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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 291

Chapter 291

Madeline’s head felt muddled under the influence of the drug. She vaguely thought she had heard a voice by her ear, calling her Madeline and telling her that it was going to be alright.

Madeline struggled to open her eyes just so she could see who it was, but her eyelids seemed to grow heavier by the second. Instinctively, she curled toward the man who refused to let her go. Perhaps because he gave her a sense of security.

This might have been the first time Madeline felt what it meant to be protected.

All she had been subjected to these past few years were nothing less of torture. Every time she wished someone would help her up, all she received was more pain.

It had gotten to the point where she had given up on hoping because her heart was tired from all the disappointment.

Right now, she finally understood what it felt like to have someone supporting her back and it was very warm…

Jeremy felt the person in his arms lean deeper into his embrace, her hands slowly sliding up to rest around his neck to hold herself in place.

Jeremy’s thoughts snapped back to reality. Lowering his gaze to stare at the woman in his arms, Jeremy could not help but be reminded of Madeline Crawford who he had lost long ago.

“How are you feeling, Vera?” he asked. Despite knowing very well that she was not Madeline, her appearance had Jeremy finding it impossible not to care about her.

Madeline’s brows furrowed “Dizzy…”

“I’m bringing you to the hospital now!” Jeremy immediately carried her to the car.


He was surprised to hear Meredith’s voice come from the factory behind.

Jeremy halted and turned around in confusion only to be met with the sight of Meredith kneeling on the floor with tears streaming freely down her face. Her clothes were a mess as she pointed her finger at the thugs he had dealt with. “Jeremy! These men forced themselves on me! You have to stand up for me, Jeremy! It hurts, I don’t want to live anymore!”


Jeremy felt the thread of his sanity snap as he furrowed his sharp brows.


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