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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 300

Chapter 300 Uncovering His Background
"May I have a word with both of you?"
The man gestured and led Cecelia and Remington to a quieter place.
"I am Benson Quinsey. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Benson extended his hand to Remington. Remington and Cecelia exchanged a glance because the person who provided the Collection of Fragrant Clothes for the auction also seemed to have the surname Quinsey.
"Mr. Quinsey?"
Remington shook Benson's hand, and so did Cecelia.
"I wonder why you know so much about it, Mr. Quinsey. Are you the collector who provided the auction item?"
Faced with Cecelia's suspicion, Benson gave a faint smile. "Miss Linsey, you're really smart. You have already figured it out. Yes, I provided the item for this auction, and I can confirm that the stolen item is indeed a replica."
"But why did you do that? Are you trying to profit from it by using a replica to deceive everyone and making us all bid for it?"
Cecelia's impression of Benson was deteriorating. After all, ordinary people would not do such a dishonest thing as openly committing forgery.
Fortunately, the deal didn't go through previously. Otherwise, Remington would have spent 500 million on a fake. It was simply a scam.
"No! I just wanted to make a deal with you. Only by working together can we obtain the real Collection of Fragrant Clothes."
Cecelia looked at the man in front of her with suspicion, unable to trust him.
Remington also felt that this man had hidden depths. "Are you sure we can get the real recipe if we work together? So, do you know where the real recipe is?"
"Of course, it's in the possession of the Songo family. Miss Linsey, you should be familiar with the Songo family in Bemanko's Porema, right?"
Cecelia finally understood and sneered. "I see. You don't actually have the recipe. You just forged a replica. Your purpose in doing all this is to lure us out and to use me to obtain the original. Everything was part of your plan."
"As I said, it's not using. It's collaborating. I don't want the recipe, really."
Benson's brows furrowed with seriousness, his tone was earnest, and every word he uttered expressed his sincerity.
"What is it that you want?" Cecelia asked.
"The Songo family owes me," Benson replied.
A mysterious glint crossed his eyes, which seemed so unfathomable. "Think about it! Don't you want to seek justice for your grandmother? Don't you want to uncover the truth behind The Collection of Fragrant Clothes?"
Seeing Cecelia's silence, Benson pulled out a business card and handed it to her. "This is my card. If you decide, feel free to contact me anytime."
Benson left, and Cecelia and Remington prepared to leave the scene as well.
On the way back to the hospital, Cecelia was filled with confusion. "Who is Benson? Why does he want to work together with me?"
"I'll have someone investigate him thoroughly. From what we know so far, he's approaching you precisely because you are a descendant of the Songo family, and you can approach the Songos openly. That's what he lacks."
"It's possible. Let's gather more information about him first."
Cecelia wouldn't blindly trust someone she had only met once. It was essential for them to discover if there were hidden conspiracies behind his actions.
The sudden incident occurring at Christie's auction house hit the headlines. The media was providing extensive coverage on the matter.
Cecelia and Remington returned to the hospital, which had already restored order.
Whitegon and Featheron approached Remington upon Remington's return and reported, "Sir, there were two attempted attackers. We caught one of them, but the other escaped with injuries."
"All right. Intensify the search!" Remington commanded.
"Yes, sir!"
Cecelia first went to visit her unconscious brother, Adam, and only when she confirmed that he was safe and sound did she finally relax.
Afterward, they went to see the man who had attempted to attack Adam, the one captured by Featheron.
The man was bound, with a black cloth covering his head. One of Remington's bodyguards removed the cloth, revealing a blood-stained face.
"Tell me! Who sent you to kill Adam?" Remington interrogated.
Liam raised his head and stared fiercely at Remington without answering.
"You're quite stubborn." Remington punched Liam in the abdomen, causing Liam to grimace in pain, but Liam still remained silent.
Featheron spoke up, "Mr. Nelson, this man claimed that his lord instructed him to do it. His lord is probably the mastermind behind all this."
Remington nodded and looked at the stubborn Liam. "You had better confess honestly, or you'll surely die here."
"Let me deal with him!" Cecelia grabbed Liam by the collar. "How dare you hurt my brother! I'll show you the consequences."
Cecelia was wearing leather gloves and ruthlessly hit Liam repeatedly in the face with her fists.
She showed no mercy and launched one after another punch.
At the thought that her brother had almost been killed by these jerks, she yearned to find out their mastermind and destroy their hideout.
It didn't take long for Liam to have a face covered in blood, and finally, Cecelia landed a heavy blow that made him spit out a mouthful of blood, even a few of his teeth falling out.
"Say something! This is your last chance. Tell me everything honestly, or I'll kill you right now." Cecelia shouted in anger.
Liam's head swayed back and forth, and he was nearly losing consciousness under the relentless beating, but his eyes remained fierce and unyielding as he burst into a fit of howling laughter.
Suddenly, he tilted his head to one side, bit off a button from his collar, and swiftly swallowed it.
Remington noticed it and exclaimed, "He's biting a button. Don't let him swallow it!"
Featheron clamped down on Liam's jaw, trying to force him to spit out the button.
But Liam had already bitten through it. In just a few seconds, he began foaming at the mouth, vomiting blood, and drooping his head.
Featheron checked his breath. "Sir, he's dead."
Remington plucked the button from Liam's back collar and observed it. "He didn't swallow a button. It was a concealed poison pill."
"How horrific!" Cecelia looked at the dead man, raging with frustration. These people were beyond twisted. They were even willing to poison themselves to commit suicide after failing in their assassination attempts.
Cecelia wondered, "Who on earth is their lord? And why did he train such ruthless killers?"
Her brother, Kevin, had also been trained by this organization. If Cecelia hadn't found Kevin, this would be his fate if he were ever sent on a mission and failed.
With Liam's death, their lead was once again severed, and Cecelia could only wait for Adam to wake up.
In a mysterious castle that towered into the clouds, a tall figure was bathed in a cold, ethereal light.
He was cloaked and looked like a ghost.
Before him stood a large eagle with fierce, cold eyes on an iron stand.
As soon as a transoceanic call was through, Maggie said, "Master, I'm sorry. We couldn't obtain The Collection of Fragrant Clothes this time. There was an unexpected incident at the auction, and the secret recipe is now missing."
"You're becoming less and less competent." The man fed the eagle raw meat, his voice icy cold.
"That's because Cecelia is too difficult to control, and she always goes against me."
"Do you know the real reason why you lost to her?"


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