

The return of the true head of the family meant that they would no longer have any say in matters

After breakfast, Cecelia had to go out for a while, leaving the three children in the Nelson family

Cecelia, don’t worry about the kids and go. Leave them to us. We’ll take care of them.” 

Aurora offered to help take care of the children. Cynthia also chimed in, That’s right, and I can help too.” 

Chapter 243 You Will Be Abandoned by Everyone 

Thank you both for your help!” 

After bidding farewell to the children, Cecelia took the initiative to ask Samson, Mr. Samson, do you have time? Can you drive me there?” 

Sure, I have time.” 

Samson was somewhat flattered. He drove her out of the Nelson family

Where are you going, Cecelia?” 

I’m going to the hospital. Your father had an accident!” 


Cecelia didn’t mention it earlier because she didn’t want this matter to affect everyone. She only called Samson


Samson was surprised to hear this. What happened?” 

We’ll find out when we get there.” 

Cecelia received a notification from Roger, but she didn’t know the specific situation. They could only find out by going to the place

When they arrived at the hospital, they first saw Roger. One of his arms was injured and wrapped in gauze

Captain Shawn, what happened?” 

We were ambushed while transferring Bill. Bill was shot, and my arm was scratched in the explosion.” 

Cecelia guessed. The other party must want to kill you!” 

That’s right. That’s what I suspect! Fortunately, we didn’t let them succeed in their conspiracy!” 

I’ll go see him first!” 

Samson was a bit excited. On the way here, he had already heard Cecelia’s explanation and learned that his biological father, Bill, was not a bad person. It was all a conspiracy of the Shark Base. This greatly touched his heart

Perhaps they all misunderstood Bill

According to the whole matter, the one they should hate the most was the Shark Base

Samson went to the ward first. Cecelia noticed Roger’s wound and 

Chapter 243 You Will Be Abandoned by Everyone 

casually asked, Captain Shawn, is your injury okay?” 

It’s nothing, just a minor injury.” 

60% 12:45 


Roger was used to getting injured, just like an everyday occurrence

As police officers, especially detectives, they often dealt with violent criminals, so getting injured was inevitable

While they were talking, a sharp female voice sounded. Cecelia? Roger! What are you doing?” 

Roger suddenly heard his wife’s voice and his blood froze. He turned his head and saw that it was indeed Winnie

Cecelia turned around and also saw Winnie who was dressed in fashionable clothes and carrying a designer bag. She strode toward them aggressively

Winnie’s eyes were unkind, staring at Cecelia. She came closer and pulled Roger aside, interrogating Cecelia, Cecelia, have you had enough? warned you not to bother my husband anymoré, didn’t I? Why are you still pestering him?” 

Roger felt that Winnie was being unreasonable and explained, Winnie, we were discussing official matters. Don’t misunderstand, okay?” 

What official matters? Did you rush here as soon as you heard that my husband was injured? Cecelia, you’ve gone too far! You’ve already divorced Remington, yet you shamelessly attended the birthday party held by the Nelson family, and now you’re here to see my husband. Don’t you think you’re loose and disgusting?” 

Winnie couldn’t stand seeing her husband with Cecelia. As soon as she saw them together, she couldn’t help but get angry

Alright, Winnie, stop causing a scene. This is a hospital! Come with me!‘ 

Roger tried to pull her away, but Winnie shook off his hand

Roger looked helplessly at Winnie and sighed. How long are you going to keep causing frouble?” 

Do you think I’m causing trouble? Am I being unreasonable? You leave early and come home late every day, and I can’t see you. Every timé I see you, I run into you with her. How am I supposed to think?” 

Winnie was so mad that she cried, feeling greatly wronged

Roger was a good husband, but due to work reasons, he couldn’t be 

Chapter 243 You Will Be Abandoned by Everyone 

with her often, which made her suspicious

60% 12:45 

He could only try to comfort her, Alright, stop crying! Miss Cecelia and Remington are destined to remarry. There’s really nothing between me and her! Can you trust me?” 

Winnie still had some grievances in her heart. If you want me to trust you, let’s make it clear today!” 



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