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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 257

Chapter 257

His warm breath dispersed on Madeline’s cheek. She was stunned, and everything Jeremy did to her back then appeared in her head.

He was cold-blooded and heartless, so he had done every cruel thing in the world to her.

Madeline could not think of anything that he had not done to her.

While she was spacing out, she noticed Jeremy’s face inching closer to her.

Madeline’s heart started racing irregularly. She thought Jeremy was about to kiss her, so she was about to run away when he pulled her into his arms.

He lowered his head and buried his face between her neck and shoulder. He seemed to be exhausted. With this hug, he was releasing all of his unknown pressure and stress. He was indulging himself during this hug with her.

Madeline was taken aback while stuck in Jeremy’s embrace.

She was not wearing very thick clothes, so she could feel Jeremy’s warmth through the material of their clothes since they were in such close proximity. His warmth seeped into her skin, slowly spreading. It was so hot.

His breath was so close to her ear as well. His cool scent lingered in her nose, disrupting her breathing and heartbeat.

Madeline looked at the moon and was stuck in a trance.

However, she immediately recalled those sinister things he did to her.

Her racing heart went back to normal and she could not find the passion she had for him anymore.

Madeline lowered her eyes and looked at the man who was leaning against her shoulder. Then, she pushed him away.

However, the moment she moved, Jeremy’s arm circled her waist tighter.

“Don’t move,” he muttered, “I won’t do anything to you.”

“Mr. Whitman, I don’t think this is appropriate. I’m your future aunt-in-law.” Madeline made her standpoint clear to him.

Jeremy opened his piercing yet deep eyes while curling his thin lips. “Shouldn’t the future aunt-in-law comfort her nephew at a moment like this?”


His voice was deep and charming, gliding past her ear so seductively and alluringly. Madeline felt her face heat up, then she used all of her might to push this man away from her.


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