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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Mr. Nelson has some human feelings, knowing to protect his wife
When Remington and Cecelia were both pondering the reasons, Esmee returned.
“Oh, you’re all here?”
Esmee entered and glanced at everyone.
“What’s wrong? You all look off-color. Didn’t you sleep last night? I’ve watched the news. I heard there was a fire at the Nelsons’ house last night. Is that true?”
“Of course, it’s true!” Renee said.
“I heard from the ser vants that it was the old lady’s room that caught fire. Did anyone die?” Esmee asked.
Hearing her question, Remington said coldly, “It looks like you’re just itching for someone to die, aren’t you?”
“Ah, nephew, your words are deeply pleasing to me! I just came to see if the old lady is still alive. If she’s dead, I can inherit a share of her legacy, right?”
Esmee didn’t think there was anything wrong with what she said, but it infuriated Remington.
“Guards! Throw this madwoman out!”
Hearing Remington trying to throw her out, Esmee shouted, “Hey, nephew, I’m your aunt, but you’re trying to drive me away! I’haven’t gotten my share yet, so why should I leave?”
Remington didn’t want to waste his breath with her. Whitegon and Winger had stepped forward, taking Esmee out of the living room.
“Hey, let go! Let me go! You idiots! Do you know how expensive my clothes are? Can you afford to pay for them if you rip them apart, eh?”
Esmee was dragged away, her shouting the only thing left behind. Cecelia let out a deep breath. She was wondering why there was a freak like Esmee in the Nelson family.
Now, nothing could be found on the surface, so they could only ask Whitegon and his lot to investigate it secretly.
She believed that it wouldn’t be long before everything became clear!
All those “demons and monsters” would reveal their true forms!
questa dienorced Renee waved to Maximus. “Andres,
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come here. Let Grandma take a look at you. You weren’t too scared last night, were you?”
Maximus didn’t move, still nestled in his mother’s arms.
He had been asleep last night, so he didn’t even know about the fire.
“Andres was frightened. I’ll take him to rest now.”
Cecelia made an excuse and left the room with her child in her arms.
Remington followed them out. Back at the Aroma Villa, Cecelia went to cook lunch herself.
After lunch, Cecelia received a call from Verda, saying that she had found the whereabouts of the undertaker, Paul Galler.
“I need to go out. Do you want Andres to stay with you? Or should I take him with me?” Cecelia asked as she went out.
“Of course, he’ll stay with me. Where are you going?”
“To do something.”
Cecelia didn’t tell him the details. After instructing her son, she left. Remington summoned Fredric soon. The latter asked, “Sir, do your want me to continue to follow Miss Linsey today?”
Upon hearing this, Maximus frowned. His bad dad even sent someone to follow his mom?
But what Remington said next dispelled much of Maximus’s disdain for him.
He said, “You follow her secretly. If she runs into any trouble, find at way to help her! Just don’t let her find out that I sent you!”
“Yes, sir.”
Fredric felt that their master seemed to have some human feelings. He knew to care about Miss Linsey’s safety.
Maximus also thought that his sc umbag father seemed a bit more like a real man. He would observe and see if he could reconcile with his father.
After leaving the Nelsons’ house, Cecelia got into Verda’s car, and Fredric followed up secretly.
Not long after, Cecelia noticed from the rearview mirror that a car from the Nelson family was following her. She guessed that it was probably Remington who had asked Fredric to fail her
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She just wanted to say, that the man was simply looking for trouble. Did he think he could do something to her by following her?
Verda also noticed that they were being followed, but with excellent driving skills, he could easily shake off the car behind them.
Ten minutes later, when he looked in the rearview mirror again, he saw no car following them. At this time, Fredric’s car was stuck in traffic. Even if it got wings, it couldn’t leave the spot.
He finally realized that the handsome young man’s driving skills were first-rate. It was difficult to trail after them.
Within forty minutes, Verda brought Cecelia to a shantytown in the old town.
After getting out of the car, they walked together into a rundown alley. Seeing the dirty, messy environment, Cecelia asked, “How could Paul live in a place like this?”
Cecelia had some knowledge of undertakers. She knew their monthly salary would not be low, and Paul had been doing it for years. Didn’t he have any savings?
How did he end up living in a shantytown?
“I looked into it and found out that he was addicted to gambling. He lost everything, and even his wife has run away. Now, he’s all alone, and he even can’t make a living.”
No wonder!
The house always won!
Gambling ruined people!
After a few turns, they finally arrived at a small rundown courtyard. Verda pushed the door open, and Cecelia went in with him.
“Hello, is anyone home?”
Verda shouted a few times at the door. Soon a middle-aged man. with a lame leg came out.
Cecelia had seen Paul’s photo at the funeral home, but now looking at the man dressed in rags with a messy beard, she couldn’t believe that this was Paul.
“Who are you guys?” Paul asked h oar s e ly.
“Hello, Mr. Galler, we came to find you because we want to ask your about something. You were still working as an undertaker at the Peace Mountain Funeral Parlor two years ago, right?”
“That’s right. What do you want with me?” Paul asked warily
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“Well, we want to know if you provided funeral services for al deceased person named Leila Done on August 6th five years ago,” Verda asked, while Cecelia observed from the side.
When he heard the question about the thing that happened five years ago, Paul became serious, asking, “Who are you to her?” Cecelia could basically tell from the question that the undertaker definitely knew her mother! And he probably even remembered what happened on August 6th five years ago.
“Mr. Galler, I am Leila Done’s daughter,” said Cecelia.
Paul turned to look at Cecelia, and a flash of surprise passed through his eyes. But his messy hair covered his murky eyes, making it difficult to discern his exact emotions.
But he turned a little irritable, asking them to leave.
“I don’t remember. Who knows what happened five years? Please leave now!”
Verda pleaded, “Mr. Galler, please, please think about it. We are investigating Leila Done’s death. This matter is very important. Please help us, okay?”
Paul took a few limping steps, feeling so uneasy. “I don’t know. I said I don’t know. Who can remember what happened so long ago? Don’t come to me. I don’t know anything. Just go away.”
Paul pushed them out of the yard and closed the gate.
Cecelia was convinced that he knew something but did not want to bring up what happened that year.
She was not giving up!
She knocked on the door and said, “Mr. Galler, can you please help me?
“My mother was encoffined and cremated at the Peace Mountain Funeral Parlor five years ago, but now I find that her ashes are lime.
“I don’t know where her ashes went. I just want to find out what happened back then.
“If you know something, please tell me, okay?”


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