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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Sean returned just as Eloise’s wounds were redressed. She immediately rushed forward to ask, “How did it go, Sean? How’s Meredith—”

“Evidence is conclusive. The judge ruled Meredith a 12-year time in prison.”

“No!” Eloise’s expression paled as her vision went black. She almost fainted over.

Sean immediately went to hold her. “We’ve done everything we can, Eloise.”

“So what? We still couldn’t save our precious daughter in the end!” Eloise cried heartbreakingly. “The lawyer said he could 100 percent guarantee that Meredith would be able to get out of it! How could it end like this?”

“Vera came out with a final piece of evidence and Meredith’s foster parents suddenly came forward to testify against Meredith as well.”

“What? That Vera Quinn again!” Fury flared in Eloise’s eyes. “To think that I had invited her over for dinner last night, hoping she would let Meredith go. I can’t believe how cruel she is! Why did she have to force Meredith to a corner? I should never have held Diana back last night! This would never have happened if she had died!”

“Have you gone mad from the anger, Eloise? How could you say such a thing?” Sean felt both shocked and exasperated. “Don’t you know who donated blood to you last night? Had it not been for Vera, you wouldn’t be well and alright here now!”

Eloise was stunned by his words.

Eloise clenched her teeth when she remembered Meredith’s current situation and replied disdainfully, “I don’t need her to save me! How much did she donate? I’ll just give it back to her!”

“You may be able to return hers, but how will we return Madeline’s?” Sean asked dejectedly.

Eloise stared at Sean in confusion. “Madeline? Why are you reminding me of that wretched woman? Death is the smallest penalty for all the horrible things she has done. What can we possibly owe her?”

Sean frowned bitterly and sighed. “You lost an unexpectedly huge amount of blood during an appendicitis surgery you did three years ago, do you remember?

“Meredith and her foster mother even told you that Meredith was the one who donated the blood that brought you back to safety, but that was far from the truth. Meredith wasn’t the one who donated the blood at all. In fact, she actually rejected to do so.”

“What… Why?” Eloise’s eyes widened in disbelief. “What are you saying, Sean? Why would Meredith refuse to donate blood to me? And… And if it wasn’t Meredith, then whose blood was it?”

“It was Madeline’s.”

“…” Eloise was gaping in shock. She felt the air around her suddenly turn into a vacuum, making it hard for her to breathe. “What… What are you saying, Sean? After all those horrible things she’s done, why would Madeline donate blood to me? You must be mistaken!”

“I’m not. I contacted a friend to help me check too. From the records back then, Madeline had saved not only you, but she saved our grandson, Jackson, as well.”

Sean exhaled a long sigh, leaving the guilt and regret he felt to simmer in the silence around them.


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