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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 258

Chapter 258 Regains Custody of His Daughter
Chapter 258 Regains Custody of His Daughter
Doris was also waiting for her grandmother. She tilted her head and asked Cecelia, “Mommy, when is Grandma coming?”
“She should be here soon.”
Cecelia wasn’t entirely sure, and she had a feeling that Maggie might devise an excuse to delay or even cancel the ceremony.
Just as the people at the scene were getting anxious, a group entered through the entrance, causing a commotion.
All eyes turned to them. Maggie was leading the way, accompanied by Petunia and others.
Their arrival immediately caught the attention of reporters and media personnel, who began taking pictures.
Maggie walked in with her head held high, exuding an elegant demeanor. She hoped to show Cecelia and the others that she, Maggie, had not lost.
The gazes of Cecelia and Maggie met, and what they were thinking was known only to themselves.
Maggie wouldn’t admit defeat, and Cecelia wouldn’t back down either.
Cecelia could see the lingering ambition and fierce determination in Maggie’s eyes.
Petunia also arrived. When she saw Remington and Cecelia standing together, so well-matched and pleasing to the eye, her heart was filled with jealousy and hatred.
They had deliberately gotten close to her to take Doris away from her.
And she, foolishly, had believed Remington!
“Grandma, Auntie!”
As soon as Doris saw them, she ran up to them.
In the little girl’s eyes, these two women were still her beloved grandmother and aunt, her family.
Maggie crouched down, looking at the child she had raised for years. It was a complicated feeling.
Chapter 258 Regains Custody of His Daughter
Despite raising Doris initially for the secret manuscript, five years of bonding had made her genuinely attached to the child.
Handing her over to Remington and Cecelia was not easy for her.
Doris hugged Maggie, then let go and hugged Petunia, “Auntie…”
Petunia’s feelings toward Doris are highly complex. Ever since she learned that Doris was the daughter of Cecelia and Remington, she couldn’t like her as much as she used to.
Petunia didn’t accept Doris’s embrace; instead, she patted her little head. Doris felt slightly disappointed, sensing the change in her aunt’s attitude.
Was it because she left with her dad that day, and her aunt became upset?
“Doris, come back!”
Cecelia called out, and Doris ran back to her.
Maggie stepped forward to the stage, first apologizing to the reporters, media personnel, and the police and notary officers present.
“I’m sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long.”
Then she turned to face Cecelia and Remington. “Mr. Nelson, Miss Linsey, I apologize for the delay.”
Cecelia subtly curved her lips. “No worries. Today is for Doris. No matter how long it takes, we’re willing to wait. And thank you very much, Mrs. Taylor, for making time to be here.”
The two women shook hands, but their gazes had an underlying tension.
Maggie didn’t want to be here, but Remington had backed her into a corner, leaving her no choice but to come.
“Thank you, Mrs. Taylor, for raising Doris for us and selflessly returning her to us. We’re very grateful!”
“Mr. Nelson, you’re welcome!”
Remington also extended his hand, allowing Maggie to grin and
bear it.
Chapter 258 Regains Custody of His Daughter
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To express his gratitude further, Remington offered, “Mrs. Taylor, to thank you for your hard work over these five years, we should offer something in return. Feel free to make any requests, and I will unconditionally agree!”
He, indeed, was a businessman.
Remington’s words were like a hard slap to Maggie’s face.
And she still had to smile through it.
How was she supposed to answer?
If she asked for compensation, others would think she was trying to extort them by using the child to get rich.
Maggie had no choice but to concede. “There’s no need, Mr. Nelson! I never thought of using Doris to exchange for anything. Doris is priceless.”
Her words sounded beautiful and earned her a positive reputation in front of the media.
People felt that Maggie was selfless and generous such good- hearted individuals were rare.
However, all of this was part of Remington’s deliberate plan. He had no intention of offering Maggie any compensation. After all, her motive for raising Doris was to force Cecelia to hand over the secret manuscript.
She had ulterior motives.
Why would he reward her?
“Ms. Taylor, we would also like to thank you for your meticulous care of Doris’ over the years.”
Cecelia expressed her gratitude to Petunia.
Petunia glanced coldly at her, ignoring her.
But that was fine with Cecelia. She continued, “Now that Mrs. Taylor is present, let’s begin our custody transfer ceremony!”
With Cecelia’s announcement, the police and notary officers took the stage.
The police officer asked, “Mrs. Taylor, do you have the adoption documents for the child?”
“Yes, I have them.”
Chapter 258 Regains Custody of His Daughter
Maggie instructed her assistant to hand over the documents. After the police verified the adoption papers, the next step was for both parties to sign the custody transfer agreement.
Cecelia and Remington sat on one side, while Maggie and Petunia sat on the other. They reviewed the terms of the transfer agreement just like in a negotiation.
After confirming everything was correct, they each signed their
As the child’s parents and guardians, Cecelia and Remington signed together.
After signing the agreements, they exchanged copies and signed again.
Following the completion of the transfer agreement, there was another agreement to change the child’s last name to Nelson.
Cecelia and Remington had discussed and decided to retain her first
After both agreements were signed, the change of name agreement was completed, and the police stamped their seal on it; it was handed over to the notary officers for further verification and sealing.
After all three parties had confirmed everything, the police officially announced to the media, “From today onwards, Doris will be officially renamed Doris Nelson, and custody will be transferred to her parents. The transfer ceremony is now concluded!”
Applause erupted from the audience, and Cecelia, Remington, and Maggie stood on the stage together for a group photo.
Everything signaled that the Nelson family had finally obtained custody of their daughter!
The event would make headlines, but the child’s face should not be exposed per the Nelson family’s request. Any privacy breach would be legally dealt with.
After the ceremony concluded, the media, notary officers, and police. gradually left.
Cecelia asked Remington to take their daughter outside first. She had something to discuss with Maggie.
Seeing Remington leaving with the child, Petunia followed them.
Maggie turned to Cecelia with a cold smile. “Cecelia, you got what you wanted, didn’t you?”
Chapter 258 Regains Custody of His Daughter
“Yes, thanks for your help. Regardless, I should thank you.”
“No need. You and Remington conspired to sn atch Doris away from me. There’s no need for false gratitude.”
“Conspire? Then how did you know where I gave birth to the child? And how did you know my daughter would die, yet you. coincidentally picked her up?”
This was something Cecelia needed to clear up.


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