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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 375

Chapter 375

“Jeremy, I’m telling the truth. That b*tch is Madeline!” Rose pointed at Madeline and shrieked through gritted teeth.

Jon chimed in, “Jeremy, my wife is telling the truth. Vera Quinn is that b*tch you despise the most, Madeline Crawford!”

“Shut up!” Jeremy’s tone was frigid, and there was a thick layer of frost in his eyes. “How dare you attack Vera to vent on Meredith? I will make you pay dearly for this.”

After he said those bone-chilling words, Jon and Rose’s pupils constricted. It felt as if a bucket of cold water was poured from above their heads. In an instant, their body temperatures dropped.

“Vera, let me take you home.” Jeremy’s voice changed. Even his eyes were gentle and warm like they had been caressed by a gentle spring breeze.

Madeline leaned against Jeremy’s chest in shock, her eyes looking lovely. “Jeremy, it’s so good to be able to see you now. I was so scared that I’d be murdered by them.”

“You… Madeline, you btch! Stop acting!” Rose roared angrily and emphasized once again. “Jeremy, she’s really that btch, Madeline! She admitted it herself just now!”

“Jeremy, I didn’t say that. They want to exonerate Meredith from her crimes, so they want to kill me because I’m the most important witness,” Madeline said softly. The horrifying sharpness that Jon and Rose saw in her clear and alluring eyes just now was gone. There was only the vulnerability of a weak woman.

“Madeline, y-you…” Rose was so mad that her face was now bright red. When she was about to say something, she saw Jeremy holding Madeline’s shoulder gently before turning around.

Madeline leaned against Jeremy’s chest and did not forget to turn around to look at them with victory in her eyes.

When she saw Jon and Rose almost exploding from anger, she smirked.

Madeline got into Jeremy’s car. In those three years of staying in F Country, Madeline got a driving license. However, she did not let Jeremy know about this. She also would not let him know that she was the one who drove here.

Before she arrived at this place, she sent a message telling him that Jon and Rose brought her here. She asked him to come quickly to save her.


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