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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 246

Chapter 246 She Wants to Conquer Him
Chapter 246 She Wants to Conquer Him
Cecelia yelled after catching a glimpse of this.
Hearing her voice, everyone looked over. Seeing the scene, they all screamed in panic.
“The crystal lamp is broken!”
The bodyguards outside the door wanted to rush over to rescue John and Upton, but they were too far away.
John and Upton were shocked to hear the screams and looked up simultaneously.
The crystal lamp was close to them. They were caught off guard and had no time to dodge it.
Suddenly, a purple figure rushed over, pushing them away from the dangerous place.
After the crystal lamp fell and shattered, the shards bounced around.
It took a while for the cr ackling sound to stop. Everyone looked at the broken crystal lamps on the ground. When John recovered from the shock, he had a lingering fear.
Upton let out a long sigh and said, “That’s where we were standing just now! Fortunately, Ms. Linsey pushed us away in time!”
John’s face turned pale. His wife came over and asked, “John, are you OK?”
“I’m fine. Fortunately, Cecelia saved us in time. Otherwise, I would have died.”
John looked at Cecelia and appreciated her more. She had brought good luck to him and saved his life.
John’s wife was sensible, so she instantly expressed her gratitude. Cecelia shook her head and said, “Mrs. Wood, you are welcome.”
“Ms. Linsey, thank you very much for saving me and Mr. Chase.”
After John personally thanked her, Upton also expressed his gratitude.
“You’re welcome. It’s not worth mentioning!”
Upton said, “You saved my life. I will remember your kindness. Please don’t hesitate to tell me if you need my help.”
Chapter 246 She Wants to Conquer Him
John also said, “That’s right! I will also keep your kindness in mind. If you need my help, I will do it for you at all costs.”
“Mr. Wood, Mr. Chase, you don’t need to take it so seriously.”
Cecelia smiled. She had asked Upton and Master Ronnie for help and went through a lot of trouble to get such a promise from John.
After the episode, John asked people to clean up the mess, comforted the guests, and said he would hold the hotel accountable. The event was not significantly affected, and the party continued. Karen walked out of the crowd and talked to Cecelia, saying, “Did you see that woman? She is here too!”
Cecelia followed Karen’s gaze and saw Chris’s mistress Bonnie.
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Long. You need to pretend not to know anything. I will handle it.’
Cecelia withdrew her gaze after reassuring Karen. So, the latter could only wait to see what she would do.
When Chris left the venue and went to the lavatory, Cecelia winked at Upton. Seeing this, he whispered something to Master Ronnie. Soon, Master Ronnie also went to the washroom.
When Chris came out of the lavatory, he met Master Ronnie and politely said, “Good evening, Master Ronnie!”
Master Ronnie glanced at him, showed a frightened expression, frowned, and shook his head.
His reaction confused Chris, so he asked, “Why are you looking at me like this?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“What’s the matter? Why can’t you tell me?”
Master Ronnie’s words aroused Chris’s curiosity.
“Sir, you will die because of a woman soon.”
After finishing speaking, Master Ronnie intended to leave. But Chris stopped him and said, “Please stay!”
Chris had not believed such things before. But after seeing what had happened to John today with his own eyes, he thought in Master Ronnie’s words without any doubt.
Chapter 246 She Wants to Conquer Him.
Hearing Master Ronnie say he would soon die, he was scared. So, he anxiously said, “Master Ronnie, why did you say so? Please make it clear!”
“Since you’re so sincere, I can tell you something.”
“Please go ahead!”
“Sir, you’re married and have children. But you have a mistress. She will bring bad luck to you and cause you to die! To live a long life, you must break up with her and use your wife’s blessings to suppress your bad luck. If you continue to date her, you will die within three months!”
When Master Ronnie was about to leave after finishing his words, Chris stopped him and said, “What do you mean by using my wife’s blessings?”
“Your wife is a lucky woman and can bring good luck to her
husband. Since you married her, you will get richer and live a long life. But if you lose her… Alas, I should not have said so much. Anyway, it is all I can tell you!”
Then, Master Ronnie walked away, although Chris tried to stop him.
Chris suddenly woke up! He must not leave his lucky wife for a woman who would bring bad luck to him.
Bonnie always acted recklessly. She had asked him for money and urged him to divorce. Now, he realized he was wrong. He shouldn’t have used such a st upid method to provoke his wife.
After getting out of the lavatory, Chris saw Bonnie waiting outside. He subconsciously looked around, pulled her to a secluded place, and asked in dissatisfaction, “Didn’t I ask you not to come? Why are you here?”
Bonnie coquettishly said, “I missed you, so I came to meet you!”
Chris grabbed her wrist and coldly said, “I’ve made it clear! I hired you to act. You should not have stayed in the character all the time! Don’t think of yourself as my real mistress!”
“Mr. Wade, you hurt me!”
Bonnie grieved and said, “Please take a good look at me. I am younger and prettier than your wife. I can give birth to a son for you. Why don’t you consider me?”
Although Chris was her employer, she wanted to change their relationship. She tried to conquer and marry him!
“No way! Stop dreaming! You have broken the agreement! From
Chapter 246 She Wants to Conquer Him
today on, our employment relationship ended. I don’t want to see you anymore!”
Chris had accepted Master Ronnie’s suggestion, so he firmly cut off the relationship with Bonnie, intending to return to his family.
After being pushed away, Bonnie was not reconciled! Although she had received a sum of remuneration, it was not enough! She needed more money! She must get twenty million dollars today. Otherwise, the loan shark would not let her go!
Suddenly, the loan shark called her again. When she turned off the phone in fright, she found they had come to catch her!
Chris was going back to his wife. After taking a few steps, he heard Bonnie scream from behind. Looking back, he said her running toward him.
“Mr. Wade, help!”
Seeing two burly men chase after her, he asked, “What’s going on?” “She owes us twenty million dollars. If she doesn’t pay it back today, We will strip her naked and throw her on the street.”
“Mr. Wade, please help me pay it back! Please!” “Twenty million? I don’t have that much money!”
Chris had terminated the employment relationship with Bonnie, sol he would not give her a single dime.
Bonnie suddenly looked fierce, grabbed his clothes, and threatened, “If you don’t help me, I’ll expose our affair. There are many people at the party! Aren’t you afraid of losing face?”
“Are you blackmailing me?”
Chris had already seen through her intentions.
Bonnie owed a lot of money and was anxious to pay it back. She was desperate and admitted it, saying, “Yes!”
“Bonnie, you are going too far! There is nothing between us!”
“Do you think the people outside will believe your words? Will your
Bonnie suddenly took out a dagger, pressed it against his back, and said, “If you don’t give me the money, we will die together!”
Chris frowned. He had never expected her to do such a thing. Sure enough she would bring disasters to him.
Chapter 246 She Wants to Conquer Him
Suddenly, several people rushed over from the corridor in the distance. And the woman in front of the group shouted, “Stop it! Let him go!”
Chapter 246 She Wants to Conquer Him


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