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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 256

Chapter 256 Let Him Worry About Cecelia Once 

Chapter 256 Let Him Worry About Cecelia Once 


Cecelia caught a glimpse of a tall figure entering. When she turned. her head and saw it was Remington, she was slightly surprised. Remington, why are you here?” 

Iwas just passing by, thought I’d say hello.” 

Remington walked over, and his gaze naturally fell upon Adam. This is your friend?” 

Yes, this is Adam.” 

Cecelia had already figured it out Remington had deliberately followed her to ensure she wasn’t dining with other men

Nice to meet you, Adam.” 

Remington extended his hand, and Adam stood up to shake hands. Mr. Nelson, I’ve heard a lot about you.” 

Knowing Cecelia naturally meant knowing Remington. Adam knew his reputation, and making himself a new acquaintance wasn’t a bad idea

However, Remington seemed to harbor some hostility toward him. When they shook hands, Adam could feel him squeezing his hand forcefully

If he hadn’t been trained, his palm might have been crushed

The two men exchanged smiles while shaking hands in a subtle competition

on Was 

trying to probe how good Adam was at fighting

That’s enough shaking.” 

Cecelia reminded them

Sure, please have a seat.” 

Remington took the initiative, inviting Adam to sit down. Adam, where are you from?” 

I’m a local.” 

Adam replied with a faint smile

Hearing this response, Remington knew that Adam wasn’t being truthful. He had investigated Adam before, and there was no information about him here

Chapter 256 Let Him Worry About Cecelia Once 

182% 12:46 


Whenever he encountered someone with no records found,he had to be cautious

Do you drink?” 

Remington asked again

I can, but I don’t usually drink,Adam explained

Interesting, I also don’t usually drink, but today, I’m honored to meet you. Let’s have a drink!” 

Remington called the waiter, Bring the best wine you have here!” 

Cecelia turned to Remington, lowering her voice, What are you up to?” 

What can I do? I’m here to drink with this gentleman; your friend is my friend.” 

Remington assumed the host’s posture; today, he was determined to entertainthis Adam properly

Watching Remington and Cecelia chat, Adam found an excuse to leave, Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.” 

After Adam left, Remington turned to Cecelia. I think something’s off about Adam.” 

What do you mean?” 

He said he’s a local, but there’s no information about him. I think he’s lying.” 

I haven’t known him long, and he doesn’t need to tell me everything. I won’t share too much with him either.” 

Cecelia felt the same as Remington; they both sensed something was amiss

So far, she hadn’t intended to become close to Adam. She had invited him for a meal to express her gratitude

Don’t be tricked by his attractive young appearance. He’s not as handsome as me.” 

That was the main point Remington had come to say

Cecelia couldn’t help but laugh. You think I’m an easily fooled naive girl?” 

I’m just worried you won’t be able to resist a handsome young man.” 

Chapter 256 Let Him Worry About Cecelia Once 


Stop it!” 

They exchanged a smile, and the atmosphere was lightened as if it weré just the two of them on a dinner date

Wait for me here. I’ll go see what that guy is up to.” 

Remington got up and left the private room

Adam came out of the restroom and caught sight of the man walking in through the mirror

After Remington entered, his gaze immediately focused on Adam’s pants. He spoke sarcastically, Nice pants, aren’t they?” 

Adam turned around and glanced at his pants, then smiled lightly. Exactly. They were a gift from Cece. Wearing them feels different.” 

Upon hearing this, Remington grabbed him by the collar, his gaze turning cold. Spill it! How did you meet each other?” 

Adam could feel Remington’s hostility, but he wasn’t afraid. It was a chance encounter. She just showed up in front of me all of a sudden.” 

Remington pushed Adam against the wall. Who would believe that? You’d better come clean. Why are you trying to get close to Cece?” 

I am not a bad guy, okay?” 

Adam shrugged innocently

I’ve checked you out. You’re not a local at all. I know you are up to no good.” 

Remington shoved him away, his entire demeanor radiating displeasure

Adam straightened his clothes and smiled calmly. Maybe you’re right. I think Cece is a very charming woman. I was planning to pursue her!” 

It was just a joke, but seeing Remington so tense amused him

He didn’t mind being a rivalfor once and making Remington worry about Cecelia

Don’t most men realize the value of something only after losing it

Remington’s divorce must have been due to not treating Cecelia well

Chapter 256 Let Him Worry About Cecelia Once 

Such an exhusband deserved some lessons

Hearing this, Remington became infuriated. You should know that she’s mine.” 

I know, but she’s already divorced from you, Mr. Nelson. She’s available now, and everyone has the right to pursue her.” 

Are you trying to get beaten up?” 

Remington grabbed him again and clenched his fist


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