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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 286

Chapter 286

“What about you, then? Did you forget the tacos you and my wife were so lovingly enjoying by the roadside, Daniel? You even sent her home afterward. How kind of you. Did you perhaps forget about the kiss in broad daylight?” Jeremy interrogated chillingly, the smile on his face long gone by now and was instead replaced with the frost that forced one to divert their gaze.

“I’m telling you, Daniel. Madeline will always be my woman. Even in death, her ashes belong to me! Who do you think you are? You’ve been nothing more than a delusional homewrecker who tried to steal a woman from her husband.”

At that, Daniel chuckled.

“A homewrecker? So you do know that word. Perhaps Madeline would not have been framed time and time again by that homewrecker Meredith had you not turned a blind eye every time! You were an accomplice!”

An emotion rippled through Jeremy’s calm features.

He could not deny that he had indeed played the role of the executioner when it came to the harm Madeline had been put through.

He had been the cause of at least half the wounds she carried and the blood she bled.

Jeremy frowned. “I didn’t come here to talk to you about this, Daniel.”

Daniel realized that their conversation had trailed off-topic as well. He suspiciously looked at Jeremy. “Are you really not the one who kidnapped Madeline?”

“She’s not Madeline.” Jeremy emphasized.

“Are you still trying to lie to me?” Daniel stood his ground. “I refuse to believe that there would be two people who share the same appearance. You must’ve brainwashed Madeline!”

“Huh.” Jeremy chuckled lowly. His gaze was suddenly washed over with unending loneliness. “It’d be nice if you were right. At least then, she’d still be alive.”

After a long sleep, Madeline awoke blearily.

Blinking her eyes open, Madeline realized that both her hands and legs were tied up. She was currently locked somewhere dark.

The only source of light she had was from the small rectangular window on the wall in front of her. With how the sky looked at this moment, she deduced it to be evening already.


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