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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 283

Chapter 283 Willing to Fight to Protect Big Sister
nex 12:50
Bill settled back down and looked at the lingering red marks on the woman’s face before him. He felt a mixture of emotions in his heart.
“I’m sorry, Aurora. Please forgive me for all the wrongs I’ve done to you in the past…”
Bill’s eyes reddened. What he lacked the most was an apology to Aurora.
Back then, when he came back for his elder brother in the Nelsons, he had to face his brother’s affectionate wife, which was a considerable challenge and torment for him.
He couldn’t do anything that would betray his elder brother, so he distanced himself from her without reason, rejecting her advances.
Amid her suspicions and countless arguments, he had hurt her heart with harsh words, and in the end, he had even caused her to fall off a cliff.
Though he had reached out to save her in time, her hand had slipped through his grasp. He had watched her fall, feeling consumed by guilt.
Eighteen years later, when she survived, he didn’t welcome her home. Instead, he had her driven away. Now, he realized how guilty he felt about it.
Recalling these memories stirred up sorrowful tears in Aurora’s eyes, but she wiped them away and told him, “It’s okay. The past is in the past, and you had your reasons.
“Moreover, I should thank you. Thank you for not taking it any further, for your rejection back then. If I knew the truth now, I’might not be able to forgive myself.
“No matter what, you endured humiliation and burdens all these years for the sake of saving Sam. We should all be thankful to you!”
After Aurora finished speaking, both of them fell into silence, lost int their own reflections about the past.
After a long while, Bill finally spoke, “When will Sam be able to come back?”
“I don’t know either, but I think he should be coming back soon.”
Aurora was waiting, and the Nelsons were waiting, waiting for the day when Samuel would return.
After finishing things at the hospital. Cecelia went to visit the children.
Chapter 283 Willing to Fight to Protect Big Sister
at the Nelsons. When she drove out of the hospital and had been driving for a while, she noticed that a car was following her.
Cecelia unconsciously accelerated, but the pursuing car also sped up.
She turned a corner, and the other car followed suit, confirming that she was being followed.
Cecelia remained unusually calm at this point. She assessed the road ahead, pressed the accelerator, and turned into a less congested lane.
The pursuing vehicle quickly picked up speed on the road and executed lane changes seamlessly.
From an aerial view, one would see that behind Cecelia’s car wasn’t just one car but two.
The last car was also speeding, maintaining the pursuit relentlessly. Through her rearview mirror, Cecelia also noticed the cars behind her, seemingly two of them.
One black and one white.
She couldn’t make out the man’s face in the trailing car, unable to identify who was behind it.
In an attempt to shake off these pursuers, she headed toward Costal Avenue. Costal Avenue was broad, allowing her to accelerate, and also minimizing potential casualties.
Meanwhile, Remington was preparing to contact Cecelia. Before leaving, he checked her location on his phone and realized she wasn’t headed toward the Nelsons, but was on Costal Avenue at high speed. What was going on?
Just a moment ago, Cecelia said she was coming directly from the hospital to the Nelsons and asked him to wait for her. How did she end up on Costal Avenue?
Could something have happened?
Remington sensed that something wasn’t right and immediately headed out.
On Costal Avenue, the second black car and the last white sports car behind Cecelia didn’t show any signs of slowing down, and of course, Cecelia wasn’t about to décelerate either.
The scenery on both sides rapidly retreated like lightning as Cecelia’s dáshboard needles steadily moved to the right.
Chapter 283 Willing to Fight to Protect Big Sister
The speed was incredibly high.
As fast as the wind!
In the white car in the back, Adam sat in the passenger seat, his sinister gaze fixed on the black car ahead.
He had been lurking in the shadows, discovering that Fujino had come to the Center City and that this guy’s behavior was unpredictable and unconventional.
Fujino had never intended to approach Cecelia in the gradual way that Adam would have. Instead, he had gone straight for it, attempting to eliminate Cecelia. Killing her and then searching for the secret technique would be as easy as flipping his hand.
Faced with such an extreme individual, Adam was willing to fight to stop him!
He couldn’t allow anyone to harm his sister!
After driving for another couple of kilometers, Cecelia glanced at the pursuing vehicles and was surprised to find that the white car and the black car were almost neck and neck.
What was even more perplexing was that the white car actually rammed into the black car, causing it to veer off course.
However, the driver of the black car was skilled. He quickly corrected his direction and swerved towards the white car.
So, were these two cars behind her engaged in their own chase? Was it not about her?
Had she misunderstood?
Were they not tracking her?
Because the two cars were jostling against each other, their speeds. decreased. Cecelia took advantage of this to accelerate, speeding ahead and leaving them far behind.
By the time she emerged from a tunnel, there was no sign of the pursuing cars.
Cecelia turned at an intersection and headed towards the city center.
On Costal Avenue, the black car and the white car continued their contest. The black car forced the white car to the side of a mountain path, and sparks flew as the white car’s front side scraped against. the slope.
Chapter 283 Willing to Fight to Protect Big Sister
Adam didn’t relax in the slightest. He exerted effort to control the steering wheel, forcefully turning right to push the black car off
8% 12:58
The black car’s body scraped against the guardrail along the separation barrier, creating sparks as the front bumper was torn off. Both cars were nearly wrecked from the collision, until the white car suddenly accelerated, pulling ahead by a considerable distance. Then, like a sword, it cut across the middle of the right lane, using the car body to block the way at great risk.
The black car didn’t want to go down with him, so the driver had to hit the emergency brake.
The sound of brakes pierced the eardrums, leaving behind tire marks dozens of meters long on the road.
With half a meter to spare, the black car finally came to a stop.
At this moment, Remington was chasing in the direction Cecelia had gone. When he arrived at Costal Avenue via a shortcut, Cecelia’s čar was already gone.
Continuing to chase forward for a while, he saw two cars parked by the side of the road, seemingly involved in a traffic accident. Without thinking too much, he drove past them directly, still in pursuit of Ceceliǎ.
Seeing that Cecelia’s moving speed had slowed down on the GPS, he dialed her number, and not long after, he heard her voice.
“Where are you, Cece?”
“I’m on my way to the Nelsons.”
“But I saw you go to Costal Avenue just now. Why did you go there? Are you okay?”
Remington asked anxiously.
“How did you know I went to Costal Avenue?” Cecelia countered.
Remington didn’t hide it. “Your location is shared with me. I saw that you went there, got worried, and came to find you. I’m on Costal Avenue now.”
That was it.
Chapter 283 Willing to Fight to Protect Big Sister
“I’m fine. Come find me.”
Cecelia gave him her address and waited for him to arrive.
On the other side, after the white car forced the black car to a halt, Fujino, dressed in black leather, stepped out of the car and removed his sunglasses. His eyes were full of malicious intent, and a dense aura of killing filled the air.
Adam also got out of his car. When the two met face to face, Fujino’s tone was unfriendly as he interrogated, “Stopped me like this. Are you trying to kill yourself?”
As he said this, the barrel of Fujino’s gun was already aimed at Adam’s temple!


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