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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 269

Chapter 269 I Am Back
Chapter 269 I Am Back
Cecelia saw the small hill where they used to have picnics when they were young, and she also saw the largest cherry blossom tree. What shocked her was that the huge cherry blossom tree was covered in red wishing plaques.
With every gust of wind, the plaques swayed.
Cecelia and Remington ran over together and stood under the tree, looking up at each plaque. They found that each one had words written on it.
[Mom, my dear sister, I’m back.]
[Mom, my dear sister, I miss you so much.]
[I hope Mom comes back soon.]
[I hope my sister lives a happy life.]
As Cecelia read those words, she felt so sad that she could not even breathe.
Tears rolled down her cheeks and dropped into the soil.
Kevin had really come back.
It seemed that he had regained his memories.
Otherwise, he wouldn’t have written so many words.
Cecelia read every single plaque, and the more she read, the more tears she shed.
The last plaque read:
[My dear sister, I’m sorry. Please forgive me!]
Cecelia couldn’t help but clutch her chest. Her heart ached.
She had hurt Kevin’s feelings, and he had left.
He left her once again.
“Kevin, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Cecelia held the wish plaque in her hand, unable to stop sobbing.
“Cece.” Remington gently held her shoulders.
Chapter 269 I Am Back
Cecelia turned around, tears streaming down her face. “Remington, I’m so sad.”
Remington embraced the tearful woman and comforted her incessantly, “Don’t be sad! Don’t cry, Cece. Your brother won’t leave you. Let’s go look for him together. We’ll definitely find him!”
“All right.”
When Cecelia stopped crying, Remington wiped away her tears and held her hand tightly. “Let’s go, let’s go find him now!”
The two of them left Cherry Blossom Ridge and returned to the city center.
On the way back, Cecelia no longer shed tears, but she was down. Thinking back to her encounters with Adam, she felt both fortunate and sad.
She felt fortunate that her brother Kevin had grown up to be a cheerful and handsome young man, just like she had imagined her brother to be.
But she was sad because she hadn’t recognized her brother even when he came back to her.
She really hated herself for that.
She recalled Kevin’s shocked expression when he opened her study drawer and saw the photos. Maybe at that moment, he just realized
that she was his sister.
But she was so mean to him at that time, which caused him to lose the courage to recognize her.
Just the thought of it made Cecelia’s heart ache.
Remington drove Cecelia back to Bluebell Mansion and urged her to rest while he went to search for Adam.
Adam had disappeared completely. He had always been elusive, and now that he had cut off all contact, it was more difficult to trace him.
Remington instructed Winger and the others to search through the information network, but they couldn’t find any information related to Adam.
It was uncertain where Adam was hiding now, and the only thing they could be sure of was that he probably hadn’t left the Center City vet.
Chapter 269 I Am Back
Remington speculated that Adam might also be shocked by his background, and that was why he had hidden himself.
But if Adam had come for the secret recipe, he would definitely show up again.
Remington explained this analysis to Cecelia, and she felt it was possible.
If the secret recipe were really going to show up, then once the secret recipe appeared in the auction market, it would definitely attract all kinds of people.
She assumed that her brother would also appear.
With this thought, Cecelia’s spirits lifted, and she eagerly anticipated Adam’s reappearance.
Recently, the financial channels and online financial sections were filled with news about the Linsey Group.
The good news of Middlebox Group’s investment in the Linsey Group caused the Linsey Group’s stocks to rise continuously.
Harry and his team were preparing for the investment project welcome ceremony at the Linsey Group. All the arrangements had been made.
Gary checked the time and asked, “Has Mr. Mavis and his men arrived?”
“They should be arriving soon. I’ll take the team to the lobby to welcome them.”
Harry left the office and led his team to the lobby, lining up to welcome the guests.
Not long after, a convoy slowly arrived at the Linsey Building, and then Ludwig and his men got out of the car.
“Welcome, Mr. Mavis!” Harry enthusiastically greeted Ludwig and shook hands with him. “This way, please!”
The delegation from Middlebox Group was warmly welcomed into the company, and the grand conference hall was beautifully decorated. Gary and Ludwig warmly shook hands.
After some polite exchanges, Gary said, “Thank you, Mr. Mavis, for choosing our Linsey Group. We are very grateful for Ludwig’s strong support. If there are no issues, let’s review the contract.”
Chapter 269 I Am Back
Both sides had arranged lawyers, and they publicly confirmed the details of the contract. Due to Middlebox Group’s large investment, the equity distribution was adjusted.
Gary’s initial share of 34% had been revised downward to 19%, while Middlebox Group now possessed a 15% stake.
Gary remained the chairman and legal representative of the Linsey Group, retaining management control.
The formal signing ceremony had been successfully completed by both parties, and the equity had been duly allocated according to the agreed-upon proportions.
After completing the signing ceremony, Gary and Ludwig shook hands and took a photo together. Gary gave a big smile. Unfortunately, he was unaware of what would happen next.
After the signing ceremony, Ludwig took the Middlebox Group’s delegation to leave the Linsey Group.
To celebrate the obtained investment, Gary prepared a lively party.
While the Linsey Group was celebrating, Ludwig had already arrived at the LC Group. He met Cecelia, reported the situation to her, and handed over all the contracts to her.
After examining them, Cecelia nodded and praised, “Well done! Mr. Mavis, hold a shareholders’ meeting tomorrow and invite all the shareholders to attend!”
“Yes, Miss Linsey!”
Everything was going according to plan. Tonight would be the final celebration for Gary and his team because they would fall into the abyss tomorrow.
Just one night later, the situation in the Center City changed abruptly.
The Middlebox Group requested the Linsey Group to hold an all-staff shareholders’ meeting. Gary, following Ludwig’s request, informed all the shareholders.
At 9 o’clock in the morning, Ludwig, the CEO of the Middlebox Group, Andrew, the CEO of the Blake Group, John, the CEO of the Mainstay Group, Karen, the CEO of Star Dream, as well as the heads of Sydneon Real Estate and Dawn Sun Industry, all gathered at the Linsey Group’s conference room.
The Linsey Group’s management personnel attended the shareholders’ meeting, and as the chairman, Gary introduced the
Chapter 269 I Am Back
Middlebox Group.
And then, as the chairman, he announced the appointment of the new CEO. “Due to special circumstances, our former CEO, Sean, is unable to continue in his position. Therefore, I am appointing Harry as the new CEO of our company.”
Harry was filled with excitement, ready to stand up and take over the work, but Ludwig suddenly spoke, “I don’t think it’s urgent to appoint a CEO. Since the Middlebox Group has joined the Linsey Group, let’s take this opportunity to discuss who should take charge of the Linsey Group.
Gary was surprised when he heard this. “Mr. Mavis, didn’t we agree that I would continue to be in charge?”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Linsey. As the largest shareholder, we have the right to dismiss you as the chairman!”
“What? You want to dismiss me?”
It came as a bolt from the blue for Gary, and he was stunned for a long while.


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