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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 287

Chapter 287 She Would Beat Her By Her Own Way
Cecelia never thought that The Collection of Fragrant Clothes would appear. However, those conspirators must have guessed that she would definitely go to the auction.
And the thing was like what they thought, Cecelia had to go to the auction.
“Can you find out who provided the lot?” Cecelia wanted to search in reverse to see if she could find anything.
“I’ll ask someone to investigate it.”
Remington texted Winger, asking him to investigate the entire auction stuff.
Not long after, Cecelia and Remington arrived at the largest shooting training ground in the Center City under the protection of the bodyguards.
When they arrived, Petunia was already there at the same time.
Petunia brought a group of bodyguards to come.
When they met at the training ground, Petunia was cold and arrogant. She didn’t feel sad anymore.
She has already figured out that she would no longer beg for Remington’s love, she would use her own ways to defeat Cecelia.
She wanted to prove that she was better than Cecelia, and she wanted to make Remington regret not choosing her!
When calling her name, it seemed that there was hatred in Petunia’s. words.
“Miss Taylor.”
Cecelia’s face was cold. When she faced Petunia, her aura not giving way.
Petunia’s gaze shifted from her face to Remington’s. She thought she was already giving up on him, but her heart still hurt when looked at his face.
She snorted. “It’s a competition between us, why did you call Mr. Nelson here? I never thought that you will ask someone to help.
Cecelia said calmly. “Remington is not my helper. He is just our audience. If you don’t agree, you can call’ as many helpers as you
Chapter 287 She Would Beat Her By Her Own Way
Facing Cecelia’s arrogant and provocative words, Petunia was angry.
During the confrontation between two women, someone called Cecelia. “Cece!”
Turning around, seeing that it was Ariella, Cecelia turned to greet her. “Ariella!”
“I am here to cheer for you!”
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Ariella looked at Petunia again and said to Cecelia. “Are you going to compete with her?”
“I am sure you can do it.”
“Thank you.”
When Cecelia and Ariella were talking, there was another group of people came to the training hall. It was Rupert, Sam, and Jimmy.
When they came closer and found that it was Cecelia and Remington who were there, they walked towards them.
“Mr. Nelson, Miss. Linsey! You are here too!”
“Jackbone is here.”
Remington reminded Cecelia. Cecelia and Ariella heard his words, and turned to look at them. Ariella saw Rupert coming, her eyes widened in shock, subconsciously hid behind Cecelia.
She was afraid of him!
Even if Ariella wanted to hide, her body shape still betrayed her. Rupert saw her right away.
He had called her to ask her out, but she didn’t answer the phone. but appeared here!
After they met each other and greetings, Jimmy became a fan of Cecelia in seconds. “Miss Linsey, we are so excited when we heard that you are going to compete here! We came here as soon as possible to be your cheerleader!”
When they heard Remington say it was a competition between. Cecelia and Petunia, they became interested and came here to cheer for her.
Chapter 287 She Would Beat Her By Her Own Way
“Thank you!”
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Cecelia knew as soon as she heard his words. It must be Remington who quietly informed them.
Petunia watched the men in front of her surround Cecelia, feeling jealous in her heart.
They were all arranged by Cecelia in advance!
She thought that it must be Cecelia who attracted them with her beauty.
“We all know that Miss Taylor’s shooting skills are good, but I don’t know how Miss Linsey is. Then we have to watch the game carefully. When will the game start? Miss Taylor?”
Jimmy was excited about this game. Because he wanted to see what his goddess’s shooting skills were like.
“We can start now!” Petunia replied coldly.
Everyone was walking to the arena, but another group of people camé in at the door.
When Remington saw Jersey bringing someone in, his narrowed slightly, and thought that why did he come too?
In fact, it was because Jersey found out that Cecelia was going to compete with someone here today, so he came.
Jersey came straight over to greet Cecelia. She glanced at Remington after she saw him coming. “My senior brother is here
“I saw it.” Remington was upset. He wondered why this guy always appeared around them.
“I heard that you guys are going to compete here, so come and have a look, is it okay?” Jersey said with a smile, not treating himself as an outsider.
“That’s great. Let’s go to the stadium.”
Cecelia greeted all the people and walked with them. Petunia was about to be furious when she saw Cecelia being surrounded by these men.
All these men were outstanding. Why did they all come to support Cecelia?
Chapter 287 She Would Beat Her By Her Own Way
She was just a divorced woman!
And were all these men blind and did not see her?
It was the largest outdoor shooting range in the Center City, relying on the foot of the mountain. It leaned against the mountain, and outside the surrounding fence. There were all mountains and wild woods.
At this moment, Cecelia and Petunia already standing at the starting point of the competition, and the staff was doing the introduction for them.
All those guns were real, and the distances of the shooting were different according to the type of gun.
Petunia was good at the 10-meter air rifle. So she was going to compete with Cecelia in the 10-meter air rifle.
After the official competition started, they could have the chance to test fire, but the time for test firing was also included in the competition time.
Behind them, Remington and his friends were sitting over there watching.
Rupert sat down beside Ariella. However, when seeing the man sit down beside her, Ariella subconsciously wanted to sit elsewhere, but was held down by the man.
“Am I a tiger? Why are you running away when you see me?”
A hint of displeasure surfaced on Jimmy’s handsome face.
He didn’t understand. Every woman who saw him would try their best way to flatter him, but only Ariella, this girl, tried to avoid him by all means.
“I am not running away! You are funny.”
Ariella’s fractured nose has been healed, but the pain was still echoing in her mind. As long as she saw the perpetrator, she would be afraid in her heart and subconsciously want to hide away.
“Why didn’t you answer the calls from me?” Rupert coldly questioned.
“Well, probably I didn’t hear it.”
Ariella patted her head. “I don’t know if it’s some kind of aftereffect. lately, my hearing is not good either!”
“Next time if you still do not answer my call, I’ll come for you.
Chapter 287 She Would Beat Her By Her Own Way
Rupert came to her ear and made a low threatening remark. Ariella was so scared after hearing his words. She really did not know why this man keep getting in touch with her!
Why didn’t he just let her go?
Seeing Ariella become well-behaved, Rupert smiled in pleasure. “The match has begun! Just do it, Miss Linsey!”
Jimmy shouted excitedly, drawing the crowd’s attention to the racecourse in front of them.
On the track, Cecelia and Petunia had both changed into their sportswear and were standing on the track.
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The rules of the competition were that the first qualifying round had to shoot 40 rounds within 75 minutes, with each round having a specified time of no more than 75 seconds.
In the second round of the final round, each player shot 10 rounds, and the time for each round should also not exceed 75 seconds. At the referee’s command, the match was made official.
Right in the middle of Cecelia and Petunia’s match, the animated video that Cecelia and Remington had completed together earlier had already been fully promoted in the form of an advertisement.
At this moment, as long as there were electronic goods, as well as all kinds of outdoor electronic advertising streaming media devices, people could see that advertisement.
And the same in online media.
This advertisement from the Nelson Group immediately attracted the attention of the public because of its refreshing style.
Anyone who had seen the video advertisement would be curious as to what kind of advertisement it was.
What was the thing that the Nelson Group wanted to promote and publicize?
No one knew. Because the video itself was just a short animation.
If one just watched the animation itself, many people were touched. by the images.
Many people were moved by the small animated short and cried.
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Chapter 287 She Would Beat Her By Her Own Way
In an apartment, Adam fell into a coma due to pain and exhaustion. and slowly awoke from the pain.


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