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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 261

Chapter 261 Important Items Related to Her Brother 

Chapter 261 Important Items Related to Her Brother 

Remington told Cecelia about the insider information he found on the phone, and Cecelia’s face showed a mix of shock and indignation

It’s actually him!” 


Never did she expect that the person who hired someone to hit her would be Sean

He had always held a grudge against Cecelia and waited for the right moment to seek revenge. Was that why he hired a desperado to hit her

He was simply courting death

Wait for me. I’m coming right away!” 

After instructing Everest to stay at the hospital, Cecelia prepared to leave with her three children. She planned to send them to the Nelson family before going to see Remington

At that moment, she suddenly heard one of the children blowing a whistle

The sound of the whistle caught her attention, and she walked towards Cyrus, who was blowing the whistle

Cyrus, you can’t blow a whistle in the hospital. You need to keep quiet.‘ 

Oh, I see, Mommy!” 

Glancing at the brass whistle in Cyrus’s hand, Cecelia curiously asked him, Where did you get thé whistle? Let me see!” 

It was given to me by Uncle Verda.” 

Cyrus handed the whistle to Cecelia, and she held it in her hand to take a look

The whistle was clearly an old one, with its surface repolished. When Cecelia saw this whistle, the first thing that came to her mind was that her younger brother Kevin had such a whistle when he was little

Kevin loved blowing whistles

Their mother had specifically bought it for him on his birthday

She remembered that her mother had the shop owner engrave the abbreviation of Kevin’s name on the whistle, and it was KV

Chapter 261 Important Items Related to Her Brother 


Cecelia turned the whistle around and unexpectedly found two not- soclear letters on it. Upon closer inspection, she could still make out that it was KV

Cecelia’s heart tightened when she saw these letters

This was Kevin’s whistle

It was unbelievable

It was Kevin’s whistle from when he was little

Tears immediately welled up in Cecelia’s eyes, and she asked Cyrus again, Cyrus, where did you say you got this from? Who gave it to you?” 

It’s from Uncle Verda! He gave it to me!” 

Verda? Does this whistle belong to Verda?” 

Cyrus nodded

Cecelia couldn’t control her emotions any longer, and tears streamed down her face. Her chest ached, making it almost 

impossible for her to breathe. She tightly held the whistle in her palm and slowly turned around

Seeing Cecelia cry, Everest asked in confusion, Cecelia, what’s wrong?” 

Everest, I mighthave found my younger brother” 

Everest was shocked. Where is Mr. Kevin now?” 

Cecelia looked at the ICU, and Everest was even more surprised. No way! Do you mean that your younger brother is Verda?” 

Cecelia nodded and walked toward the glass window. When she saw Verda’s appearance, her heart felt like it was being torn apart. Her brother had been by her side for so long. Why didn’t she recognize him before

Verda was her younger brother

He was Kevin… 

Everest patted her back to comfort her. Cecelia, don’t be sad. Reclaiming your brother is something to be happy about. We just have to wait for Verda to wake up.” 

Yeah you stay here and watch over him! I have something to take 

Chapter 261 Important Items Related to Her Brother 

care of!” 


Cecelia wiped her tears, and a hint of coldness and malicious killing intent appeared in her eyes

Thinking of the mastermind behind the car accident, she clenched her fists in anger, her hatred overwhelming

He almost succeeded in harming her and caused her to lose her brother again

This time, Cecelia was determined to teach Sean a harsh lesson. She had reached her limit

At the same time, Adam woke up slowly in the hotel room, feeling al headache

Taking a look at the surroundings, he realized that he was in a hotel. and immediately sat up in surprise

Seeing his belongings on the bedside table, along with a note left by Verda, Cecelia’s subordinate, he learned that Cecelia had him sent. here

Letting down his guard, Adam thought about last night. It was the first time he had gotten drunk with Remington

After getting up, Adam packed his things and prepared to leave, but he found that he had lost something very important

The brass whistle was missing

He searched through all his pockets, but couldn’t find it. Did he lost it somewhere? 

Adam practically turned the hotel carpet upside down, but still couldn’t find the whistle

Oh no

That could be the only evidence he had to find his family, but it was missing now

Was it possible that he had lost it somewhere else, like the restaurant

After checking out, Adam immediately rushed back to Taylor’s, the private restaurant he had dinner last night. After asking around and searching, he left emptyhanded

Perhaps it was really gone

Chapter 261 Important Items Related to Her Brother 

He lost the only clue


015 12:48 


After sending the three children to the Nelson family, Cecelia hurried to meet Remington

Remington had already had Sean captured. At this moment, Sean had a black cloth covering his head, his body bound, lying on the ground like a wriggling worm

Who are you? Let me go” 

Sean still didn’t know who had kidnapped him and what their purpose was

Is anyone there? Let me out!” 

In the darkness, the coldness emanating from the floor tiles sent a chill down his spine

Then he heard the sound of a woman’s high heels on the floor tiles, one step after another, each step pounding in his heart, and he felt his whole body covered in goosebumps


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