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Married to the President novel Chapter 246

Junxie didn't respond. He was quiet. He dried his hair and put on a robe, Theresa Mo knew he was deliberately ignoring her and she stood, still looking like a guilty child whose father promised to spank.

"I know you are upset with me already. Please Junxie.." Theresa was apologizing. Junxie didn't as much as glance at her when he left her and bolted out.

Theresa Mo felt weak. Junxie is angry with her alongside others. She had said indirectly that she likes his mother more than him and that has made him unhappy.

She got into the bathroom and showered. She felt her stomach churn and that's when she remembered she hadn't taken her dinner.

She wore a casual dress and came downstairs to have her dinner. She didn't see Junxie around and just had her meal.

Her dinner was Sushi. The aroma of it makes Theresa Mo want to yummy it down at once. She likes Sushi a lot, especially when she was still in Mo's mansion.

She took her chopsticks and dug into the meal. She was eating and taking it down with a freshly prepared fruit juice.

She likes fresh juice, especially the one just blended rather than the canned ones. Junxie Li observed it and instructed the cook to prepare it every time.

Whether Theresa takes it or not, they were to prepare it every morning and evening as they knew she would be home to have her meal.

Except during lunch time that it's not prepared because most of the time, they have their lunch out.

It became a routine for the cook. She ate and soon her belly was full. Her day has been stressful and she had shed a few tears that day.

She went in search of Junxie. He was in his study but the door was shut. She knocked and waited but he didn't respond to her. Having tried several times and no response, she decided to wait for Junxie in the bedroom.

But having had a stressful day, she soon drifted off to sleep. She didn't know whether Junxie Li came into the bedroom again or not but when she woke up the next day, Junxie had gone to the office.

Julia couldn't sleep that night. His thoughts kept lingering to Rita. He was worried about her wellbeing.

He called her cell phone but it wasn't answered. When he tried calling her for the second time, it was already blacklisted.

Rita now hates him. He is certain of it. Even if she is not, she will be compelled to ignore him and never talk to him again.

Each time he tried closing his eyes, he saw Rita's face sobbing. He would wake up again. It was close to midnight when he was finally able to sleep after taking some pills.

But earlier than usual, he woke up and robbed his Puffy face. He doesn't know why he woke up so early until suddenly he remembered Rita has lost the pregnancy and she's in the hospital.

He couldn't get back to sleep again. He then decided to visit his gym. But he just got in there and was lost again.

Rita on one hand and his brother on the other hand. He knows for a while, his brother isn't going to be free with him or their parents.

He was wrong and he knew it. He is not expecting that he shouldn't be scolded, he knew he would be but it was too grievous for him.


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