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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 316

Cecelia's eyes revealed a cold and stern look, and she directly commanded, "Guys, tie her up!"
Her subordinates rushed forward and captured Jessica.
Throughout the process, Jessica did not resist.
Jessica was taken away, and Cecelia left the mansion, getting into a car.
Remington asked, "How is it? Did she confess?"
"No, she didn't confess, but the killer has been determined to be the two sisters!"
Although Jessica didn't say anything from start to finish, her actions were enough to prove everything.
Next, Cecelia had to come up with a plan and used Jessica to break Kara's defense.
In the hospital room...
Kara waited until the next morning, but her sister didn't come back.
She couldn't help but worry, 'Did she fail or something happened?'
In a state of anxiety, the door to the hospital room opened, and Cecelia walked in with a cold expression.
Seeing her, Kara tried to get up.
But the next second, Cecelia threw a bundle of black clothes on her head.
Kara pulled down the clothes and recognized it as a night suit. She looked at Cecelia in surprise, not knowing what she meant.
"Cecelia, what is this..."
"What is this? Don't you recognize it?"
Cecelia lowered her brows and stared at her coldly.
"I know it's a night suit, but why did you give it to me?"
Kara pretended to be clueless, but she was already starting to worry. Could something have happened to her sister?
"Yesterday, I received a phone call here, mentioning additional surveillance content of Esmee's residence. I had it sent to my study in the mansion. Can you guess what happened?"
Kara didn't say anything, and Cecelia continued, staring at her. "As a result, last night, I caught someone breaking into the mansion's study, trying to steal the surveillance information. Can you guess who that person was?"
"I... I don't know."
"It was your dear sister Jessica."
Kara's heart sank. Cecelia actually caught Jessica in the act?
Even though she was feeling a bit panicked inside, Kara still put on a facade of not knowing anything. "My sister? How could she do such a thing?"
"Why wouldn't she? This is how she looked when she was apprehended!"
Cecelia took out her phone and showed her a video. "The one I just threw at you is what she was wearing last night."
After watching the video, Kara was able to confirm that her sister was indeed in trouble. This was not good. Not only did their plan fail, but Cecelia also caught them.
Things were getting complicated!
"Cecelia, this might be a misunderstanding... I believe my sister wouldn't do anything to hurt you," Kara tried to explain forcefully.
Cecelia sneered, crossed her arms, and glared at Kara coldly. "I had already interrogated her last night, and she confessed everything. She said that you and her conspired to murder Esmee. She also admitted that my youngest child, Doris, whom I thought died, was actually given to Maggie to raise by you, willingly."
"So, saving me back then was totally a trap. You and Jessica are a team with Maggie."
Kara secretly gasped upon hearing this, feeling a chill run down her spine.
If Cecelia could kill her with her eyes, then she had already been killed.
Looking down on Kara, with a murderous look in her eyes, Cecelia demanded, "You better tell me, who was the mastermind behind the whole plan, Tobiani or Jersey?"


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