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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 344

Chapter 344 Unhidden Love 

Chapter 344 Unhidden Love 

Remington, I do.She nodded with a smile

Great!Their friends all cheered enthusiastically and applauded. Remington finally heard the answer he had expected. He was excited and couldn’t wait to take out the diamond ring and put it on Cecelia’s left finger

The next second, he picked Cecelia up and spun her around three times

He was so happy

He was in high spirits. She was the only one in his eyes and his heart


Put me down!Cecelia exclaimed and patted him on the shoulder, asking him to let go

After Remington let go of her, he kissed Cecelia directly with all the guests watching

His sweet kiss made all the singles present envious

The applause and blessings continued, and Petunia couldn’t stand it anymore. She felt unfortunate and quietly left the banquet

Camelia didn’t want to applaud; her applause was sparse, and her heart was full of contempt

So what if Cecelia could marry Remington

Cecelia would eventually grow old and ugly, and Remington would certainly dislike her one day

When Winnie in the audience saw Remington’s proposal to Cecelia and the scene of them kissing sweetly, she finally believed that Remington and Cecelia were a perfect couple

They were looking at each other with unhidden love in their eyes. It was true love

She could see it

Maybe she had misunderstood. She had been biased, narrow- minded, and jealous for no reason

It was indeed her fault that the marriage between her and her husband had come to this. At this moment, Winnie completely woke 

  1. up

Chapter 344 Unhidden Love 

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After the proposal, Remington took Cecelia off the stage. The emcee continued hosting the rest of the event, Let us give our applause and blessings to Mr. Remington and Miss Cecelia again!” 

Applause broke out again, and the emcee continued, Now, let’s do a small interactive activity. All the children brought by the guests can come on stage to participate in this fun painting activity, and there will be small gifts for them!” 

The emcee introduced the content of the activity and asked all the children present to draw together

The staff was ready, and a long canvas was spread out on the stage. Each child could use their imagination to draw their favorite pictures on it

The four children of the Nelson family, Hubert, and the children brought by other guests were all invited to the stage to participate in the painting activity

All the guests watched the children’s painting. The scene was lively, and the children used colorful paintbrushes to create colorful 


While the children were painting, Cecelia noticed Maggie leaving the scene and followed her

Maggie went out to look for her daughter. She searched everywhere in the garden outside the hotel but couldn’t find her daughter, who didn’t answer her calls

The sound of high heels came from behind. Maggie turned her head and saw Cecelia coming

Miss Linsey, did you come to see me?” 

Yes, Mrs. Taylor! I have something I want to talk to you about.” 

Cecelia came to her. Maggie snorted coldly, Miss Linsey, you were proposed to in public today. You’re the center of attention, and many girls are envious. Even if you want to talk, I don’t think you should falk to me, right?” 

Stop doing bushing around the bush. I already knew it. You are also from Dark Moon. Esmee’s death has something to do with you.‘” Cecelia got straight to the point

Maggie had prepared a countermeasure, Now that you know it, I won’t hide anything. Yes, I used to be from Dark Moon, but I’m no longer working for Dark Moon. Also, you are wrong about Esmee’s death. It has nothing to do with me

Chapter 344 Unhidden Love 

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Expecting that Maggie would deny it, Cecelia stared at her sharply and said, You have quit Dark Moon, but you still have a death contract. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have lurked for five years and raised my daughter. It’s a pity that your plan failed eventually. Aren’t you disappointed?” 

Maggie smiled coldly and said nothing

Cecelia walked past her, stopped, and continued, I’m curious. How long will your death contract last? What are the terms of the exchangé?” 

She wanted to determine the exchange conditions for Maggie’s willingness to sign the death contrast

What had made Maggie so willing to live with the death contrast

You are no longer from Dark Moon, and I do no need to tell you!Maggie had learned the news about Cecelia’s withdrawal from Dark Moon from Tobiani

That’s right. I quit.” 

Did you also sign a death contract?” 

Of course not. I am free now. I was able to escape unscathed thanks to Jersey. If he hadn’t taken a bullet for me, I might not have withdrawn so easily.” 

Jerseywas shot?Maggie’s emotions fluctuated when she heard the news. Tobiani hadn’t even told her about it

What does his being shot have to do with you?” 

Cecelia noticed the change in Maggie’s face. When she mentioned Jersey, Maggie’s expression changed slightly

Was there something going on between them

Maggie realized her blunder and quickly regained her composure, If you just want to tell me that you have quit the organization, I have no interest in knowing about it


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