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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 346

Chapter 346

Jeremy looked at Madeline. Then, under Meredith’s expectant gaze, he walked past her and went straight to Madeline.

Meredith stood on the red carpet, dumbfounded. She was frozen in place.

“Why are you here?” Jeremy walked toward Madeline, her beautiful face reflected in his gentle eyes.

“Miss Crawford invited me,” Madeline answered with a smile. She lifted her hand to straighten Jeremy’s tie. “Miss Crawford told me that you’ve been waiting for this day. She also said that you’ll be her man soon, so I shouldn’t have any more wishful thinking and should get lost as soon as possible. However, I love you so much, so how would I be willing to let you go?”

“…” Meredith’s face darkened after she heard that.

When she saw Jeremy lifting his eyebrow coldly, she quickly explained herself. “Jeremy, don’t listen to her. I never said those things.”

“You’re so irresponsible, Miss Crawford. If you can say it, why can’t you admit it?”


“I’m not like you. I said I love Jeremy, so I won’t give up so easily.”

“…” Meredith widened her eyes while feeling lost. She could not believe that Madeline would say something like this.

Madeline smiled and looked at Jeremy again. He did not say anything and was just looking at her intensely.

She accepted his inquisitive yet complicated gaze confidently. Then, she stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips gently on his cheek.

When the kiss landed, Jeremy felt his heart tighten as an unknown feeling enveloped his heart.

“Go fulfill your promise with her. I’ll wait for you.”

After Madeline said that, she pulled her hand that was on Jeremy’s tie away.

Meredith was completely dumbfounded when she saw that.


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