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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 254

Chapter 254 After the Reclaim of His Daughter, 1/5 

Chapter 254 After the Reclaim of His Daughter, Remington’s Slyness 

The Nelson Group has sent an invitation, stating that tomorrow they will hold a child custody transfer ceremony at the Celestial Hotel in Center City. They request your presence!” 

Isn’t this hitting where it hurts

Stealing the girl and asking her to help deliver the girl home

She had truly underestimated the audacity of Remington Nelson! Nonsense! I’m not going!” 

Maggie Taylor slumped in her chair, visibly frustrated. Her assistant, sensing her distress, continued cautiously, Mrs. Taylor, but the police and mainstream media will be present. If you don’t attend, what if” 

Get out! Just get out!” 

Maggie didn’t want to hear it. She needed some time alone to gather herself

The assistant hurriedly left the office, closing the door behind her. Maggie sighed deeply. She realized she had been played badly in this situationattempting to steal chickens and losing the rice. She had lost both the girl and her dignity

Remington had meticulously arranged everything

He had elevated Maggie Taylor to a position where even if she wanted to back out, the public wouldn’t tolerate it

Remington was confident in this approach because he understood Maggie’s character. As a woman who cared about her reputation and image, she couldn’t afford to disregard them

Back home, Remington informed Cecelia about the upcoming custody event

Good move! Maggie Taylor won’t have a good way to respond to this!” 

Yes! You’ll be attending with me tomorrow!” 


At noon a lavish lunch was prepared in the Nelson Residence, with 

Chapter 254 After the Reclaim of His Daughter, 2/5 

Samson and Sabrina, the siblings, returning as well. The whole family gathered together

With Doris’s return, the Nelson Family’s joy was multiplied

They all enjoyed a harmonious lunch together

In the afternoon, the kids played in the garden, while Cecelia sat on a swing chair watching them

Rarely did they have such a peaceful and enjoyable moment. Remington approached her, sitting beside her, his long arm naturally draped around her

Being with his beloved woman, watching their kids playwasn’t this the beautiful future Remington had envisioned

Thinking about accommodations for the night, Remington lowered his head and asked, Cece, can you stay the night here?” 

I need to go back. I can’t keep staying here indefinitely.” 

You can stay here as long as you want, for as long as you need! If you leave, what about the kids?” 

I can take Doris with me. She just returned, and we still need time to bond. I need to be with her.” 

I want to stay with you too. We need to build our own bond!” 

Leaning his head on Cecelia’s shoulder, Remington showed a rare dependence

Are you a cat? So clingy?” 

Exactly, my dear owner. You can stroke my fur!” 

Go away!” 

Cecelia laughed, trying to push him away. She attempted several times but failed, eventually just letting him be

From a distance, Samson approached. He had intended to discuss. some company matters with his cousin Remi, but seeing this heartwarming scene, he didn’t have the heart to interrupt and quietly withdrew

Cecelia’s phone rang; it was a message from Adam

A picture accompanied a short message

Remington looked up and saw the imagea young man with a stylish. appearance. His spirits instantly lifted

03% 12:44 

Chapter 254 After the Reclaim of His Daughter, 3/5 

Who’s this?” 

A friend.” 

Let me see!” 

Remington snatched her phone, enlarging the picture. The young man looked quite handsome and posed stylishly

The username was Adam.He remembered the name

His face darkened a bit. In an unfriendly tone, he asked, What kind of friend sends you pictures like this? Why are you judging how his pants look? Is he deliberately flaunting his body?” 

No, he helped me, and I bought three pairs of pants for him. He tried them on to show me the effect.” 

Cecelia innocently explained, not realizing how this honest explanation would irk Remington

What? You bought him pants? Three pairs?” 

His focus wasn’t on why you bought pantsbut on you bought pants for another man

Yes.Cecelia nodded, not understanding what the big deal was

Bought pants for someone else, and three pairs!” 

Remington grew angrier as he thought about it. Cecelia had never bought him pants before

What’s the big deal? They’re just pants.” 

Cecelia noticed his displeasure and raised her eyebrows at him. But he turned his face away, Hmph!” 

Are you upset? Jealous because of this? Mr. Remington Nelson?” 

Cecelia found his possessiveness a little amusing. How could he be so jealous

Still ignoring her, just at that moment, a voice message chimed in from Adam, automatically playing aloud

[Miss, I know of a cozy little restaurant with great food. How about we have dinner together tonight?]” 

[Sure, send me the location when it’s time!]” 

Cecelia replied with a message. Remington’s face turned towards 

Chapter 254 After the Reclaim of His Daughter, 4/5 

her, his eyebrows nearly knitted together, his expression turning 


Do you pretend I don’t exist? Right in front of me, you’re making dinner plans with another man?” 

Yes! What’s wrong with that? Mr. Remington Nelson! Don’t forget the threemonth observation period. If you don’t want it to end prematurely, you need to control yourself!” 

Cecelia stared at him, her eyes reminding him that they were divorced now, and she was a free individual. He had no right to interfere in her normal social interactions

Remington was on the verge of losing his mind. But he couldn’t ruin. the opportunity of the threemonth observation period

He was only her exhusband now, and he didn’t have the authority to meddle in her personal business. Helpless, he sat there


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