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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 To Save Her Son at Any Risk

Chapter 92 To Save Her Son at Any Risk 

Cecelia had no clue in her mind now, so she could only continue to track down the truth she wanted to know

On the way back from the old city. Cecelia received a call from Fredric. He said that he had not yet found Terrell and asked if she was in any trouble

No, I’m fine here. I’m worried about Terrell!” 


Cecelia told Fredric about the new driver and asked him to continue to find Terrell

After that, she asked Verda to send her to the police station and find Roger. She also told Roger about Paul’s death

Roger said, Just now we also received a call from the team members and learned that Paul was killed. Is this also related to your mother?” 

I guess it is. I wanted to find Ida, and Ida was killed. I wanted to find Lorenzo, and Lorenzo was mad. I want to find Paul, and Paul died. Someone has been obstructing my investigation.” 

Cecelia voiced her concerns

Roger thought for a moment and said, Who is the next person you are looking for?” 


Only when we find Brennan in advance can we find the killer.” 

I also think so. I hope that Captain Shawn can help me check his whereabouts. Once there is any news, please inform me in time!” 

No problem.” 

Cecelia was about to leave after chatting, and Roger stopped her in time, By the way, Miss Cecelia, did my wife trouble you again? I’m really sorry, I apologize for her

It doesn’t matter, Captin Shawn doesn’t need to feel sorry for that.” 

It was early, and Cecelia planned to go back to Bluebell Mansion to see the two children

Back to Bluebell Mansion, Cecelia learned that the two children were taken out to the amusement park by Filo, the tutor

Go to the amusement park!” 

Cecelia got on the bus again, and Verda drove to the amusement park

Chapter 92 To Save Her Son at Any Risk 


But on the way, Cecelia received a call from Filo, Miss Cecelia, something happened! Andres and Cyrus were taken, and it’s all my 


As soon as she heard that the children were kidnapped, Cecelia was so nervous and anxious. How could this happen? Do you know who did it?” 

Considering Filo’s skill, it was hard for ordinary people to do that. Who could have kidnapped the children

It’s Criminalz! They took the opportunity to kidnap the children when I wasn’t paying attention! They said they wanted you to negotiate in person

These bastards! I will make them know the consequences!” 

Dark Moon took a batch of jewelry with a value of several billion, from Criminalz before, and offended the gang leader. As a result, they kept finding trouble with her

Even her sons

They went too far

It took Cecelia Mr. Gordonars to master the martial arts and grow ruthless, but she still had weaknesses

Children were her biggest weakness

Whoever dared to hurt her children would be doomed

At her command, Verda rushed to the location of Criminalz

An hour later, Cecelia and cars stopped in front of a baroque manor in the eastern district

This is the home of Finley Gordon

After getting out of the car, Verda said, Miss Linsey, I’ll go with you!No need! You wait for me here!” 

In order to save her sons, even if it was hell, she was going to run into it

Cecelia, on her own, kicked the gate of the manor, and the two bareheaded men in it were shocked

Tell Finley that I am here!” 

The two baldheaded men were shocked by Cecelia. They looked at each other, and one of them rushed to report

In the inner hall, Finley, with a beard and a scar on his face, sat in the main seat and was tasting tea

Chapter 92 To Save Her Son at Any Risk

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The man ran in and said, Mr. Gordon, a woman is asking for you.Who dare to look for me!” 

Finley snapped at the table and asked again, How many of them?” 

Just her.” 

Let her in!” 

Finley curved his lips. A woman dares to break into my house alone. She has a little courage!thought he

It was just that Finley wasn’t a nobody. If she dared to come, would teach her what his rules were


Cecelia was invited in. When she stepped into the threshold, more than 20 people appeared on both sides of the courtyard. They all raised their weapons and aimed at her

These people were just threatening her, but Cecelia didn’t pay attention to them at all

She walked into the main hall and saw Finley

Finley was the representative of a group of ancient forces in Center City, ostensibly doing antiques and jewelry business, but often dealing with the black market. He was also the leader of the Gordon family and Criminalz, dominating one district of this city

Finley was very famous and had a lot of followers. It was just that Cecelia didn’t buy it at all

Mr. Gordon, how about my son?” 

Oh, Miss Linsey is here! What about my batch of goods?” 

Finley squinted at her with dangerous eyes, smiling, but the eyes were particularly gloomy

His subordinates surrounded her. Today, if Cecelia didn’t return that batch of goods, she wouldn’t be able to get out of the door

I have told you. At first, I didn’t know that the goods were what Mr. Gordon wanted. I was just one step ahead of you

Mr. Gordon is old and slow. If you can’t get the goods, you kidnap my sons. Is this your rule?” 

Cecelia, fearless, raised her chin slightly

Cecelia’s satirical words made Finley’s face extremely angry

Rules won’t change. In the Center City, I, Finley, am the rule. You’d better return the goods to me otherwise you won’t see your son 


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