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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 268

Chapter 268

“Vera Quinn, how dare you plot against me, you b*tch?!” Meredith cracked. Her weak and vulnerable exterior from the video she took was completely gone.

She glowered and gnashed her teeth as she grabbed a fruit knife on the bedside table. She was about to slash the knife across Madeline’s face. On one side, Rose was not stopping her at all. She was hoping that Meredith could teach this annoying woman a lesson.

When she saw the knife approaching her, Madeline recalled the two slashes Meredith left on her face back then. That scene resurfaced in her brain like a nightmare in the dark.

She came back to her senses quickly and dodged away from the shiny blade in a haste.

“Stop hiding, you b*tch!” A fire of rage was burning in Meredith’s chest. She lifted the fruit knife again. “Let me tell you, Vera Quinn. This is how I disfigured Madeline back then. If you dare to cross me again, I’ll let you get a taste of that pain she felt!”

Madeline quickly ran away from her. However, Rose had come over to grab her.

Meredith grinned predatorily with redness in her eyes. Her face was sinister and violent, looking exactly like a blood-thirsty demon when she inhumanely swung the knife down on Madeline…

“Watch out!”

During this life or death situation, Madeline heard a worried voice coming from behind her back.

Jeremy quickly ran in front of her and pulled her into his arms. He protected her with one hand, and with the other, he grabbed Meredith’s wrist that was holding the fruit knife.

He raised his piercing and icy gaze to look at Meredith’s sinister and horrifying face.

“Do you know what you’re doing?” he asked. His tone and attitude had never been so cold before.

Meredith was stunned and Rose was also taken aback. They did not expect Jeremy to appear at this moment.

“J-Jeremy?” Meredith was stupefied. When she was about to explain, her hand was pushed away by Jeremy roughly.

She lost her balance and staggered backward.

She crashed into a cupboard behind her. She reached for the wall to steady herself, but she forgot that she was holding the fruit knife. As a result, the sharp blade slashed across her cheek, and immediately, her flesh was split open.


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