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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 357

Chapter 357

When Madeline heard Jeremy’s introduction, she was taken aback. She lifted her gaze and saw Jeremy holding Lillian. His angry eyes were staring straight at the man who was charging over.

“Daddy! It’s him! He bullied me!” That brat ran behind the man hurriedly. Then, he pointed at Jeremy and started complaining about him.

The man rubbed his hands together as if he was about to start fighting Jeremy. However, when he saw Jeremy’s face, he wilted instantly. “M-Mr. Whitman! It’s you!”

Jeremy was indifferent toward the man in front of him. Plus, he also had no memory of him. However, the man started introducing himself with a flattering smile. “Mr. Whitman, I-I’m an employee of the engineering department on the 16th floor in your company. You must have no idea who I am, but I’ve seen you before. I didn’t think that we’ll be brought together by fate!

“Oh, is this little girl your daughter? No wonder she’s so pretty. She inherited all of your excellent genes. Just look at her nose and mouth, they’re the same as yours…”

When she heard that, Madeline interrupted angrily. “Sir, your eloquence is horrible. Why don’t you teach your son the most basic manners instead?” Madeline scolded the man. When the man was about to fight back, he saw Madeline walking next to Jeremy and taking Lillian into her arms.

“Oh, is this your wife, Mr. Whitman? How dignified and easy-mannered. You’re right to lecture me, Mrs. Whitman. I’ll teach my little brat a lesson when I go back!”

The man smacked the brat’s head and darkened his face.

“You scoundrel, hurry up and apologize to that little girl. If you bully her again, I’ll spank you until your butt falls off!”

At this moment, the brat was not as arrogant. He lifted his anxious gaze and stammered, “I-I’m sorry, I won’t do it again…”

“Mr. Whitman, a-are you satisfied?” The man smiled flatteringly.

Jeremy glanced at him with an icy glare. “Spare the rod, spoil the child. I’m blaming this on you. You’ll receive a warning letter next week. If you receive two of them, you should just hand in your resignation letter.”

The man’s face went white. He suddenly felt like an idiot for exposing his identity and causing himself trouble. “M-Mr. Whitman. Mr. Whitman, let me explain…”

Jeremy turned around indifferently and walked toward Madeline. When he got near to her, he heard Lillian’s cute voice asking, “Mommy, the handsome mister said that he’s Lily’s daddy. Do I have two daddies now?”

Madeline’s expression changed. Then, she smiled. “Of course not. Remember, Lily, you only have one daddy. His name is—”

“His name is Jeremy Whitman.”


When Madeline was interrupted, she lifted her gaze. She saw Jeremy walking over to her with a gentle look on his face.

He was also wearing a tracksuit today. His elegance and temperament did not lessen at all. The autumn wind blew on the hair in front of his face. In that instant, he looked like a teenager.


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