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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 382

Chapter 382

Madeline got out of bed and cleaned herself up. When she was about to look for Jeremy, she heard noises from the balcony.

She looked over and saw the man standing there alone. Jeremy’s tall and slender back looked frail.

There was a cigarette between his long fingers. The tip of the cigarette lit up and dimmed simultaneously, looking desolate in the morning sun.

Perhaps he heard footsteps, so he turned around and saw Madeline walking toward him. He narrowed his eyes into a grin. “Why don’t you sleep more?”

“I’ll wake up if I get enough sleep.” Madeline smiled. When she saw Jeremy in yesterday’s clothes, she asked, “You didn’t sleep for the entire night?”

He curled the corner of his lips. His eyes were as dark as night as they were glued on Madeline’s fair and gentle face.

“It’s been difficult for me to fall asleep for the past three years.”

A glint flashed across Madeline’s eyes when she heard that.

Jeremy extinguished his cigarette and walked in front of her.

The unique smell of tobacco from his body surrounded her slowly.

“Vera, do you think a person will be forgiven after they apologize for the mistake they made?”

Madeline thought about what happened last night when she heard that.

That nurse had made him think about what happened a few years ago.

Perhaps he did not expect the woman who he thought to be evil to do something like that in secret. Therefore, that was why he reckoned that he was wrong.

Madeline smiled. She lifted her hand to caress Jeremy’s face in concern. “Jeremy, what’s wrong? Why are you asking that question all of a sudden?”

Jeremy held her hand that was on his face.

His hand was cold, and the slight temperature in his hand enveloped hers. “You won’t leave me, right?”

“Why would I leave you for no reason?” Madeline asked with a slight smile. “You must be tired from staying awake the entire night. Go have some rest. We need to go to the court later. Meredith’s hearing is today,” Madeline said, turning around after retracting her hand.


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